I’ve found a little something lurking in my Christmas tree


Can you see it?



How about now?


About a month ago I entered a facebook giveaway run by Groovebook – a truly cool company if you’re an instagram lover or a taker of photos via your mobile device.  Seriously, check them out.

Well, turns out that I won.

I won a $200 Apple Giftcard.

As soon as I found out what I won my heart was immediately set on using that giftcard to give back to my readers.

The blessings that this blog has brought me, well my sweet ones… I can’t begin to find the words.

So let this giveaway speak for me.

I know that times are tough and I know that there’s nothing more some of y’all would like to do than give someone you love that MUST HAVE item on their Christmas list and I think I found it for you!

This is a brand new iPod Touch 4th generation 16GB   &  I’m also including a $25 iTunes gift card so you or your loved one can fill it with music and your favorite apps.

I hope that this fills someone’s Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanzaa/Festivus wish.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I’d like to win to give to my daughter. A couple of years ago..we had to move out of our home for Christmas. With having 5 kids, we usually get them a few gifts each. That year…we forgot her. All the other kids had plenty but she opened her one…and just kept smiling. She never complained. She keeps saying she would love an iPod or iPhone. This would be the gift that TOPS all! 🙂

  2. It’s one that started about 4 years ago when I found an ‘advent’ wreath/countdown to Christmas wreath on clearance at Target. Twenty-four circular boxes that I fill with treats or clues or invitations to partake in holiday activities. The kids open one box each day. Over the past few years they have their favorites that they look forward to like “East dessert first” (which was interpreted as Dessert for Breakfast!) and The Christmas Scavenger Hunt that leads them to a gift.

  3. Our family always gets together at one Aunts house for Christmas Eve and the other Aunts house for Christmas Day. It’s a fun tradition for all of us with family and friends.

  4. 1. My favorite holiday tradition is baking for the fam!
    2. I’d give this to my brother so he wouldn’t have to always share his with my other brother. 😀

  5. One of my favorite holiday traditions is at my mother-in-law’s we put up our stockings on Christmas Eve from oldest to youngest and then on Christmas morning we take them down from youngest to oldest. I like the simplicity of this action but also its meaningfulness.
    Thanks for the chance! Blessings.

  6. I would like to win it for my daughter. I don’t know if I would give it to her this year but perhaps I could use it first and then when she is old enough and responsible enough we could give it to her.

  7. Favorite memory from childhood: when we decorated our Christmas tree, we invited two sisters that were friends of my parents. The sisters Georgia and Dolly never had kids. We couldn’t wait to decorate that tree, see Georgia and Dolly, and sit down for a huge home cooked meal.

  8. Oh how generous of you- and how thoughtful- you truly will make someone’s Christmas extra special! My favorite tradition is going to Christmas eve candlelight service as a family. when the boys were younger they always performed in it – whether as actors as young tots, then for many years as musicians- ringing bells, playing the bass, trumpet and sax. I am glad that we all can attend together now that they are adults. Oh the memories…..

  9. You are lovely 🙂

    My girls are young but tech savvy. I would love to put a super duper protector on this and let them play education and fun apps. I’ve been shopping used ones for them but those suckers hold their value 🙂

    Happy holidays

  10. We bought gifts for two foster kids this year, a 1-year-old boy and 6-year-old girl. There was a 14-year-old girl on the list and I didn’t choose herr because her wish was an iPod & I couldn’t afford it. Would love to win this for her! I don’t know that she will get a present unless someone else chose her from the list!

  11. Church on Christmas Eve. Love singing the carols and listening to the hope that Jesus brings. Always walk out crying…. So much joy!

  12. I’d love to win this for my son. He was about “die” to open this on Christmas. He isn’t getting anything this year (his choice) due to an expensive trip he has been saving for and we have been sacrificing for. This has been on his wish list forever!

  13. I collect manger scenes and this year I bought a Playmobil one so my youngest could actually play with it. On Christmas Eve, we read the Bible and tell the Christmas story and he is allowed to play baby Jesus in the manger only then. Also, we make tons of cookies to give out to everyone.

  14. My favorite holiday memory was “tagging” our Christmas tree every year (see how ahead of the times we were?) when I was a little girl. We’d pick out our tree in early to mid October on this huge tree farm and then go back in December to get it. The tagging process was a long piece of caution like ribbon that we’d put our name on and then tie it around the tree.

