Happy Monday, y’all!

First – I want to share a video with y’all that my brother shared with me.  It made me giggle.

It’s Alice Cooper for Staples back to school and I kinda love it.


Did you watch it?  Hope you’re smiling.

Y’all outdid yourselves last week.  I can’t tell you how much fun I had perusing the yumminess y’all linked up.  Y’all quite literally make my mouth water!

Y’all know I love a delicious, decadent, family recipe.  This Gooey Butter Cake from Handmade in The Heartland made me want to dive through my screen and make Angela my new best friend so she’ll make one for me.


I nearly fell out of my chair salivating when I clicked on this Roasted Marinara Sauce by Queen Bee Coupons.  This recipe is so chock full of fresh garden goodness and deliciousness, it makes me very sad that I don’t have a garden.

isn’t that crazy beautiful? don’t you want to just dive right in!?!

Chocolate.  CHOCOLATE. These 2+ lb Fudgy Brownies by True Blue Baking….

there are no words, y’all. Just go.  Y’all have to see these. Oh. My. Stars.

Monkey’s Pick of The Week:

These Cookies and Cream Cannoli Cones from Just Dip It in Chocolate – “because they’re awesome and they look like fun to eat!”

Princess’ Pick of The Week:

This Homemade Chocolate Pudding with Pie Crust Dippers by Yesterfood, because: “They’re elegant and yummy, mama”

thank y’all so much for taking the time to share your wonderful recipes each week.  I love being inspired by y’all and meeting new foodie friends!

Keep linking up, Keep visiting each other, and keep sharing the love!


  1. Rachel, thank you for the party, and thank you so much for featuring my Homemade Chocolate Pudding! Please tell Miss Princess that I appreciate her vote! 🙂

    Off to share the party, and then come back and browse!

    Love, Joy

  2. Thank you so, so much Rachel for featuring my 2+ Pound Fudgy Brownies. I can not tell you how much it means to me as a new blogger to be featured, it is priceless! Also a huge thank you for hosting such a great link party every week!

    Raven J. True Blue Baking

  3. Alice Cooper.
    I worked at the Arizona MVD in Scottsdale and Alice Cooper as well as other stars and celebrities in Scottsdale and Paradise Valley came in from time to time for car registration and Drivers License as well as Barrett’s auto auction buyers. I met a lot of ‘stars’ over the years i was there and I can tell you he is one of the best. His personality, he is kind, not pretensious, interesting but humble and so well mannered, just down to earth common people. You know immediately as you start talking to him. We ask him on several occasions if he wanted to come around to do his business and not wait but he always refused to do that and said he would wait his turn as everyone else does. A Wonderful, wonderful man and everyone hoped they were lucky enough to call his numer to help him.

  4. Well Thank You so much “Monkey” for picking my cannoli as your favorite this week! Really appreciate it!, My little “Monkey” had a blast eating his and now he wants every single dessert in a cone and with sprinkles…go figure! I’ve created a mini monster! Thank You Rachel! you guys rock (just like Alice in the video there)! have a great week, Hugs to you guys, Lizy

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