potato and green bean salad 2

Can I get a glory, glory Hallelujah!!! Please?

I FINALLY have the Tastemaker Challenge 2 recipe and video ready to share with y’all!  This video has been almost comical with the issues it’s had.  Lost camera, video software crashing, things deleting, hiccuping and flat out disappearing on me.

BUT, it’s ready!

This month’s Tastemaker 2K10 challenge was nutrition on a budget.  We were each given $10 and told to create a healthy, nutritious and delicious meal for under $10.  Another Challenge for the Challenge.. keep it as close to the potatoes natural healthy state as possible.

So… without further ado… I present my “TONGUEGASMIC”

Tonguegasmic Apron

Tastemaker Challenge 2 Recipe & Video

please click through and watch the video and rate it using the star system! THANK YOU!

Chilled Potato and Green Bean Salad

  • 1 bag Red Potatoes
  • 1 lb fresh green beans, washed and snapped into 1″ pieces
  • 3/4 Tbsp Dijon Mustard
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • 2 Tbsp red wine vinegar
  • 1/2 C extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 Tbsp minced shallot (mine was a healthy 1 Tbsp)
  • salt and pepper to taste

Mince the shallot and whisk together in a glass bowl: lemon juice, red wine vinegar, dijon mustard, salt and pepper, olive oil shallot.  Cover and refrigerate.

Wash and snap green beans into roughly 1″ pieces.

Wash the potatoes and quarter

Steam the green beans to snappy crisp tender, remove from steamer and run cold water over them to cease the cooking process.

green beans being rinsed

Drizzle about 2 tsp of vinaigrette over the green beans and refrigerate.

Steam the potatoes until fork tender.  Remove and rinse with cool water to stop the cooking process.

Add the potatoes to the green beans.

When you’re ready to serve them, toss with the vinaigrette.  I had some vinaigrette left over.  I didn’t want it to be too saturated.

This recipe was served at our practice Thanksgiving meal and my entire family gave it huge thumbs up.  I will definitely make this again and I *might* have snacked on the leftovers for the next day. YUM.

You can see more about the #Tastemaker 2K10 challenge on the  Mom’s Dinner Helper website.

If you’re linking up to the Mouthwatering Monday Tonguegasmic Linky, Thank you for your patience!!!!

Make sure to link directly to your recipe URL, leave a comment saying Hi, introducing yourself.. whatever, link back in your post and visit some of the other participants!

Thanks y’all!


  1. My favorite part? Hot Potato, Hot Potato! That little man can get his boogie on!
    .-= Krissa´s last blog ..Soup D’Jour =-.

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