  15. Is it bad that I really want to win this for me? My kids have more than usual this Christmas but my hubby and I rarely exchange so we can buy gifts for our extended family. I would love to have one though to listen to music and put some exercise apps on it to start my New Year productively!

  16. Oh, how sweet of you. What a fantastic giveaway. I would give this to my daughter. Her dog chewed her old IPod and she would be shocked if she opened a new one for Christmas.


  17. I really want to win this for my 11yo. He knows I can’t afford to get one but it’s all he wanted. He recently settled for a less expensive gift and told me that it was “okay” that he doesn’t get the iPod… but I’d love to surprise him. He’s my middle boy and often gets the short end of everything. 🙁

  18. My favorite tradition is just decorating the tree with my girls. Unfortunately, the 15 yo is not a fan of Christmas music, otherwise, I would do what my mom did when we were young: play Christmas music while decorating the tree or on the nights where my brother and I would play, color, etc., by the tree.

  19. Our favorite Christmas tradition is getting in the car and driving to the county park in the beginning of December. They have a huge display of holiday lights and you drive for a few miles just “oohing” and “aahing.” It is a wonderful way to start our holiday season.

  20. You’re sweet! This would be a great gift for anyone. Just wanted to say that you always have a way of making people feel like they are the most important person in the world. I’m thankful that your face is often the first one I see at conferences. It reminds me how much I love the blogging community. Thanks for that. I’d let my kiddos load this one with their own music so that they’ll stop using my phone for freeze dance. 😉

  21. i want to win this for my 13 yo daughter who had hers stolen during warped tour this summer :/ it was a very crowded and not a good place in san francisco to hold warped tour. sometimes i think people think vans warped tour gives them a license to be rude.

  22. My favourite Christmas memory is of my dad trying to fool us into thinking Santa was on the roof by throwing rotten acorn squash in the roof of the house!

  23. Our newest holiday tradition is finding a friend to gift some love onto. The kids started it this year, choosing a friend who needed a new pair of shoes. My kids rock. And I’d love to get in on their generosity and give this iPod to someone who could really use one. Traditions that give are the best.

  24. 5 minutes ago I was looking at these on target.com (seriously, 5 minutes ago!). I would love to get one for my 14-year-old who has outgrown her iPod Shuffle.

  25. My favorite holiday tradition is the terrible chocolate Advent Calendars they sell. Growing up my parents would get us one each year and we all made a huge production of opening them every night. Now, even though I don’t live at home anymore, my mom still sends me one of them and I open the (icky, waxy) candies up every night.

  26. We had a baby last year and this will be our son Jack’s first Christmas! I’ve knit him a stocking with a tree pattern lining the top. My husband Nate said that each year that passes, I should knit a new decoration on one of the trees for him to find. For this first year, I’m going to knit a golden star on top of the center tree. I’m so happy that my husband thought of such a wonderful tradition to begin with our son.

  27. I’d like to win this for my brother. 🙂 Or possibly for both my brother and the kids at my library. Either one would make an awesome prize for the kids at work!

  28. My favorite tradition is watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas with my boys all wrapped up in blankets and drinking hot chocolate. They are growing up so fast and I think that the Dr.Suess movie reminds us all that Christmas is much more than just presents under the tree. That the spirit of Christmas doesn’t come once a year, you carry it with you always.

  29. My favorite tradition is purchasing a new ornament for the tree with my kids. Since my divorce, this has been something that brings my children and I a lot of joy. We look forward to it each year.

  30. I would give this to my 11 year old. I wanted to give it to her for Christmas, but finances are not going to permit me to do it this month. Winning this would be a blessing.

  31. Believe it or not, we are an I-pod- & I-phone- less family! Both DH & I would love to find this under our tree. My favorite part of the holiday is spending Christmas Eve with my Mom’s side of the family. Thanks for being so generous with your winnings.

  32. my favorite holiday memory is putting up the first tree with my husband – it was my first tree since i moved out of my parents house – it really made me feel like we were a family!

  33. I would probably give this to a friend that’s had a hard time these last few months. I think it would make her feel better about everything. Just a simple gift that might remind her that things are going to be okay.

  34. The loud, food filled family lunches are a wonderful memory and tradition every year. Could only be helped by Christmas Carols blasting from an iPod 😉

  35. I would love to win this for my husband, who (when his iPod died and was going to be replaced by a Walmart warranty this summer) opted to not replace it and got a refund in the form of a gift card that he then used to buy me a tablet for school. He said that my going back to school was more important than his having a toy.

