sliced steak sandwich2

I know, it’s a mouthful (heh)  That is marinated sliced top sirloin topped with sauteed mushrooms and onions and served ona  toasted ciabatta roll with a roasted red pepper and basil mayonnaise.

You want this sandwich, trust me.  You will want to have this sandwich more than once, I have in fact had them twice in two days… it’s really a hard life being a food blogger 😉

This is probably in my Top 5 of my all time favorite sandwiches, ever.  So, when The Motherhood contacted me about working with them on an “I Heart Beef” on behalf of The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association; I did two things.. I immediately said YES, because hello I’m a Texas Girl and I love beef and then I went to the store and bought all the ingredients for this sandwich

This post was sponsored but the recipe is all mine, the opinions, sentiment and enthusiasm are all mine and believe me when I tell you that want to hang around for this one, you want this recipe and you want to enter to win the awesome prize that I’ll tell you about at the end of the recipe.

Let’s Do This:

sliced steak sandwich ingredients

  • 1 1/2 lbs trimmed top sirloin steak
  • 4 ciabatta rolls (This made 3 sandwiches for us.  But, these were LOADED sandwiches *ahem*)
  • 1 yellow onion, medium, sliced
  • 10 oz mushrooms, sliced
  • 7 cloves of garlic, divided 4 and 3, sliced
  • 3/4 C worcestershire
  • 1/4 C Soy sauce
  • 1 to 3 Tbsp Frank’s Buffalo Wing Sauce (I use 3 for the marinade and more later)
  • 3 Tbsp Rachel’s Simple Seasoning*  will share recipe below

ingredients for basil/red pepper mayo

  • 1/4 C Mayonnaise
  • 1 whole roasted red bell pepper, rough chopped (I use Fire Roasted in a Jar)
  • 3 to 4 Fresh Basil Leaves, chopped
  1. Trim the steak and put in a large ziploc baggie, add in 4 chopped garlic cloves
  2. In a bowl or glass measuring cup mix the soy sauce, worcestershire, Seasoning and Hot Saucemarinade
  3. Pour over steak and garlic in bag, seal and refrigerate for at LEAST 3 hours.

For The Mayonnaise:

  1. Mix chopped red pepper, basil and mayonnaise together along with another dash of hot sauce (y’all know how I am) and then cover and refrigerate.

After The Steak Has Marinated

  1. Slice the onions and mushrooms
  2. Place 1/2 stick of butter on a skillet and allow it to melt while the griddle/skillet heats up melting butter
  3. Place the sliced onions, 3 cloves of garlic and mushrooms in the butter on the griddle/skillet and sautee until caramelized and the smell of them makes you want to dive headfirst into them (resist this urge, it’s painful)onions and mushrooms
  4. While the onions are cooking, slice your steak into 1/4″ (width) strips
  5. Remove cooked onions and mushrooms and set aside in a covered dish
  6. Put your steak on the griddle/skillet and drizzle with a bit more hot sauce (optional) and some crushed red pepper flakessliced steak
  7. Cook the steak strips for 3 to 5 minutes
  8. Remove from heat and add to the covered dish with mushrooms, onions and garlic.
  9. Scrape the griddle a bit and then put your ciabatta roll halves onto the griddle to toast the inside and outside.
  10. Remove the toasted halves and slather with the insanely delicious Herb Mayonnaise that you made earlierciabatta bread with mayo

Do not be afraid of this mayonnaise, it is your friend.  It adds a cool, creamy, fresh zing to this piping hot sandwich.

Now, load your sandwich with the meat, mushroom, onion, garlic mixture

Marinated Steak Sandwich


You’re Welcome. 😉

Now, for even more deliciousness.

Check out the Beef It’s What’s For Dinner website, seriously amazing recipes and inspiration as well as tips and information can be found on there, I have it bookmarked y’all, it is that good.

