[donotprint]Today’s recipe was the featured appetizer at Monkey’s 2nd Birthday soiree yesterday and it was a big hit.

This dip has just a teensy weensy bit of heat from the jalapeno cheese, but not much. So it’s totally kid and weeny palate friendly.
This dip disappears very quickly, it’s delicious and even the kids inhaled it. See TexasHolly, a veggie dish just for you :-).


  1. Man, I thought I was going to come over here and see something about broccoli with cheese sauce and I was thinking “whatever. I SO know how to do THAT.”

    and then I get this awesome surprise. This looks great. I will have to try it as we are ALL ABOUT varying cheese dips in this house.


  2. hahaha. The funny thing is I read the first part and thought…ooooh! how perfect and stumbled it later for reference and then saw you mentioned it was perfect for me.

    Great minds think alike…of course how you ended up with all the cooking skills of our minds is baffling to me.

  3. Girl, your recipes just look TOO good!

    I bet my kids would even eat broccoli this way…

    I’m with Krystyn, I’m HUNGRY now!

  4. Hello! This sounds SO good!

    I posted a pie recipe today — a really really good one too.

    I need to dig through your archives — there are a couple recipes I know I wanted to try and forgot to print out.

    1. Awww you two look so cute cinkoog! I totally know what you mean about needing something familiar to comfort you! When I was out in Chicago I missed two holidays and I was so sad! I am glad u found a way! Even just a familiar smell is comforting 🙂

  5. Mmmm….I'm in for anything involving Cheese & Broccoli! Yum!

    And I would totally vote for you, but I had to vote for me, I hope you understand 😉

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