  36. My favorite memory …well I have more than one, but to narrow it down, my mom would always make sure that we had the best Christmas ever. There were always tons of the every toy a kid could want lining the room, way too many to fit under the tree! And I can’t tell you how many times, no matter how slick and quiet I thought I was, my mom would always catch me sneaking down that hall! I’m sure for her amusement she waited until I worked so hard to crawl over that furnace grate! I’m lucky I don’t have scars!

  37. Wow! Nice give-away. My granddaughter could use this for facetime while she is visiting her father far-far-away so I can see her lovely face while she is gone.

  38. My favorite time of the Christmas season is spending time with the kids and family and I love how every year we spend the whole month Celebrating Jesus’s birthday, and each year I get to see the kids light up with newness of Christmas!

  39. Having my kids all together in one place 🙂 I would love to win this but pick Heather Johnson 🙂 she is an awesome person and deserves it!!

  40. My favorite holiday memory was Christmas with my 10 day old baby. I loved sitting in the quiet of the night nursing her with just the lights of the tree. It was so magical and a memory I cherish.

  41. my favorite holiday tradition is making the kids all wait together before coming down to open their christmas presents

  42. My favorite holiday tradition is getting together with my family on Christmas morning. We also make cinnamon buns Christmas morning!

  43. Thanks so much for the opportunity!! I do not have an ipod or even a MP3 player and would have so much fun with this! Thank you so much for the chance.

    A favorite memory that I have from my childhood is actually hearing santa on the roof and the jingle of the reindeers’ bells. My dad really made sure that I had every reason to believe in Santa for as long as possible.

    Jen Davis

  44. I love the giving spirit that flavors this holiday season. Often even the grouchiest person is softened. I would love to win the little beauty and would gladly share it with my sweetie.

  45. Our family tradition is to put up our tree and everyone helps to decrate the tree as we sing christams song, the youngest places a statue of Baby Jesus in a crib under the tree, He is our gift this time of year

  46. My favorite tradition that started when my son was very young was having an Advent calendar to count down the days til Christmas. To this day, I still send my daughter one (and she’s now a senior in college) every year!
    What a thoughtful give away! Merry Christmas!

  47. You’re so sweet to give something away!
    One of my favorite holiday traditions is making sugar cookies with my kids & my nephews. I’m usually a control freak in the kitchen & with baking goods, but when it comes to making & decorating sugar cookies, I let go. I hope in the years to come, my little ones will remember this tradition & treasure it!

  48. Why would I want to win this??? I would probably give it to my boys. With all the fun & educational apps out there, they would be ecstatic to open up one these for Christmas.

  49. I would love to win this for my husband who works so hard to support our family while I stay at home and take care of our son. 🙂 The first thing he does when he gets home is to make me a bath with sweet smelling bath salts and starts on making dinner. He deserves a bit of luxury for himself for making our life so amazing.

  50. my fav holiday memory is going to my pap paps for christmas and hearing him sing funny songs, christmas just isnt anymore without him

  51. I will never forget my grandmother’s bright white Christmas tree. Every year she put it up and it was obviously fake but it just felt like home.

  52. I would love to win this for my 16 year old brother…because my parents can’t afford to give him the “cool” things that his little teenage heart wants 😉

  53. My favorite memory is putting the Christmas tree up with my family the day after or the weekend after Thanksgiving. I love putting all of the ornaments on the tree and talking about all of the memories associated with them!

  54. I would love to win this myself! It has been a while since I have had an ipod touch and my new phone is a android phone. Kinda miss my built in ipod with my old iphone.

  55. My favorite Christmas tradition and memory is making our Christmas ring for the morning breakfast now and when I was a little girl with my mom. 🙂

  56. I think my favorite memory was the year I could only afford to give each of my boys $10 to buy Christmas presents for everyone. I was so impressed with how resourceful they both were in thinking up things they could make themselves. I come from a crafty family, so there are always “supplies” of some sort handy. A little ingenuity and some supplies goes a long way.

  57. My favorite Christmas memory is making doughnuts with my mother, probably starting when I was 10 years old. It was something we did together every Christmas, and only at Christmas. At some point, I began making them myself every year, and it is something I’ve been doing ever since, for over 35-plus years. My mom passed away over four years ago, and I have those fond memories of making them with her, every time I make them.

