I don’t know about y’all, but we’re in the last days of summer ’round here.  We’ve just gotten back from an absolutely wonderful weekend in Galveston with Carnival and the Galveston CVB {hey FTC – they paid for our accommodations and gave us passes to city attractions}

I have a whole post coming with tons of pictures and silliness, but for now… we’re revvin’ up for school and I was so excited about the recipes y’all shared last week that I’ve already bookmarked several to make this week!

Let’s get started!


Gimme’ a break, Gimme’ a break…. break me off a piece of these Kit Kat Cookies from Life With The Crust Off!  Seriously – break me off some of these cookies – right now!



I’m a dyed in the root southern girl, and I have a passionate love (obsession/love whatevs) for old church/junior league cookbooks, and yet I’ve somehow never heard of Cracker Salad.  I had to click on it, because cracker salad… really, how could you not?

I love how she twisted a heavy southern recipe and made it lighter, healthier, and gave the history of it.  I’m definitely adding this Cracker Salad from Stacy Makes Cents to our list!



Y’all know that we love us some doughnut holes.  Well donut holes at home have been taken to a new level of YUM with these Dulce de Leche Filled Donut Holes from Mommy Hoods Diary (a first time linker!)


(faints from the yum)


The kids were so wiped out from our weekend in Galveston that they fell asleep before I could talk to them about their choices for this week, so they’re taking a pass on their choices this week.

They will be back next week, though!

I can’t wait to see what y’all have to link up this week!

*Link up your recipes

*Link back to A Southern Fairytale somewhere in your post

*Share the love by pinning other recipes and commenting on other Mouthwatering Mondays participants.




  1. Just came across your site. The cookies look so delicious, I can almost taste their goodness! Can’t wait to try them! Signing up now! Thank you!

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