Happy Mother’s Day Weekend, y’all!

Huge Thank you to Logitech #logismiles for sponsoring this post and giveaway valued at $445!

As part of this Marvelous Techtastic Mother’s Day giveaway, Logitech asked me to share what about being a Mother makes me smile. 

These faces

PicMonkey Collage


Their joy for life…

fireman monkey

Their personalities…water fairy princess

Getting to be a part of these two incredibly strong, funny, confident, smart, kind, loving, compassionate kids lives is the best part of being their Mom; and I feel so truly blessed that I’m the one who gets to be their mom.  Watching them change and grow and catching glimpses of the adults they will one day be.
Time Hop App then and now


first day of kinder and first day of junior high

Watching them come into their own, it’s an incredible gift.

These two kiddos challenge me, inspire me, make me laugh, make me cry, they infuriate me, and they make me immeasurably proud.

They face challenges head on, they work hard to achieve their goals, and they understand that encouraging others and helping others to achieve their goals makes everyone better.  

Being able to walk through this life with these two makes me smile.  They bring joy and sunshine to my life and I thank God every day for these two.  Motherhood isn’t easy, but it’s worth every moment.

Logitech and I want to hear from you!  What about Motherhood makes you smile?  What about the mom in your life makes you smile, or what about being a mom makes you smile.

Logitech is being super generous and they’ve provided one of y’all with the same Mother’s Day #LogiSmiles goodies that I received!

One lucky person is going to win The new Logi Base  charging stand with smart connector technology, a Keys-To-Go  portable keyboard {hello awesome for traveling and working on your ipad!} AND the Logi Circle Home Security Camera {we are loving our Circle!} In addition to all the tech goodies, this giveaway also incluedes a $75 gift card to Farmgirl Flowers

Mother's Day Giveaway

The Circle is so cool; it sets up in about 60 seconds, and you run it from the app on your phone.  You can watch live, replay, rewind, stream, and even get a daily brief which is a brief 30 second video from the highlights the camera captured over the day.  Princess logs in from school and talks to the dogs; it’s two-way communication, too, did I mention that?  

As a bonus:  Here’s a daily brief from our house πŸ™‚

Isn’t that fun!?!  We’re buying another Circle to put upstairs!

On to the giveaway!  Just use the easy Rafflecopter form below to enter!




a Rafflecopter giveaway

Don’t forget that you have an extra chance to win by visiting the Logitech Facebook page! My giveaway runs until Monday, May 9th at 11:59 PM CST, because I like giving everyone a little extra time to celebrate πŸ™‚  I’m thrilled to be partnering with Logitech on this Mother’s Day giveaway.  Thank you to each of you, and to the sponsors, like Logitech, who help make A Southern Fairytale possible.


  1. I love being a mom so much. It makes me smile when I think about all the memories we have created and continue to create as a family. I love every single stage of life so far. I’ve got a one year old, nine year old, and twelve year old (and expecting another in December), and yet each stage is so glorious as I watch them become who they were created to be. I’m so thankful for motherhood!

  2. Seeing my daughter graduate from college with a BFA in Musical Theater makes me smile. I go to every performance and love to see her act and sing, not just because she is my daughter but because she is so good!

  3. So many parts of motherhood make me smile. From their first smiles, to steps, to school, even bad words ;). I think what I love most though is when my children play well together and are sweet and kind. Seeing the love I have for them extend to each other is magical and I am honored to be part of it.

  4. What makes me smile about the mom in my life is that she is one of my best friends! The bond between us is so special and I am thankful for it everyday.

  5. My mom makes me smile because she is so adventurous and is always willing to go places with me.

  6. What makes me smile about being a mom you ask? Not only did I bring three amazing souls to this world, but I have the pleasure of supporting them in their journey of this thing called life. It has it’s ups and downs, but they make my life worth living and the joy of watching them succeed, seeing them smile, and holding their heart when they are sad is my everything.

  7. My mom makes me smile because she is my best friend. Being a mom makes me smile because I love watching my girls grow and learn. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.

  8. Being a mom makes me smile because I love to see the world through their little eyes; the joy, the excitement in all the little things!

  9. Being a mom is the single greatest gift in the world. It can be exhausting, but watching these 3 little kids grow into responsible little adults is amazing. Seeing their eyes light up when they learn is spectacular, and seeing their hearts touched when they show kindness to others brings a tear to my eye. They are absolutely perfect, and I could not have asked for more!

  10. My mom makes me smile because she’s not only my very 1st friend, she’s my best friend, too! As for me, my 2 beautiful, healthy daughters make me smile!

  11. I love that my mom can always help me thing through things. She always is there to listen to me.

  12. I smile all the time at my kids, they make me happy and I love watching them learn and discover new things. They are sweet, funny, and smart.

  13. Seeing my children happy and hearing their laughter is what feels me with joy and makes me smile every day

  14. My favorite thing about my Mom is that she took care of all 8 kids so well and gave each of us everything that she gave. We did not have a lot of things, but Mom always made sure that we were shown love and compassion.

  15. my mom likes to have a good time and doesn’t let anything bug her. she’s always smiling and loves to help everyone. i appreciate everyday i get to spend time with her

  16. My mom makes me smile because she is such a caring and loving person who puts herself second to her kids.

  17. My children make me smile on a daily basis–their hugs and cuddles. My mom is so fun to hang around with and always makes me happy, too!

  18. My mom is my everything! She worked hard to give me opportunities she never had herself. I am so blessed to have her as my Mom!

  19. I love when my children hug me and tell them they love me. Especially my 3 1/2 year old – he’s so loving and affectionate.

  20. Seeing my kids happy and healthy make me smile. They are respectful kids, it make me proud to see that.

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