  58. Many years ago, when my children were just four and five years old, they asked what I wanted for Christmas. Well, I told them all I wanted were their hugs and kisses! So, on Christmas morning, I unwrapped the BEST gift ever! A box filled with red and white construction paper X’s and O’s! I still have that box of hugs and kisses. Those two are now in their 30’s!

  59. My favorite memory is looking at Christmas lights. Since we are grown with kids of our own, my dad will sometimes rent a 15 passenger van so my family of four, my brothers family of three and my parents can all drive around looking at lights together.

  60. What first came to mind for me is the simplest of all traditions…leaving cookies and milk out for Santa, and carrots and a saucer of water for the reindeer. I remember as a child how thrilled I was to see the crumbs left behind on the plate we left for Santa; and the little bits of carrots the reindeer didn’t have time to finish (complete with teeth marks!).

    It’s so much fun to continue this tradition with my children. The look on my youngest eye’s (usually after all the presents are opened, hee) when she sees the evidence of Santa’s arrival makes me unbelievably happy. 🙂

  61. Why do I want to win this? Because I’d love to make my husband’s Christmas unexpectedly merry. Well, it WILL be merry no matter what because we’re having a cozy holiday with our two kids…but gifts aren’t on the agenda for each other (and haven’t been for a few years now) because finances are just too tight (and haven’t been for a few years now, hee) to spend money on each other unnecessarily.

  62. Hmm… my favorite holiday memory… really, I think the holidays get better every year! But one of my favorite traditions is bundling the kids up in the car and taking them for a drive to see all the Christmas lights. : )

  63. I’d love to win it for my husband. He works so hard teaching, plus taking on extra duties to earn enough money for me to stay home and raise our kids.

  64. Favorite holiday tradition: going to get the Christmas tree, out in the woods, usually in the snow. Great memories, great pictures, and a real tree, even if it sometimes is a Charlie Brown tree!

  65. I would actually love to win this for myself and my boys. We don’t have any “smart” gadgets in our house other than the ones my husband uses for work, so they really aren’t around. There are so many great apps out there that I just don’t have access to.

  66. One of the best things in my memory of holidays is all my siblings and their husbands, wives & kids coming to my parents home. I am the youngest of our family by quite a few years (15!!) so I was only a couple of years older than some of my nieces and nephews. I now have a family of girls, that are all adult, except our youngest daughter, who is 11 & in 6th grade. She recently went to one of her older sister’s homes with another sister & had a blast over Thanksgiving weekend with them. They all told me it was great “sissy” time. 🙂 I would love to win this for our youngest daughter (the 11 yr old) because it is first on her Christmas list & I would love for her to be able to open this. We just can’t buy one for her now.

  67. As I said in my above post, I would love to win this for our youngest daughter, the one that is 11 yrs old, because it is first on her Christmas list & I would love for her to be able to open this. We just can’t buy one for her now.

  68. Our most favorite holiday tradition is something that was passed down to our family from my father-in-law. Every Christmas Eve, we would gather around the table and enjoy a wonderful cheese fondue that he prepared for the entire family. The tradition goes that if you drop your fondue item (cherry tomato, potato, toasted english muffins, etc.), you had to kiss my father-in-law! Even though we loved him, everyone tried NOT to drop their fondue item! It was so much fun. Since my father-in-law died, several years ago, we still carry on this tradition, but in a smaller scale. We do it with just our own family as we thought it best to create these memories with our own children and hopefully one day with their children as well. My mother-in-law shared their very tasty fondue recipe with us and now we do this every Christmas Eve! It’s always fun and it is such a precious tradition to continue.

  69. I’d love to win this for my son who has an ipod that is too old to run some of the apps he likes. It was an old ipod his aunt gave him for Christmas and although he didn’t mind it was a hand me down, he’d love to be able to do more with it if only it could be upgraded, but it can’t.

  70. The best part of Christmas for me, is that all my kids come home, and we have our family dinner on Christmas Eve, leaving us all free for the Church Christmas Dinner on Christmas Day. The Church ladies all sign up to bring different parts of the dinner, and we have a wonderful turkey dinner with all the fixings and entertainment as well. Many people come who otherwise would not have a Christmas Dinner, or have no one to share Christmas with. For me, that’s what Christmas is all about.

  71. Would love to win this for my teenager – she’s always wanted one! It’d be an amazing surprise for her – and she works so hard to help around the house… Totally deserves it!

