If you follow me on facebook, you know that there hasn’t been a lot of cooking going on in my house because for the past 3 weeks we’ve been dealing with some health issues with Monkey that have taken up a ridiculous amount of time.
This past Wednesday – we (he) finally found answers and relief (Praise God)
I won’t go into the details in this post because it’s not in any way appetizing ๐Ÿ˜‰ – but I will say that I think we finally have some light at the end of this tunnel and he FINALLY got to go back to school today!!!!!!!!

I have a couple of recipes to share later this week, but for today I’m sharing with y’all the recipe that kept snagging my attention over and over and over again from last week’s linky.

This Rosemary-Sriracha Chicken from Mostly Food and Crafts grabbed my attention immediately, how could it not?ย  It features two of my favorite ingredients; Fresh Rosemary and Sriracha and look at that GORGEOUS caramelization on that chicken leg {drool}

This chicken definitely going on our summer bbq menu rotation!



Danielle’s blog is full of all kinds of yummy recipes, crafty ideas and family fun – y’all should definitely go check her out!ย  Thank you for the recipe Danielle!!!


A few others that made me drool from last week:

I think that next week Mouthwatering Monday will have a brand new beautiful linky button created by the amazing Deanna!!!! YAY!

Thanks for linking up, y’all!ย  I love browsing your blogs, seeing your recipes and photos and sharing your family stories!ย  Thank y’all for being so fantastic!ย  Remember to play nice.

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  1. Im glad you liked my recipe thank you so much for sharing it on your blog! I am happy to hear you are getting answers and relief, I hope things continue to go well.

  2. Hi,
    I shared a recipe for an amazing Cocoa Butter Cupcakes with chocolate Icing Also, an article about the release of Farmageddon in DVD. Get yourโ€™s today!

    Join the fun! Are you an urban suburban, or rural homesteader? Show us your homestead in a feature on my blog!

    Thanks for hosting!

  3. Hi Rachel! So glad that Monkey’s doing better. It can get so frustrating when our kids struggle and the answers aren’t right there at our fingertips. Makes you feel so helpless. We must be on the same food wavelength, because I spotted Danielle’s chicken right away. Hubbs is a huge sriracha fan and I know he’d love it. Thanks so much for hosting another great Mouthwatering Monday! I hope everything is smooth sailing for you guys from here on out. Have a great week! ~Mary

  4. I’m glad your little monkey is doing better!!

    Thanks for featuring my Fried Pickles recipe! I’m sharing a Tator Tot Casserole this week!

    Hope you are having a great Monday!!

  5. Hoping for a quick return to health and normalcy for you! Thank you for hosting! I shared one our favorite burgers today, Cheddar Burgers with Caramelized Onions, Bacon and Sauce. Hope you have a great week!

  6. I’m so glad that Monkey is now feeling better, and that you got some answers!

    This week I’ve shared my Orange Pecan Cookies, a slice and bake cookie you can store in the freezer and just slice off and cook a few cookies at a time. Thank you so much for hosting ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Wow! I love eating different dish of chicken. And I’m going to add these to my list. Thanks for posting.

  8. So glad you have answers. I can’t imagine the frustration you went through.

    And oh YES on that carmelization. That and I’m glad I wasn’t the only one intrigued by the frid pickles. Yum. ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. I love trying out new recipes that’s why I’m glad I found your blog. The chicken looks so yummy and truly mouth-watering, will try it for the family this weekend!

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