Pictures will come later.
I was there.
I saw the sea of purple, even more beautiful.. the sea of purple shirts adorned with golden curls, brilliant smile and laughing, sparkling blue eyes.

I saw strength and grace and love today.

Heather and Mike speaking for Maddie and all children at the LA March of Dimes walk today.

Maddie Spohr

*sorry it is fuzzy and shaky. I was crying and was as close as I could get.


  1. Those Spohrs amaze me so much. Their grace is amazing. So glad you were able to be there. Wish I could’ve been too.

    Sugar Jones’s latest brilianceGet a Job

  2. gosh, i’m so glad you posted this… my husband and i are doing next weekend’s walk for maddie in baltimore. it’s amazing to see their strength. thank you!

    nic @MyBottle’sUp!’s latest briliancerunning on fumes…

  3. Absolutely love this video – Heather and Mike are so amazing… and sweet Maddie is so proud of them. Wow. Thank you for sharing this for all of us who wish we could be right there. The support they have of people in the crowd, and all those tears, and everyone watching… amazing… touching…

    Krystle | Snarky Kisses’s latest brilianceLife is changing…

  4. What a beautiful tribute. I am so proud of you. I don’t know that I could have done it. It was touching to see Mike putting his hand on your back and you guys supporting one another throughout the speech.

    We almost lost our daughter right after she was born – for different reasons…MRSA — and now that she is a teen she is struggling with other issues, and we might lose her still.

    I think of you folks daily, and send blessings and energies to you and anyone out there who has gone through what you are going through.

    biggest hugs
    Moon in MO

    Moon HalloranLeady’s latest brilianceOur Caturday ritual

  5. Thanx so much 4 sharing the video. I am the Mom of a Preemie Grad who had a lot of lung problems to overcome. Heather & Mike put a face and personality to the thousands of wonderful parents, who face the the uncertainty of parenting a sick newborn. Maddie puts a face upon all of the many little ones who just want to have a chance at living a healthy life and struggle to live. I’m also a NICU RN and Maddie has become the face of all of my 25 yrs, nursing the very tiny and the very sick, whose presence I was in, only for their hospital stay. I walked on Team Maddie today, in St Louis, with new friends-We met to walk for you, Maddie and all of the little ones like Maddie. Inspiration is the theme for little Maddie’s life, as well as the courage of Heather & Mike. Thanx 4 sharing your heart with us all. Let’s keep the March of Dimes in the forefront & remember where each us of became inspired. Blessings, Adene B

  6. Thank you so much for videotaping and sharing that! That was beautiful.

    “She come home, and she LIVED, and she made us SO SO happy…” I think that line with stick with me for a very long time…

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