WHERE did the last week go?

Oh yes, it was filled with

Needless to say, I cooked this past week, I made several delicious things, yet not once did I photograph anything that I made.Β  At no point did it dawn on me – “Oh Rachel, you don’t have anything in line for next week’s Mouthwatering Monday”

So, while perusing the tonguegasmically fabulous dishes that y’all linked up last week; my eyes were drawn repeatedly to this delicious Seafood Cocktail that Jane Deere linked up.Β  I decided that y’all needed to discover this gem and this amazing recipe (although I will admit the ketchup aspect of the recipe skeeves me out.. I’m still going to try it) I love that this recipe features some of my favorite flavors:Β  chili sauce,Β  cilantro, onion, roasted peppers and more.

I urge y’all to go see “Ms. Deere” and discover the fabulousness that is her

Mexican Seafood Cocktail


image from Jane Deere Blog

Thank goodness for y’all – my fabulous readers!

Happy Mouthwatering Monday, y’all!!! This linky is one of my favorite parts of Monday – I love seeing what y’all are sharing.
I get inspired and I often drool over what y’all are feeding your friends and family.

Link up one recipe that you’ve posted over the past week.
Only link up a recipe that you’ve made yourself, do not link a photo to someone else’s blog, please.
Leave a comment after you’ve linked up your recipe
Link back to Mouthwatering Monday in your linked post
Share the love
Visit 3 or more other MWM participants


  1. Your Mexican Seafood Cocktail looks absolutely delicious.

    You are one busy mom…..I still have one week left before my boys go back and my school duties and after school activities start. This summer went way too fast.

    Thank you for hosting this linky.

    1. Thanks, Bibi (even though it’s not mine!) All credit goes to Ms. Jane Deere Blog πŸ˜‰ This summer flew by, but also seems to have gone slowly at times πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ Thanks for joining up!

  2. Ahhhh…back to school. I’m dragging my feet, which isn’t helping the overloaded schedule this last week before school starts. It’s so hard to let go of the laid-back summer schedule. Best wishes to you and your family this school year. And thanks for hosting Mouthwatering Monday and for featuring that fantastic Mexican Seafood Cocktail – I’m betting it’s going to be a favorite around here!

  3. Ah, mouthwatering monday!! I tried to keep up with you, I really did. But my times in the kitchen are few and far between these days. However, I just remembered that I had started a post months ago when you told the Cabot folks to send me some cheese!! I just finished it now. I hope it’s worthy to bask in the glow of your mouthwatering fans. So, without further ado (further than 4 months, that is), I shall do the linky thing. Just like old times.

  4. You do sound very, very busy. Hope the kids are settling into a nice routine being back to school and hope that you are not too overwhelmed with all the extra duties you have on your plate this school year. I’m sure it will take a bit to get into the swing of things, especially being the Pres. of the PTA but you will be wonderful in this role and in no time at all the nervousness will be a things of the past and you be be handling everything with great ease and grace. Most important…enjoy it πŸ™‚

  5. I want to pick those tasty looking shrimps! Love the links here. Really mouthwatering! I love the Alice in Wonderland inspired cookies.

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