The Motherhood and The I Heart Beef people have offered one of my readers a $100 Gift Certificate to Omaha Steaks (I am supremely envious of whomever wins this)

Wanna win this delicious gift card? Here’s how:

  1. (Mandatory) Leave a comment here telling me your favorite way to serve Beef (Steak, hamburger…) Your favorite recipe
  2. (BONUS) Visit the I Heart Beef website and tell me which recipe there makes your mouth water
  3. (BONUS) Follow Beef For Dinner on Twitter and tell me in a comment
  4. (BONUS) Tweet this and leave the Twitter URL in a separate comment

This contest will end at 10:00 PM CST on February 28th.  I will choose the winner and they will have the $100 GC sent to them electronically by the FABULOUS ladies of The Motherhood (if you aren’t a member, you should go join, seriously)

There are several other bloggers who are joining me in this deliciously beefy campaign; you may enter to win on their blogs, too.  But, you can only win once and each individual sets their own contest rules:

Rachel’s Simple Seasoning (RSS) or My Favorite Seasoning Blend for Meat

  • 1/4 C salt
  • 1/4 C Garlic Powder
  • 1 Tbsp Onion Powder
  • 1 Tbsp Paprika
  • 1/4 C Coarsely Ground Pepper
  • 1 tsp Ground Mustard
  • 1 tsp Comino (Cumin)
  • 1 tsp cayenne
  • dash cinnamon

these are all full measurements

Congratulations to our winner!!  Tammy Munson commenter #25


  1. Is it true that the first commenter NEVER gets selected by those random number generator things? That doesn’t really seem random if it’s true. Anyway I heart beef too and my fave is New York strip steaks marinated in Lowry’s Mesquite 30 min marinade and grilled. YUM.
    .-= Sarah aka MainlineMom´s most recent blog ..Snapshots of a Weekend =-.

  2. You really should have labeled this as NSFW. The sounds I just made in my office are cause for alarm in the HR dept. Just a note for next time.

    I have a pile of beef sitting at home. Ready to be tamed for my beef post. I can’t wait to go at it!
    .-= BusyDad´s most recent blog ..Dadvatar: The Blissdom Chronicles =-.

  3. holy cow rachel, this looks awesome! I think you’ve outdone yourself. I was already clicking over here to tell you how amazing it looks when I saw there’s a giveaway too. So… I’m entering.

    Right now my favorite way to serve beef is a pot roast in the crock pot. Recipe here: I really want to learn to cook steaks at home though, and make them GOOD — and I’m definitely trying this sandwich.
    .-= Erin G´s most recent blog ..Another Future World Traveler in Our Ranks =-.

  4. just went and looked at the site, and you’re right — it’s one to be bookmarked. I like how you can search for recipes by the cut of meat you have AND additional ingredients. Hello, useful.

    The one I’m wanting to try most is the cheesy sloppy joe beefy cups — mostly because I already have all those ingredients on hand, and also because I think my picky toddler will actually eat it. Yum!

    bring on the steaks, omaha!!!
    .-= Erin G´s most recent blog ..Another Future World Traveler in Our Ranks =-.

  5. This is making my mouth water! Looks scrumptious…. My favorite way to make beef is stroganoff because it’s quick and easy. The recipe that made my mouth water over on the “I heart beef” website was the Pomegranite steak w/ Quinoa because I have been experimenting with quinoa recently.

  6. I recently made The Pioneer Woman’s Italian Drip Beef sandwiches and it’s my new italian beef go to. But I’ll take my beef anyway I can get it (that sounded way dirtier than intended). Favorite cut o’ steak – filet, hands down. With no seasoning other than salt and pepper. Burgers? Yes please. Especially with bleu cheese.

    Funny story. I used to do PR for the Cattlewoman’s Association, the sister organization to the Cattleman. Have you ever entered their Beef Cook Off? This recipe looks like it could be a winner!

    .-= Jill´s most recent blog ..Looking up =-.

  7. I just like a really good filet wrapped in bacon. Maybe with some blue cheese. Oh my goodness, must have this soon!!

  8. I LOOOOOOVE beef jerky (I’m not a food blogger, bee tee dub -I’m kind of a mediocre cook but I’m GREAT at opening bags). But my favorite ways to eat beef are either pepper steak or Mongolian beef served over steamed rice. Oooh, or a good stroganoff, now that I think about it… but I haven’t had that in years because (wait for it) I’m kind of a crappy cook.

    .-= Sarah´s most recent blog ..Thursday Ten: Whoa Nelly It’s Busy Edition =-.

  9. This has me drooling.

    I have been craving steak this entire pregnancy, prepared any and every way 🙂

    However, I must say that my favorite is stir-frying it with fresh red peppers and onions.

    K. Drooling again 🙂
    .-= Momisodes´s most recent blog ..Pennies from heaven =-.

  10. Pomegranate Steak with Quinoa from the I Heart Beef site sounds like something I’d love to make and my family might totally try to shun but end up loving 😀
    .-= Melissa´s most recent blog ..Heparphobia? =-.