  72. My fav Christmas memory was last year at Hollywood studios. Watching my kid’s faces light up as they saw all of the lights & fake snow.

  73. Every Christmas growing up, Santa would wrap the door to the living room while we were asleep. Once everyone woke up, we would burst into the room to see the magic that Santa had left. I hope to make those kind of memories with Liam when he is older. 😀

  74. Oh, and I want to win this for my Mom. She always works so hard during Christmas to make it special for all four of us girls. She also hasn’t had a new iPod in years! Her’s is ancient and she loves music. I think she would be ECSTATIC if she opened this at Christmas. I love my mommy! 😀

  75. Christmas is always magical. The red and green lights hanging on our roof, our bright red door against the white brick, standing in the street together shivering and freezing our tushies off just to admire our handiwork together.
    This also ties into putting the lights on the tree inside. Mom always did the lights while dad sat at the dining room table fixing all the strands of lights that didn’t work.
    Then, finally, dancing in the living room to Herb Albert with my daddy with all the lights out except for the Christmas tree lights.
    Yeah, pretty special memories.

  76. My favorite holiday memory is when my grandparents came over to Singapore to visit us at Christmas when I was around 10. We all went to Rawa, Malaysia and spent the holidays at the beach, I’ll never forget swimming on Christmas Day.

  77. I’d like to win this for my mom’s best friend who is going through cancer treatment. I think it would be nice to load it up with music and apps for her to use while she gets her chemo and radiation.

  78. My favorite Chrstmas is every Christmas since my daughter was born. Seeing Christmas through the eyes of a child is amazing! My daughter has been asking Santa for an iPod Touch and I’m not sure he can afford it this year.

  79. My favorite Christmas memory has to be spending Christmas Eve with my grandparents and then attending Midnight Mass. I didn’t realize how special that time was until much later.

  80. My favorite tradition is bringing out all of the ornaments with memories, especially after an entire box of homemade ones were stolen. All of my kids ornaments from when they were little.

  81. My sweetest memory was the year after my grandmother died, I did the 12 days of Christmas for my grandpa, leaving in secret a gift and a poem each night for the 11 days leading to Christmas. On Christmas morning he woke and there was no gift on the doorstep. At the family Christmas party I handed him his gift and when he read the card it was the 12th poem. He began to cry and said “it was you.” I knew it had touched my sweet grandpa an this simple act was my favorite Christmas memory.

  82. Hello, Ipod Touch, who would not want to win! Thank you so much for the chance. My daughter and husband have touches and I would love to join them!

  83. Our favorite NEW family tradition is to make squirrel shaped sugar cookies and watch National Lampoons Christmas because we laugh so hard at the part where the squirrel goes nuts inside their house 🙂

  84. I would LOVE to win this for my husband because we never have extra money for gifts for one another. Also, this year is our TEN year anniversary and it would be so awesome to surprise him with this!

  85. My favorite memories of the holidays are of our family get-togethers. Several key members of my family have passed away. Those memories I hold onto the most.

  86. my favourite is simply spending time with my loved ones and watching the kids open their presents. i know it’s a little typical, but their happiness is my happiness.

    i would love to surprise the kids with this. they would both love it.

  87. We always have a tradition for Christmas breakfast. My grandmother always made this amazing citrus compote with oranges and grapefruit and maraschino cherries. We have had this for breakfast on Christmas morning as long as I can remember. As a child, I hated it. As an adult, it is something I look forward to every year!

  88. I want to win this for my sister in law. She has had a rough year with a sick kiddo and they don’t have any extra cash for nice Christmas gifts. I know she would love this!

  89. My favorite memory was the drive to my grandparents’ house on Christmas Eve. It was only a 45 minute drive, but it seemed like an eternity to my 4 year old self 🙂 To pass the time, I counted all the houses with blue Christmas lights. There weren’t many back then, but blue lights still make me smile to this day.

  90. Favorite holiday memory AND tradition is cookie baking. I used to love to do it with my Mom and now I really love to do it with my kids too. And I’m mostly talking about the good, old-fashioned cut out cookies, so fun to cut and decorate!

    And you are so generous to offer this to a reader, Rachel, such a giving heart!

    Merry Christmas!! 🙂

  91. I want to win this for my youngest son. As the youngest, nearly all of his things are hand-me-downs from his brother or older cousins. He never complains, but I know he would love to have something brand new that belongs to him first.

