I can’t believe it’s Monday again!

I know I’ve been a bit absent and that the Mouthwatering Mondays have been few and far between.

I’m sorry, y’all.

We spent the past two weeks out of town with Nathan’s Gran.

She has Cancer and they called the family in on the 8th sure that was her last day.

We spent the past two weeks in the hospital with her, and somehow she’s still with us.  She has the doctors and nurses baffled.

God has a plan and who are we to question it.

I haven’t cooked in over two weeks (at least in my own home) and I have no recipes for y’all.

Here’s what I would LOVE.

I’m leaving tomorrow for Chicago, I’m one of 10 Finalists in the Reynold’s Real Mom Contest!!!!!  I’m going to be videotaping some recipes and kitchen tips along with 9 other finalists and over the coming weeks y’all will see those and have a chance to Vote for your favorites.  5 will become Reynold’s Real Mom ambassadors (I’m really hoping to be one of them)…..

What I would love is if in the comments &/or linky – I’d love y’all to link up what you’ve been cooking, what’s inspiring y’all in the kitchen – because the truth is… my brain is tired and I need a kick in the tush to get back in the kitchen.

I can’t tell y’all how tired I am of eating on the go.

Big hugs and kisses and thanks for y’all’s patience and love!



  1. Rachel, my heart goes out to you and your family. We went through this last year with my mother-in-law and I know how difficult and emotionally draining this is all must be. My thoughts are with you and stay strong! Maybe my meatloaf recipe from yesterday or one of the other few I have posted will be a little inspiration?? If I could whip one up and magically send to you I would! Best of luck in Chicago….go get ’em girl!!!!

  2. YAAAAAY!!! I can’t wait to vote for you sweetheart 🙂

    And I will definitely be keeping you guys in my prayers; we are going through something similar with my grandmother, and it is so hard knowing the pain she’s in and just hoping that we see the beauty in God’s perfect plan. Love ya hon!

  3. No need to apologize Rachel. You need to be with your family right now. All I’ve cooked are Greek ribs from a great online recipe I found. Delicious! 1/2 cup butter, 4 or 5 cloves garlic, mix together and slather on the ribs. Sprinkle on top some seasoning salt, greek seasoning, and oregano. Bake at 375 about an hour. I warn you that your house will smell of garlic all night at least!! But these are great! Hugs to you and yor family.

  4. Prayers for you and your family at this sad time. Hard to think about the everyday when family illness takes over our lives. Sometimes the necessity of the mundane and our job as moms are the best balm to heal a heavy heart.
    This week I made a Weight Watchers recipe for tiramisu, which doesn’t sound that great but was actually delish. I also experimented with adding fat free sour cream to angel food cake mix to try to make sour cream angel food cake. It turned out great but I want to play with the proportions a little to make it taste like the ones I buy at the store sometimes. I don’t like the regular angel food cakes at all so I was shocked when I tried and LOVED the sour cream ones. I also made a BLT salad from Cooking Light that had gorgonzola and a little bacon with panko-breaded chicken. My children and husband went crazy for the chicken. In a pinch though I always love breakfast for dinner (so do the kids)and baked chicken (with skin and bones in roasted with olive oil, kosher salt & pepper ) is hard to beat. For me, hard times force us to go back to the basics. I love your blog and really appreciate the inspiration you give. Good luck to you and take care.

    1. Annette, You are too sweet. Thank you for your wonderfully kind words, they mean so much!

      That BLT salad sounds awesome and sour cream angel food cake! Oh sister!!! 😉

  5. I am praying for Nathan’s gran and I hope everything works out. Also, congrats on being a finalist and have fun in Chicago. Not sure I want to be in Chicago this time of year but I am sure you are going to have a lot of fun. Good Luck in Chicago!!!

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