
This is the frustrated Rachel MWM edition 😉

The Carbonite backup is on day 9.  It has gotten to the point that my hard drive is completely full and I can’t add anything or get anything.  Waiting on Live Chat with Carbonite.

So.. today, it’s all about y’all.

I can’t wait to see the deliciousness that y’all were cooking up over the last week!

Hope y’all all had crazy Merry Christmases and deliciousness galore!


  • Link up your delicious recipe url
  • Link back here in your post
  • Visit other linkers and discover some delicious new food lovers like yourself!


  1. Good luck with your computer issues. For Christmas, my husband gave me the book, Head First HTML, hint hint to me. I’m hoping to learn more techie stuff this year, but my brain is resisting:) Thanks so much for hosting Mouthwatering Mondays. Happy New Year!

  2. Happy New Year!
    I am sharing my recipe for Pecan Pie Cookies. The recipe is gluten free, but they can be made with “regular” flour instead if you don’t have an issue with gluten.
    Thanks for hosting!

  3. Sorry to confuse you there. My recent post does have links, but I scheduled that post a few days ago to post for today. Today’s links don’t seem to be working right.

Talk to me!

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