  92. We didn’t have a lot of traditions growing up, so I’ve just recently started to implement my own with my little family. My oldest is 5 and this is the first year she has really been “into” Christmas. We started The Elf on the Shelf this year and putting up Christmas lights/decorations Thanksgiving weekend. I know these are very widespread “traditions”, but I am also trying to see what works for my family 🙂

  93. My favorite memory is when money was REALLY tight and we all only had $5 each to spend. So, we went to the dollar store and got gifts for each other. It was the BEST Christmas ever and it made us all realize that “stuff” was really pointless and that family was what really mattered. I still have…and LOVE my gifts from that memorable year. 🙂

  94. I would love to win this for myself! That may sound selfish, but my whole life revolves around my family, homeschooling, my husband, others, and work, it would be amazing to have something for ME! 🙂

  95. I would love to win this for my sweet husband, who got laid-off October1st. Money is pretty tight this year. Thanks for the chance to win.

  96. I would love to win this for my kids they love to listen to music and and take pictures! oh yeah and play games!!!

  97. I would love to win this for my hubby. He’s been wanting one for a while. 🙂 It’s the perfect time to give. It’s so nice of you to give back to your readers.

  98. I would love to win this for my 10yo daughter. For the past couple of years, she has put iPod Touch on her Christmas wish list…but, we just haven’t been able to afford to get her one. She doesn’t complain about not getting one, she simply says maybe next year.

  99. My favorite holiday tradtion is getting to eat Christmas Eve Dinner with my family and opening ONE gift. Then when we all wake up organizing things into neat piles, and watching everyone enjoy the things I picked for that special person 🙂

  100. I would love to win this for my daughter. Her iPod was recently stolen and she has been heartbroken. Thank you for offering such a generous gift to your readers!

  101. My brother waking us up REALLY early to bug us to see if we could wake up mom and dad yet. Because he wasn’t going to do it!

  102. My favorite holiday tradition is baking cookies with my family for gift giving. Everyone scours for recipes and we deliver to family, friends, and co-workers! We have a great time working together and the cookie trays are happily gobbled by all!

  103. I love making the Christmas list with my girls and seeing the anticipation in the their eyes and the when christmas Day comes and they see that Santa has come and the begin to open their gifts, that for me, seeing their happiness is priceless, is what I love the most of the holidays.

  104. Since I don’t have an ipod that would be hard to give away, but I have a husband and four kids who also would love love love to own it. What a gift. My favorite Christmas tradition is the crazy baking. My Grandma’s always made enough treats for an army, and now that is my job. And I love it. This is the only time a year that I can make batch after batch of fudge and not feel guilty for taste testing!

  105. My favorite holiday memory is sneaking past the glow of Christmas tree in the early morning, wanting to look SO bad on our way to see our stockings, but not wanting to spoil the surprise.

  106. My four kids would love to have one. I just typed out why it would be such a blessing but that deleted that…. so I’ll just say it would be an incredible blessing.

    1. And my favorite Christmas memory right now is seeing the kids learn to enjoy our advent wreath and devotions. And hearing my son (after the kids decorated the outside of the house with the string of lights I bought) comment that it was so nice that our house had Christmas decorations. One string… doesn’t look at all professional… but when you realize how little decorations we have and how just the house is a huge blessing to us this year, that string of lights makes me cry happy tears to look at it. And to hear that it is as special to my son as the houses with incredible displays? Awesome. Incredible. Amazing.

  107. I would have to give this to my youngest step son. He is in his second semester of college and he is doing so well. I am very proud of him and I feel sure that this would be something that he would love.

  108. My favorite holiday memory is a tradition we’ve just started, spending time with my kids, reading stories by the light of the tree each night.

  109. christmas eve the whole side of my mom’s family used to go to my grandparents…there were quite a few of us!! Now as my grandmother is in a nursing home everyone comes to my mom’s house to celebrate.

  110. I won an 8G version of this last Christmas and it was really, really awesome 😀 Kids will surely enjoy it, mine did and is now asking for an upgrade. 8G is no longer okay for her LOL

  111. our favorite holiday tradition is to all go to my moms Christmas eve morning and spend the whole day and night with them. Eve though we live in the same town m boys find it to be a blast having us all together for a night.

  112. Oh my….My son would love to have this to replace his current iPod, which is old and not working well.

    Favorite holiday tradition? My dad reading Twas the Night Before Christmas to my kids every year on Christmas Eve. It harkens back to when my Mom read it to us as kids (it’s even the same version of the book).

