monkey stomping

I got to Monkey’s pre-school today in time to see him lying on his nap-mat gnawing on his shirt with his boots on the floor and his feet in the air.  This mom = proud!  Monkey catches sight of me, and the grin that splits his face leaves me in a sloppy puddle of mommy goo in the doorway.

I grin at his teacher, Mrs. L (whom I A-DORE with a capital UH) and she says:

Monkey, tell momma where you went today”

Monkey: “I went to yunch and I eated my pineapples and my capwee sun and my fwooot woll up”

Mrs. L: “Monkey, where else did you GO today?”

Monkey: “I went to wee-cess and then I yayed down...”

Mrs L. (rolling her eyes and suppressing a laugh): “Monkey, did you do a Big Boy thing today?

Me: {catching on finally}  “MONKEY! Did you go potty on the toilet like a big boy?”

Him: {lighting up like a 50 million candle-powered spotlight} “YES, Momma! I a big boy on da Potty!

Me:  “I’m SO Proud of YOU!  You’re such a big boy!!!

I picked him up, hugged him and gave him a big kiss.

He looks at me, grabs my face in his two chubby hands and says:

Momma, I’m so proud of YOU”


  1. *High*five* on going potty! And for Monkey, too!
    .-= Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing]´s last blog ..This? Is not OK: The Fancy Femullet =-.

  2. Cute, cute, cute. I understand the “goo” statement so well. I feel like my little guy “melts” me at least once a day! He just turned two in June so we are starting the potty training stuff. Might be asking for some advice!
    .-= Toni B´s last blog ..the things we do for love… =-.

  3. Oh sure – make me cry in the airport and then bring tears to my eyes on the plane while I’m sitting next to a Hell’s Angel. 🙂

  4. Soo very sweet!.. and i love Big kid potty time. They are soooo excited for themselves! (as well they should be!!!
    The baby sitter had my lil girl trained at 19 months… so all she has heard for hte last 6 months is: IM SOO PROUD OF YOU!!… SO a few weeks ago, she started doing exactly as Monkey did here—- Grabs my face, adn tells me, ” Mommy, I so proud-duh-uuuuu!”… (as a single mom, you run so much and that’s one thing you just don’t hear….. I couldn’t stop kissing her—- at least until she told me “ENUFF, KISSEES, MOMMY”.. and ran away… lolol)
    I literally turn into a “leaves me in a sloppy puddle of mommy goo”… just like you. THESE BABIES ARE THE BESTEST!!!!
    SO CONGRATS ONTHE BIG BOY POTTY TIME: congrats Mom, Dad, AND Monkey!!!

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