Happy Monday, y’all!

Poor Monkey – he woke up with a SERIOUS case of the Mondays

a serious case of the Mondays

He perked up a bit after I carried him snuggling and teasing him part of the way to school.  Mondays are hard on Monkeys.

There’s nothing hard about Mouthwatering Mondays, except picking my favorites from the week before!  Each week y’all’s recipes get more delicious, your pictures get more mouthwatering, and I bookmark more and more recipes to try!

Let’s get on with it!

  • I absolutely love these Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Easter Egg Crackers from Handmade in The Heartland.  These would make such a fun treat for a class party (barring no nut allergies!) or as part of your family or block Easter celebration!  Almond Butter would be super delicious in this, too!  So much fun!


Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Easter Egg Crackers | Handmade in The Heartland


  • I had to read the title of this next recipe several times to wrap my head around it.  Golden Irish Cream & Banana Whoopie Pies.  Hello adult decadence wrapped up in a childhood favorite!  Blommi is a new-to-me blog, but I’m loving my first experience with her recipes!  Irish Cream and dessert – yes, please!

Golden Irish Cream Banana Whoopie Pies | Blommi.Com

  • I adore French Toast, I will almost always pick French Toast over Pancakes, and quite often over waffles.  Especially if there’s a Grand Marnier Whipped Cream or Fresh Blueberry Coulis to go with it.  (AHEM Max’s Wine Dive)  I also adore my slow cooker, so I was intrigued by this Crock-Pot French Toast Recipe from Frugal Coupon Living.  What a delicious way to make an easy family favorite breakfast!

Crock Pot French Toast | Frugal Coupon Living

  • Spicy sauces and foods are my favorite.  I know I linked a bunch of sweets this week, but they just all look so GOOD!  I would, however, be cheating y’all if I didn’t mention these Shrimp Tacos with Boom Boom Sauce by It Is A Keeper.  Boom Boom Sauce is a super easy to make spicy aioli that goes perfectly with fish, shrimp, chicken etc… Y’all need to head on over and check out her Shrimp Tacos with Boom Boom Sauce!

Shrimp Tacos with Boom Boom Sauce | It Is A Keeper

Thank y’all for being here!  I love seeing y’all’s personalities, what y’all are making for your own friends and families, and seeing what y’all enjoy to cook, eat, and share.

Thank you for linking up week after week, sharing the love, inviting your own friends, and readers, and being so inspiring!

The Food Blogging Community is such a wonderful one.

  • link directly back to your recipe URLNot your Blog Homepage, not your Facebook page, not pinterest.. Just your recipe url
  • visit other MWM participants and leave a comment, say hello, tell them you’re coming from Mouthwatering Mondays.
  • Link back to Mouthwatering Mondays/A Southern Fairytale in the linked up post
  • Leave a Comment – I love hearing from y’all! <3
  • If you want to Pin one of these recipes, please pin directly from the recipe creator’s blog – not from a southern fairytale!


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