What are you doing for Memorial Day Weekend?

Are you cooking out with friends and family? Going on a Picnic, to the beach, a local park?

We’re going to be practicing kickball, playing in the pool, layering the sunscreen and mosquito spray and eating. a lot. 😉 It’s what we do.

Are you stuck for recipe ideas?  Need some inspiration?  I’d love to share a few ideas with y’all!


Baked Potato skins with Salmon

guac with chips

Main Dish


rosemary lemon chicken

  • More Main Dish Recipes can be found here

For Breakfast

glazed blackberry lemon cake

  • Maybe Migas are more your style…


So… what are you planning?  What are you eating?

I’d love to know!

Whatever y’all choose, stay safe, wear sunscreen, don’t drink and drive and most of all.. have fun with those you love.


  1. My in-laws are taking care of dinner on Monday…but on SUNDAY, we are planning to make ribs, veggie kabobs, and ice cream. I’m still trying to decide on the flavor.
    .-= Just Jinny´s most recent blog ..My 30th Birthday =-.

    1. I LOVE homemade ice cream!!! I get rocketed back to childhood just thinking about it. My parents made THE most amazing peaches and cream ice cream!
      I hope your weekend is fantastic!

  2. Happy Memorial Day honey! I think I’m going to have to try that rosemary chicken though I doubt I do it was well as you…

    We will be doing the same as you this weekend, eating, swimming, sunscreening….can’t wait!
    .-= The Stiletto Mom´s most recent blog ..Time Line Of A Nervous Breakdown =-.

    1. Consider it done.
      We put the kids in the bunks and you’re getting her full size wrought iron bed.
      Best AC in the house, too.
      I’ll even fry up bacon and sausage and gravy for you, I love you that much.

  3. Well, I feel like the weekend is almost here…I don’t why! I started off tonight with two oven stuffer chickens in a raspberry glaze…that we’ll have for sandwiches with chutney this weekend. Steak on the grill tomorrow. Easy. So we can sit out on the deck and enjoy. One thing I am excited about is the super-sized “campfire” marshmallows I bought for smores around the campfire. My kids are pretty happy ’bout that! Those marshmallows are huge!! Have a great weekend! ~Chris Ann
    .-= LoveFeast Table´s most recent blog ..The Don’s Limoncello =-.

  4. Pretty sure we’re going to Disney World on Memorial Day. So we’ll make due with whatever we bring or get there. 😉

    Those short ribs look amazing though….may need to try that.
    .-= Hockeymandad´s most recent blog ..Day of Birthdays =-.

  5. Lookin good! And you aren’t so bad yourself.

    Great idea (and I totally copied you, but at least I own my unoriginality, right?)

    I planted rosemary not too long ago, in an ignored area near our mailbox and my husband weed whacked it. Grr.
    It’s still alive, but it will be a LONG time before I can just go out and snag some whenever I want. -This is in ref to your gorgeous lemon rosemary chicken breasts.-

    Have a lovely weekend.
    .-= Heather Solos´s most recent blog ..Picnic Possibilities =-.

  6. We’re going out of town and we’re going to be super busy the whole time! We’re also staying in a hotel which has very limited “resources”. Haha. Unfortunately we will be eating out for most of our meals. Fortunately, there are some GREAT restaurants in the area!

    And, can I just say that my family members make fun of me because I eat MIGAS constantly now! Ever since I read your post I thought, “Hey! That’s easy! Quick! Calories aren’t too bad (if you’re careful!)! So, I eat them A LOT! 🙂
    .-= Jessica´s most recent blog ..Writer’s Workshop: Timeout, Little Missy! =-.

  7. Yum. We are making your donut holes sometime this weekend, along with my husband’s award winning pulled pork and BBQd ribs, The Pioneer Woman’s Chocolate Sheet Cake, and the Ahhhmazing Margaritas from Mexico. It is going to be a very good weekend.
    .-= elz´s most recent blog ..Friday Favorite- The Beauty of Different =-.

  8. All of those look SO DELISH! 🙂 We’re just eating. And eating. And eating. Lots of bbq, and a luau tomorrow to celebrate my birthday! I cannot wait! 🙂
    .-= Heather´s most recent blog ..to my wife on her birthday* =-.

  9. Hello my dear! I LOOOOVVVE rhe look of those short ribs- mmmm, they melt my mouth. SO far we’ve had a sleepover with umpteen million teenaged boys, and perhaps we shall go swimming. That’s about it! All best to you on your holiday weekend! xoxo, Lindsay

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