Nathan has declared these his favoritest burgers ever, and that’s saying a lot. I had hamburger, veggies and foil on hand, but no buns. So I grabbed a knife and went to town. This tonguegasmically fabulous recipe is what followed. This recipe made three packets and Nathan ate two.

* 1 lb lean ground beef (or turkey)
* 4 garlic cloves, minced
* 3 green onions, chopped
* Rachel’s Simple Seasoning, found here
* garlic salt/salt/pepper mix (1 part each)
* cherry tomatoes
* mushrooms, sliced
* about 1 C shredded cheddar cheese
* bacon slices, 2 per patty
* baby carrots
* 5 medium potatoes, sliced about 1/4″ thick
* tin foil
* sliced jalapenos, fresh or pickled
* Worcestershire Sauce

What To Do

Chop green onions, chop about 6 to 8 jalapenos, mince garlic, measure 1 Tbsp. Meat Seasoning, 1 C cheese and about 2 Tbsp Worcestershire Mix in with hamburger meat. Cover with foil and refrigerate for at least 1 hour.

See the pretty veggies all prepped and ready to go. Aren’t the colors gorgeous!

Lay out your tin foil and layer: potatoes and onions in the center of the foil. Season liberally with the garlic/salt/pepper mixture. Form your hamburger patties making sure to press them thinner in the center than the edges. Place these on top of the potatoes and onions and surround generously with tomatoes, mushrooms and carrots.
Top with bacon slices and season to your palate’s delight with Meat Seasoning Mix.

Yum. Yum. All stacked and ready to grill.

Use your tin foil to create a nice packet with firmly sealed edges. Leave some room inside the packet for steaming and cooking.
Place on the grill, or over a medium heat campfire for about 15 minutes.
Remove from heat, open carefully and devour!

Don’t forget we’re blogging the recession so if you’re reading this through a reader, click on over and read me live!


  1. how can i be hungry at 10:30 at night?

    oh… cuz i was reading your blog. ah. that explains everything…


    My ass is just recovering from making that heavenly dessert you posted.

    (YES. I bought condensed milk and whipped it up. Everyone LOVED IT.)

  3. Have I missed with the monday for Dorito Chicken or have you still not done it yet. Thinking of you as I sip this Miller Lite! 🙂

  4. Yum! We’re doing South Beach, so no bread. This is perfect! I can use veggies that we’re allowed to have.

  5. YUM! I was just telling my twins that we need to start trying some fun hamburger recipes – experimenting. Must try this recipe – thanks!

    Have a good day, Rachel – see you – Kellan

  6. Ugh. Burgers are my favorite! Now I am on a diet and burgers are out. I may just have to keep coming back to oogle yours!

  7. These look so tasty! Love all the veggies..and the bacon :). YUM!

    We’d like to invite you to participate in our September apple and peach recipe contest (the recipe can be sweet or savory). All competitors will be eligible to win one of three prizes :)! Please email me,, if you’re interested.

    Thanks :),
    KI Chief Blogger

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