We’re in the final stretch of the school year, and in just days I’m leaving for BlogHer Food where I’m speaking on a Voices Panel about the Principles of Storytelling with some absolutely amazing women:

I’m beyond excited about this panel, and about BlogHer Food in general and I can’t wait to share a session with these women, and learn from all the other brilliant people who’ll be there.

On to what y’all are here for!


Y’all know that I love a good burger and these Filthy Burgers from Foodie With Family have my mouth quite literally watering


I’m not ashamed to tell y’all that I drooled when I saw the photos and read the recipe for these Chipotle – Stout Beer – Braised Tacos from This Mom’s Wired


The kids have really gotten into homemade smoothies and I can see them going absolutely bananas over these Coco-Orange Smoothies from Busy Mom’s Helper


I can’t wait to see what recipes y’all are going to link up this week!

  • Link up your recipe
  • Visit each other and share the love
  • Link back to A Southern Fairytale in your post




  1. Thanks so much for featuring my Coco-Orange smoothie – totally made my day! Looking forward to all the exciting links during this week’s party. Hope you have a fantastic time at Blogher Food – very jealous ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. Hope you have a wonderful time at BlogHer! I’m sorry to miss it this year, but my schedule was just too busy to fit it in. Your Panel sounds amazing.

    This week I’ve shared Coronation Chicken, a light summer salad originally made for Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation 60 years ago. Thank you for hosting.

  3. Before I go any further, I have just one word. CHEESECAKE! ๐Ÿ™‚ Did you know that making a vanilla bean cheesecake will not only reduce table chatter during dessert, but it will make you a hero in the eyes of your family? Oh yes, yes it will! ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for hosting!

    1. I wish you were going to be in Austin, but I’ll see you in California when we’re surrounded by Avocados!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ <3 Today is the last full day of school!

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