Oh my goodness, y’all!  It’s a good thing that Mouthwatering Mondays is a BLOG post instead of a VLOG, because I don’t have a voice!!!!

My voice started going right before my session on The Principles of Storytelling at BlogHer Food on Friday morning, and by Saturday’s closing party – I was whispering.

I had such an amazing time this past weekend, y’all.  I met so many new people, reconnected with some of my favorite people; ate delicious food, danced my heart out, took no pictures, ate delicious food, walked a lot, and learned some new things, too.

Here are a few pics from the photo booth at Saturday night’s Closing Party at Stubb’s:

Heidi, Me, Kelley, Maria, and Jeanine


Me, Lori, and Sandy


Singrit, Tonia, Me, Heather, and Patti

Megan, Lauren, Katie, Me


Oh, and then there’s this picture from after my panel when Elise Bauer came up and hugged me and complimented me and said we could be sisters {swoon}

snagged from Elise’s Instagram stream


Now on to Mouthwatering Mondays!

Y’all are sharing some serious deliciousness, and I swear that I need to put a protective padding over my computer while I click through to y’all’s recipes!

Here are a few of my favorites from last week’s linky!

This Pretzel and Toffee Peanut Butter Brownie recipe by Six Sisters’ Stuff on My Recipe Magic looks positively sinful! {they were at BHF and we somehow didn’t meet!}

This Seared Pork Tenderloin with Lemon-Garlic Butter from Sweet Plantains made my mouth actually water!  Y’all know my weakness for lemon and garlic!!

This Chocolate Dipped Banana Cream Pops from I Wash, You Dry sounds like summer on a stick.  Can’t you just see drippy hands, happy tummies, and chocolate smeared faces!!!

chocolate dipped banana cream pops

I can honestly say there’s never been a time in my life where a McRib sandwich has sounded appealing, appalling maybe, but never appealing.  Well, all that changed when Carrian from Oh Sweet Basil shared her homemade McRib sandwich last week.

BBQ Rib McRib Sandwich

 I treated my family and neighbors to Bakery Style Blueberry Cheesecake Muffins last week 🙂

blueberry muffins with a cheesecake center

Don’t you wish you were my neighbor?

BBQ Rib McRib Sandwich

Now it’s time for y’all to share your recipes! I can’t wait to see what y’all have been cooking and sharing with your friends and family!

  • Link up your recipe
  • Visit other Mouthwatering Mondays participants {bonus love if you tell them where you came from!}
  • Link back to A Southern Fairytale’s Mouthwatering Mondays somewhere in your post
  • Leave a comment, say Hi, Howdy, Tell me about your week – anything!  I love hearing from y’all – after all, Comments are food for our souls 🙂 🙂


  1. You and Elise Bauer really are so similar, it’s uncanny! What a great photo! I really enjoyed the other photos too – so glad you had a wonderful time at BlogHer Food. I was sorry to miss it this year.

    This week I’ve shared my Mocha Cake – with a twist. Thank you for hosting – and hope your voice comes back soon!

  2. looks like you had So Much Fun!!

    I was just off the heels of another conference, but I NEED to be at this one next year! 🙂

    thanks for these Monday posts – I love them.

  3. Actually, I do wish we were neighbors. Though I’m not sure I can take the heat during the summer! What a fantastic weekend reconnecting. Big hugs from Utah!! xoxo

  4. You know how much I missed that drawl of yours this weekend? Well your whisper made up for it, and I’m craving hearing it again right this minute. You’re a true blue gal, you are, so lucky to know you beyond the blog and actually in person. And your man is absolutely hunky. God love Texas. You tell him I said so. XOXO

    1. You’re so welcome!!! Thank y’all for always linking up such deliciousness! Still sad we didn’t get to meet up at BHF this past weekend.

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