Bringing a bit of interruption to today’s Mouthwatering Monday to inform y’all that there are some changes coming!


Changes to Mouthwatering Mondays

Changes to how you do/can/should be subscribing!  Feedburner is going the way of the do do birds, so I’m working on a new way of subscribing as well as a weekly newsletter!

I love change and updating… like a spring cleaning for the soul and the blog! WOO HOO!

Before I share the linky.. have y’all SEEN the Grilled Avocados with Black Bean and Sweet Corn Pico from last week?


Don’t forget!  Only TWO days left to enter to win the AMAZING California Avocados Recipe Fiesta Giveaway that Shawn and I are hosting!

$1600 in prizes and you can enter to win on BOTH of our blogs!

Here’s the link:  California Avocados Recipe Fiesta

So what did y’all do for Cinco de Mayo?  Can’t wait to see what y’all have been up to!


Talk to me!

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