
How we keep Monkey from visiting the neighbors without our knowledge.

It is 6 ft off the ground 😉


  1. My hub’s older sister used to sleep walk when she was a kid. Her parents were called on a few occasions, late at night, to come get D because she had walked next door or even across the street. That is a very good idea.

    Tara R.’s latest briliance

  2. We’ve started locking the storm doors since Bear is strong enough to twist the dead bolts, but I’ve seen him working on them. You have to twist the little knob just far enough but not too far – sometimes it takes me a minute to get it.

    I’m thinking another week of good weather and we’ll be back at the hardware store looking for Solution #3.

    Amy @ Milk Breath & Margaritas’s latest brilianceOh Who Am I Kidding- It Isn’t Going To Be Wordless

  3. Cage the Monkey!!! I wish we had one of those when Maddie was little.

    Chelsea/PB&J In A Bowl’s latest briliance

  4. HA – I have had a similar lock on most of our doors for about 6 years now!! the pantry, the basement the garage door, the back door, the front door – the sad thing is – don’t leave it locked and then lock yourself out! Hee hee – I accidently locked my husband in the basement once and went to bed – he was not happy!

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