Remember when Rebecca Black sang that song, *Friday*

I wonder why they haven’t done a *Monday* version

Last week was crazy, good, but crazy!

Princess perfected her back walkover (WOOT!)

I catered a wedding shower for a neighbor’s cousin.

(un) related – God Bless you and keep you if you do catering out of your home, and holy cow how do you do it???!!!

Related.. I have rediscovered my love for pimento cheese and made the MOST AMAZING PIMENTO CHEESE EVER! posted a picture of it on instagram and learned that y’all are either bananas crazy about Pimiento cheese, or you hate it.

I cannot wait to share the recipe with y’all!

Last week, I delved into the world of vegetarian  with chipotles and black beans and pumpkin…

roasted pumpkin, chipotle, black bean soup-073


and then I played around with pumpkin a little bit more, and topped it off with some turbinado sugar….

pumpkin muffins-047


and then I fell deep into the rabbit hole of the deliciousness that y’all were sharing, and I couldn’t figure out what I wanted to make first!

These Crispy Spider Web Funnel Cakes were the first to catch my eye, and had me hollerin’ at Burgh Baby on Twitter, because she is the ultimate spork and funnel cake consumer.  I couldn’t resist the clever recipe, or the gorgeous lighting and set up.

spider web funnel cakes

please do not pin this recipe from A Southern Fairytale, please pin this recipe directly from the original source

The lighting, texture and the alluring cinnamon and yogurt drizzle drew me to these Skinny Mini Cinnamon Breakfast Casseroles from Design Eat Repeat, and I’m not saying that I’ve bookmarked the page and revisited it 12 or 26 times…. but… well.. just look at the picture, y’all.

skinny mini cinnamon breakfast casseroles

please do not pin this recipe from A Southern Fairytale, please pin this recipe directly from the original source

I try to give thanks every day.  Whether it’s thanking God for his grace, thanking my children for being themselves, thanking my husband for loving me and making me better, or telling a stranger thank you for holding a door, making me smile…. no matter what it is, I try to find something to be thankful for as often as I can.

I’ve seen Thanksgiving Thankful rolls all over the internet for the past few years, but I love the Sweet Potato Gratitude Rolls version that the adorable Life With The Crust Off shared this past week.

Deliciousness combined with thankfulness, and precious family time…

is there anything better?


please do not pin this recipe from A Southern Fairytale, please pin this recipe directly from the original source

Princess and Monkey are rested from their Bye Weeks and were eager to choose their recipes!

Princess chose these yummy, Fall inspired Easy Pumpkin Spice Lattes from A Mitten Full of Savings, because, and I quote:   “She serves them in owl mugs and adds sprinkles of flavor on top of whipped topping, mom.  she wins”


please do not pin this recipe from A Southern Fairytale, please pin this recipe directly from the original source

Monkey’s Pick:

Edible Creepy Witch Fingers   by It’s a Keeper because: “Mom, witches fingers that you can bite.” 


please do not pin this recipe from A Southern Fairytale, please pin this recipe directly from the original source



I love seeing y’all’s personalities, what y’all are making for your own friends and families, and seeing what y’all enjoy to cook, eat, and share.

Thank y’all for linking up week after week, sharing the love, inviting your own friends, and readers, and being so inspiring!

The Food Blogging Community is such a wonderful one.

  • link directly back to your recipe URL.  Not your Blog Homepage, not your Facebook page, not pinterest.. Just your recipe url
  • visit other MWM participants and support each other
  • Link back to Mouthwatering Mondays/A Southern Fairytale in the linked up post
  • Leave a Comment – I love hearing from y’all! <3
  • If you want to Pin one of these recipes, please pin directly from the recipe creator’s blog – not from a southern fairytale!
  • Share the love and visit each other







  1. Hi Rachel! I’m sorry it’s been a while since I’ve linked up. I love this post – there’s so much lovely autumn recipe inspiration here 🙂 And I look forward to your Pimento Cheese recipe. I’m one of the folks who loves it! This week I’ve shared a Triple Ginger Cake. Have a lovely week 🙂

  2. Happy Monday! I am unable to link so I’ll just share here. This past week I posted recipes for roasted tomatoes (sauce coming tomorrow), cranberry orange scones, pumpkin granola, hamburger soup, pizza dough, culver pie and yogurt cake.

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