
Sometimes, all you need is a picture.

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

SOOO, in other happenings.

I got infected yesterday. With an ugly, slimy, vicious green and black monster, or at least that’s what it looks like in my mind.
You see, around 7PM last night I was happily Stumbling and Twittering and Composing drafts for posts of super cool things that are coming up (hint, hint) when

The computer shut down and then when it restarted ugly bugs and things began crawling out of the woodwork and trying to lead me down dark paths of destruction.

I have two things to say:
Dad, THANK YOU and I love you. My sanity is only intact because of you. Thank you for talking me down from the ledge and pointing me in the right direction, just like you always have.
Norton Symantec Bug Virus Tech Dude who took over my computer this morning remotely and got rid of the uglies and made my computer a safe and ugly bug free zone. THANK YOU!!!

I’m off to do ‘The Shred’ (holy crap that thing hurts, fyi) and clean some house. I’ll check in with y’all later.


  1. Do you know what virus it was, or where it came from perhaps??
    Maybe we all need to be on the look-out…yikes!
    I couldnt handle that happening-lifeline cut-ahh!

    Glad you are back and good to go!

    I love love love the picture.
    His face made me chuckle!

    Spoiled Mommy’s latest brilianceWeekly Winners

  2. Yay for getting in fixed…I hate when the bugs attack!
    Hope you have a good weekend…

    kel’s latest brilianceHappy Birthday To You…

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