  11. My favorite way to have beef is to have a hamburger during the summer cooked on the grill.

    Mmmmmmm….can it be summer yet? (live in NY, getting lots of snow).

  12. Mmmmkay, so you will find me very boring here…but I don’t eat beef, so I rarely cook it! I do, however, use ground Top Round and ground Sirloin steak to make “Kibbi,” which is a traditional Syrian recipe that has been passed down through my family!! 🙂

    {I can’t give you the recipe unless you marry in to my family though, LOL!!!}

    Thank you for the entry for the gift card…my husband would love to go out for a steak!! HA!!
    .-= Muthering Heights´s most recent blog ..Six Tricks =-.

  13. Oh my gosh that sandwich looks fantastic!!

    My favorite beef of all is a ribeye steak and I want it straight up, no marinade, grilled on an open fire. And don’t bring any steak sauce near it either! Period. I have other favorites of course, but that steak is my #1 favorite.

    I would love to win this! I buy Omaha as gifts for other people, but have never actually bought them for myself.
    .-= Mary´s most recent blog ..Ponzu Lime Mojo Wings =-.

  14. This dish looks absolutely divine!!! I will definitely be trying it next week when a *certain soldier* is home ! : ) I love the fact that you cook with REAL butter and HOT sauce . NOM NOM

    I would love to win the Omaha Steaks Gift Card as we are all Red Meat eating people in our house!! (cholesterol be damned !!! ) I think our favorite is Carne Asada and of course Steak on the Barbie! (insert aussie accent there )
    .-= Tammy Munson´s most recent blog ..We get what we give =-.

  15. I love a good, juicy burger. Or a thick juicy steak. Or a juicy slow cooked pot roast. Or hell, who am I kidding… give me any kind of beef but just make sure it’s juicy!

    That looks unbelievably awesome. I must make soon.

  16. You are just evil for making me go to that website on a Friday during Lent! (well, if I actually remembered Lent this year… oops)

    Anyways, the Mini Beef Wellingtons look so yummy! (among many, many others!)
    .-= Alisha in Ohio´s most recent blog ..Hey Mr. Bartender! =-.

  17. I’m a pescetarian but my husband and son are huge meat eaters. Mason, the 4 year old, even pretends he’s a BBQ Pit Boss. He runs around saying “We’re going to win this competition! Our meat the best!” whenever they grill.
    .-= Imelda´s most recent blog ..Links for 2010-02-25 [] =-.

  18. You had me at “mushrooms” but this one looks like it could replace the cheese/zucchini/crack recipe as my favorite on your site.
    .-= ClumberKim´s most recent blog ..I Came, I Was Awed, I Cooked, part two =-.

  19. GAH! I am drooling all over my keyboard here. That looks amazing. And I do truly heart beef…and a good steak sandwich is a thing of beauty. My favorite beef recipe is marinated flank steak on the grill. YUM! Of course a plain old steak makes me smile too.
    .-= Michelle Smiles´s most recent blog ..Paint w/Booze! =-.

  20. What goes better together than beef & mushrooms?! I’m going to try this recipe this weekend.
    Thanks for supporting our American cattle producers with your beef recipe!

  21. Um Yum-O! In our house we love beef, generally ground beef.

    Our old standby is chili, plain unadulterated ground beef with garlic salt, pepper, tomato sauce, rotel, chili powder, let simmer for at least an hour generally adding a little water as needed. We either put on chips, or tortillas and top with cheese and salsa, or just eat it with good ole’ saltine crackers.
    .-= Liz´s most recent blog ..Retail Therapy~Part One =-.

  22. The recipe from the Beef website that I’d love to try is the Beefy Mexican Lasagna!
    .-= Liz´s most recent blog ..Retail Therapy~Part One =-.

  23. I’ve never been very creative with beef dishes, I pretty much stick to the basics. I like a good steak or burger from the grill. My husband and I are determined (after watching numerous seasons of Hell’s Kitchen) to one day make Beef Wellington!
    .-= Malia´s most recent blog ..Dammed =-.

  24. I clicked over to the I <3 Beef website and I remembered that I also really want to make Beef Bourguignonne ala Julia Child! Yum!!
    .-= Malia´s most recent blog ..Dammed =-.

  25. My favorite way to serve beef is a good old cheeseburger! However, I like to get a little different with the toppings. My favorite way to eat a juicy burger is with sharp cheddar cheese, guacamole, sprouts and tomato. YUM!

