Everyone, say Hi to Eggy.

Eggy, say Hi to everyone.



Y’all wouldn’t believe the trouble that little bugger up there is giving me.

Nathan and I had such success with The 17 Day Diet (he 40 pounds, me 30 pounds) that we decided to re-visit the first 2 cycles after the New Year.  Oh yes, that’s now 😉

I know I keep promising to share recipes with y’all – and honestly, I will.

Right now, however, I’m asking for y’all’s help.

That little purple veggie up there is driving me crazy – I just can’t think of what I want to do with it.

It can’t be fried or breaded – needs to be made baked or grilled or sauteed – no cheese – minimal fat –

Tomatoes, onions, garlic, chilies, peppers and the like are all okayall welcome actually.

So, I’d love for y’all to share your ideas, thoughts, tips, tricks etc…

Share them in the comments, e-mail, me whatever… if I make it and love it, you and your idea will be featured on here!!

I’ve already gotten some great ideas on Twitter:

Anna @TheMedicoreMom Suggested: In a Casserole with Shrimp

@Tarable said that her husband Grilled it with Curry Powder

The Lovely @LoveFeast shared her family’s favorite way to serve eggplant

Cassie suggested the super unhealthy, but oh my holy heavenly deliciousness of frying it and smothering it with tomatoes and cheese

Help me, my friends!  Quick and delicious, healthy and favorites! Help me to figure out how to add Eggy up there to our repertoire, before he gets eyes and ears and a smile placed upon him by my ever so creative kids and becomes a family pet instead.



  1. Grill it and then layer it in a casserole dish with sauce between each layer. You can also use vegan cheese if your doing a diet. If you bake in the sauce it gets tender. You don’t have to put the cheese but I love it with tons of cheese.

  2. It’s typically prepared with miso sauce in Japanese cooking (so I’ve been told), and it’s also supposed to be delicious grilled and drizzled with curry oil.

    1. Melissa also said that if you cut half inch slices and bake them, you can use those as the “crust” (she did the air quotes) for mini pizzas. Top with tomato sauce, roasted tomatoes, or your toppings of choice!

  3. cut in cubes and drizzle or spray with EVOO and sprinkle with garlic salt and pepper and roast in 400 oven til tender! SUPER YUMMY!

  4. I have a fabulous Japanese recipe my exchange family mother used. Since it is too lengthy for the comments, I’ll have to e-mail you a copy. You’ll also need some ground chicken to go with it. Will try to get it to you later today; wish me luck!

  5. Baba Ganoush!!! so simple and Totally tasty! just prick it all over and roast it till deflated 🙂 then pulse it in the food processor with olive oil, garlic and a bit of yogurt. can add tahini if you’ve got it, but not nec. Salt and pepper, of course – maybey some cayenne to spice it up. Dip with celery, carrots or whatev diet allows.

  6. I e-mailed you Okasan’s recipe yesterday. Let me know if you have any questions. Good luck!! 🙂

  7. I’m not providing any help with recipes I’m afraid, just want to say that I think it’s excellent that you and your husband lost so much weight! Best wishes with the next cycle.

  8. Hi Rachel, per my Tweet I like chopping up eggplant and simmering in a deep pan with water and olive oil (or a soup broth like chicken broth), your choice of spices (salt, pepper, paprika, etc.), garlic, sweet onions and chopped up leeks.

    My friend likes slicing it thin and using it as a replacement for the pasta in lasagna.

    Then you have my italian fiance who suggests stuffing it with whatever you like – veggies and cheese or ground beef/turkey, mushrooms, onions, garlic etc. Or bake it in thin layers with potato, tomatoes, indian spices and ground lamb.

    Good luck!

  9. the first that i thought that it is a mouse or something but after carefully seeing it understood that it is a vegetable.

    1. It is SO good! We have made it three times in a week and it has never lasted more than one day buacese we eat it right away! At least it is a pretty healthy food to eat in mass quantities!

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