Hey y’all… I feel like I should blow some dust off this poor place.

merry and bright

This past Saturday, I had big holiday baking plans after teaching a few friends how to make my double dark chocolate dipped candy cane cookies to take to their Christmas parties, but that evening I got positively put down.

The flu came and handed me a great big slap in the face.

I was in bed until Christmas Eve and still trying to recover my strength and energy.  I haven’t been that sick in years, but God showed me blessings in my time of need.  My wonderful children and husband stepped up to take care of me and help around the house, neighbors stepped forward to keep the kids, take them to lunch, and include them in the cookie decorating party even though they didn’t have any cookies or decorations to contribute, another neighbor blessed me with homemade potato soup, and yet more texted well wishes, prayers, and offers of help.

My cup overfloweth.

We had our first Christmas in our own home, we’ve always traveled, but this year it was our house bursting with family, gifts, love, laughter, and my dad’s amazing Beaten biscuits and Country Ham.

making beaten biscuits with grandpa

I hope each of y’all’s holiday was blessed and filled with laughter, love, family, friends, joy, and happiness.

a little play wb-0090


I would love to hear your favorite memories from this holiday season, your wishes for 2014, or just any good news and happiness you have to share.

If you have suggestions or questions or things you’d like to see recipe-wise, or story-wise on A Southern Fairytale in 2014 – please share them in the comments!

Blessings and Love, y’all!



Rachel and Family

waiting for santa


new board-0027




  1. It was a wonderful Christmas. We had such a good time being with our family, the food was so delicious, and everything looked beautiful. By the way, I woke up with the flu. UGH! Not again. I feel worse this time; didn’t think that was possible. Christmas was worth it, though.

  2. So glad you got over the yuckies in time to have a beautiful Christmas!

    Posts? I’m always looking for quick, whole food dinners. And, of course, I love hearing about your sweet family and fun life!

    Don’t let it get too dusty around here, okay? 🙂

    1. Hey sweet Sarah! Love seeing you pop up in the comments <3 Miss your sweet face. Quick, whole food dinners.. NOTED!

      I definitely want to go back to sharing more family here, like I did once upon a time <3 I won't let it get dusty around here anymore <3 <3

  3. Ugh so sorry to hear you have been sick. I too woke up Christmas Eve with a horrible cold…but nothing too awful. So glad you hear that you were well loved during this time! Happy New Year!

  4. Sorry to hear you got the flu, but happy to hear how everyone pitched in to make Christmas special. Feel better!!

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