potato and green bean salad 2

This is my Potato and Green Bean Salad. It’s my #Tastemaker 2K10 Challenge number 2 recipe. My recipe for Nutrition on a budget, it’s under $10! Yes is is. However, with holidays, birthdays, girl scouts, soccer world cups, soccer parties, soccer ending, school programs and travel… my video is not yet finished. They gave us some ways to earn bonus votes this time, too. Sadly, I’m going to have to rely on y’all to love me enough to make up those votes for me.
I should have my video up by tomorrow afternoon and then I will share my zingy, zippy, delicious chilled potato and green bean salad recipe.
For now… I want y’all to be able to share your recipe goodness with each other (and me!)

I hope everyone’s Thanksgiving was full of things to be Thankful for, wonderful memories and delicious food!

I’d love to hear about it! I have some stories to tell 🙂

Y’all know the Tonguegasmic Linky Rules: Play Nice, Comment, Link Back and Visit


  1. Seeing green beans and potatoes together makes me think of Salad Nicoise, which I haven’t eaten since I had it at a French bakery in downtown Pensacola when we lived there what now feels like a million years ago. I’m looking forward to your recipe.

    I wanted to follow up on our Twitter exchange about turkey brining — Mine turned out very well and I’d definitely do it again. I might try a brining bag next time, though, because having the bucket of brine in the frig without any cover except foil meant the smell of it took over. I had crackers, cheese, etc., that I thought tasted like brine afterward.
    .-= Rebecca at Toothwhale´s last blog ..Creamy chicken and broccoli =-.

  2. If you and BusyDad are at the back of the class, then I want to be a slacker too!

    You would be so proud of me…I made my first pie! I’m almost 40 years old for crying out loud. And, it was GOOD! I totally thought of you, knowing you would be happy for me!

  3. That does look seriously good… Glad you had a good Turkey day and can’t wait to do that recipe.
    .-= Krissa´s last blog ..There just is no good title for this. I mean what on earth would you call it? =-.

  4. It’s like you have a spy camera in my house…. My MIL and I were just discussing a hot version of a green bean potato dish. I’ve not had one chilled before so I can’t wait to see your recipe.
    .-= Shannanb aka Mommy Bits´s last blog ..Family Holiday Fun =-.

  5. YUM! Photo looks delish and makes me even more excited for the video – back of the class or not, I’ll be sure to share the link when it’s posted. 🙂

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