Happy Monday, y’all!!

I hope y’all had a wonderful week and weekend!!  We ran the Houston Color Me Rad 5K with our kids, relaxed, ate well, and were quite productive.   I made these roasted poblano burgers for dinner tonight, but that’s about as much as I’ve cooked all weekend.

Princess, however, got up this morning and used our brand new Waffle Maker to make Mike’s Favorite Waffles, a recipe that I brought home with me from the Better Blog Retreat.  We had these waffles one morning, and every one of us raved about them.  The recipe is from Kristen, of Dine and Dish, and it’s one of her favorite family recipes, and as of this morning, I think it’s become one of ours, too.

see that.. there’s no styling.. that’s just what it looks like when we tear into something delicious around here on a Sunday morning.  You’re welcome 😉

mikes waffles

Now, on to why y’all are here!

The Mouthwatering Monday deliciousness from last week’s linky!

  • Princess has become obsessed with all things red velvet (and not just because Valentine’s day – aka the official red velvet holiday- just passed).  The moment she saw these Red Velvet Crinkle Cookies over my shoulder, she informed me that they MUST be included in this week’s favorites.  So here you have it – the Delicious Red Velvet Crinkle Cookies from Daily Leisure.

red velvet crinkle cookies

  • I adore caramel sauce, and have myself been playing around with several different caramel sauce recipe, which is why this ORANGE Caramel Sauce recipe by Honest and Truly caught my eye immediately!

orange caramel sauce


easy homemade cinnamon rolls


I can’t wait to see what y’all have for us this week!

Before y’all share your recipes –

I urge you to remember to look for the happiness in every day – here’s where I share what’s making my Week in Happiness.

I love seeing y’all’s personalities, what y’all are making for your own friends and families, and seeing what y’all enjoy to cook, eat, and share.

Thank y’all for linking up week after week, sharing the love, inviting your own friends, and readers, and being so inspiring!

The Food Blogging Community is such a wonderful one.

  • link directly back to your recipe URL.  Not your Blog Homepage, not your Facebook page, not pinterest.. Just your recipe url
  • visit other MWM participants and support each other
  • Link back to Mouthwatering Mondays/A Southern Fairytale in the linked up post
  • Leave a Comment – I love hearing from y’all! <3
  • If you want to Pin one of these recipes, please pin directly from the recipe creator’s blog – not from a southern fairytale!
  • Share the love and visit each other


  1. I am still waiting for the day when my children wake up and start making breakfast for me. I’d take lunch or dinner, too 😉

    Thank you so much for featuring my orange caramel sauce. It is SO yummy and something I’ve made twice since because it’s so easy and yummy and… I want it on everything (hmmm good on those waffles?)

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