  113. One of my favorite holiday traditions is baking cookies with my mom. We always make at least 20 different kinds of cookies, and enough for 50 plates for our friends and family. We are exhausted and delirious by the end, but we always get the giggles about mistakes and have the very BEST time!! These days I have my own family and we live in different towns, so the time together is more special than ever! Thanks for the chance to win!

  114. Omigoodness, my eldest would LOVE this! It’d fit with her whole Christmas thing: a secret little dance studio in her room for her to go wild and express herself, lol.

    This is really, really thoughtful of you. 🙂

    Merry Christmas 🙂

  115. I would love to win this for my daughter! She loves playing with Dad’s iPhone and would get such a kick out of having her own. Plus, all her cousins are getting them for Christmas, so I know she will want one too!!

  116. This is incredibly nice of you! Well, my favorite tradition was always Christmas Eve at my grandparents house- every single year of my life until 2 years ago when my grandfather passed away. Now we’ve been starting our own new traditions, and with our move, it’s been all part of the excitement and adventure. As long as I have my kids with me, I’m happy at Christmas!


  117. My favorite tradition is making cookies with the kids for santa.
    I would love to win this for my daughter because I feel really bad I broke her iPod just the other day. I cant replace it not in the holiday budget. She would be a happy little girl if I was to win this for her.

  118. My favorite tradition is making a Norwegian cookie called Bakkels. It won’t be the same this year add my dad passed away the end of may. But his memory will love on forever. We have lost not only my dad but my grandma and great uncle within the last month. I would love to win this for my husband who is always there for me and my family especially through all these hard times. He’s always helping and providing. I’ve had a hard year with my health as well. He totally deserves something nice for Christmas and with the year we’ve had there is no way I can pull that off and he’s wanted and iPod for years.

  119. Would love to win this for my son who is entering the Air Force AND going to college. I am so proud of him. Thanks to Rachel for this blog and thanks to my friend, Kim, for sending me the link. HUGS to KIM in every December!!!!

  120. My husband’s family has a great tradition with elves….they do a lot of the decorating….they give funny gifts….glad I married into his great family who LOVE Christmas!!
    Plus I married into the last name of Tydings….so Good Tydings for Christmas & a happy new year!!!

  121. My favorite holiday tradition is having my father read “The Night Before Christmas” to my 3 boys on Christmas Eve.

  122. Festivus for the rest of us!!!! I hope I win, my stepson Jordan would flip! He asked for an Itune gift card (yep… that 19 yr. old boy asked only for a gift card) and if the Ipad Touch was included he would be over the moon.

  123. one of my family’s favorite holiday traditions is getting together with the entire family and exchanging our gifts, playing some games, eating wonderful food , just relaxing and being together. The memories this brings each year are priceless and i remember the happy times throughout the entire new year and look forward to the next year’s gathering!! 🙂

  124. i would love to give this to my daughter if i won. i know she would just love this!! She works so hard and is paying back school college loans, so i can tell you how thrilled she would be 😉

  125. My favorite holiday memory or tradition is Christmas caroling. Every Christmas season, my friends and I will go around houses and sing Christmas carols. We’ve been doing this since we were kids. Every time we sing, the house owner would give us a small amount of money. We would use the collected money for buying snacks like chocolates and candies and eat it together. Doing this makes my Christmas memorable! 🙂

  126. Honestly, I want to win this for myself. This would be a great gift this Christmas. XD I would really be happy to listen to music and play games with this iPod Touch 4!

  127. Honestly, I’d love to win it for myself. I’ve been trying really hard to take better care of my body and this would be so perfect for the gym. I’m a grad student and can’t afford to buy these kind of things at this point in my life.

  128. My favorite CURRENT tradition is baking cookies every year with my children and their grandparents and great grandparents. We are blessed to still have three of my four grandparents!! 🙂 My new one that I started this year that I’m loving so far is reading a Christmas book each day. A new one! I went to the library and got one for every day of December 😉 My kids are loving it!

  129. I would LOVE to win this for my daughter. It’s not often that I let her on my phone so she decided she was going to start saving up for one of these. She has been saving for months now and I’m so proud of her discipline. I’d love to win this for her so she can see what reward and discipline is all about and it IS rewarded 🙂

  130. My favorite memory is of my father reading to me The Night Before Christmas as I sat in his lap. I can remember it vividly, and I cherish that moment.

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