  26. Sorry — pushed the publish button too quickly. One of my favorite ways to serve beef is to use the lean eye of round and make marinated London Broil — yum!

  27. Our favorite way to serve beef is good old spicy meatballs! Just ground beef, crushed seasoned croutons for the breadcrumbs, garlic, parsley, egg, salt, pepper, red pepper flakes. I make big batches to freeze and then pull out to use in spaghetti, mash up for baked ziti use for meatball subs, etc. They are so yummy and versatile!

  28. My favortie way to serve beef in Grilled Marinated London Broil. I grill one or two every week during the summer. Serve it that day with baked potatoes finished on the gril, and corn on the cob. Sliced thin, it can easily serve a crowd, much easier than hamburgers (think block party). I then slice the leftovers, freeze them with wax paper between the layers in a ziploc bag. I am good to go for stir fry, steak sandwiches, paninis, etc. when I need beef.

  29. I don’t have a favorite way to serve beef because (gasp!) I do not cook. It is apparent by my appearance, however, that I live with someone who does (and does it rather well). Your steak sandwich recipe/photo looks amazing. I can’t wait to show it to my cook, I mean husband.

    Hopefully it will count if you allow me to state his fave way to serve beef: Alton Brown’s pan seared NY Strip: Fantastic!

    My husband, Roger, also makes a mean carne guisada (and created his own recipe for it).
    .-= Colleen Pence´s most recent blog ..Top 5 Reasons I Loved Attending The Mom 2.0 Summit =-.

  30. My favorite way to serve beef is a roast beef panini. I make it with balsamic glazed onions, roast beef, and blue cheese and then grill it. The cheese gets melty and it is absolutely delicious.

  31. The recipe I found that I want to try, despite being wishy washy on grits (husband loooooooves them) is the Wild West Beef and Smoked Gouda Grits. Looks like something worth giving grits a second (or third) try for!

  32. The featured recipe contains some of my most favorite food items, so I’m going to have to try it: “The sweet-tart taste of pomegranate, meaty richness of beef top loin and the creamy tang of goat cheese come together in an exquisite steak dinner. A perfect example of why it’s so easy to love beef.”
    .-= Daisy´s most recent blog ..Make New Friends, But Keep the Old… =-.

  33. My favorite way to eat beef is in Beef Stroganoff — my mother’s version. It’s incredible and doesn’t have tomato sauce or mustard in it (odd additions in my opinion).

  34. We love to grill steaks with Cavendar’s Salt Free Seasoning and to medium rare then saute mushrooms in butter to pour over them. Serve with steamed broccoli, and roasted sweet potatoes rolled in evoo and roasted …our absolute favorite!

  35. i do eat the meats (after a 10 year hiatus) but i’m still not so practiced at making them. so…my favorite way to eat beef is the way my husband makes steaks (and i don’t even know which cut) on the grill, sometimes topped with a grilled tomato and gorgonzola. and yes, medium rare, as per the twitter conversation.
    .-= tara´s most recent blog ..award season fashion advice, please? =-.

  36. My favorite was to prepare beef is simple-salt and pepper on a t-bone steak and grilled. Let it set for 5 minutes or so before cutting into it. Serve with sauteed mushrooms and onions. Delicious!

  37. My favorite way to have beef is on the grill. Yum, NY Strip Steak on the grill Pittsburgh Seared.


  38. When I go to fancy restaurants…I love the steak with a thick wine sauce….I’m currently trying like crazy to find one that I like…I’ve been through 4 recipes already….still looking for one!

  39. My very favorite beef recipe is a meatloaf that was passed down from my mom. Served with homemade mashed potatoes, it’s delicious and easy to boot.

  40. I love steak! My newest fav way to make it is to cover each side with brown sugar and sprinkle montreal steak seasoning on that. Let the sugar soak into the sides and then grill it or broil it. DELICIOUS!

  41. I love making chili with beef..I use my mother’s recipe which includes a pound and a half of ground beef, tomato puree, diced tomatoes, tomato sauce, loads of spices, kidney beans and carrots. My husband thought carrots in chili was weird until he had mine.

    While I’ve tried to duplicate it, I can’t make my grandmother’s stuffed cabbage as good as she does. My grandmother was raised in Poland and makes the best stuffed cabbage I’ve ever had.
    .-= shel´s most recent blog ..Yummy Giveaway: Sony Reader =-.

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