Hey Y’All Laura here from Pink Cake Plate and I am so excited to be a part of the fantastic Bake, Craft, Sew Along event again this year!! I share fun and easy recipes and crafts on my blog!! If you are like me I have so little time that my projects have to be short and sweet!! LOL!!


Every year we make up white treat boxes tied with a Tiffany Blue Ribbon, to deliver to friends and family for the holidays! It is now a tradition my husband and I do together, our friends and neighbors watch and wait for these boxes to be delivered! They know it will be filled with a multitude of assorted sweets and treats!! We have so much fun delivering these, my husband dresses up in his Santa Suit, I chauffeur him around and watch in the “wings” as he presents each box of goodies!


This recipe is one that is absolutely going into the boxes this year!! It is easy, sweet and so so yummy!! I named them Millionaire Bars because they are soooo very rich they taste like a million bucks!! This recipe can be changed up you can use a different flavor cake mix and use different topping sprinkles!! I want to try a Peanut Butter and chocolate version!! But for now here is my M&M Millionaire Bar Recipe!!



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Author: Rachel
” thumbnail=”https://southern-fairytale.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/holiday_button1.jpg” type=”recipe”]

A big Thank You to Rachel for welcoming me here on A Southern Fairytale! May your holidays be merry, delicious, and sweet!



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