
I was a Bangles Fanatic, and I’m not talking bracelets. I mean really. I Walked Like an Egyptian in my acid washed jordache jeans and lace two colored layered socks, my mile high bangs, and my knotted t-shirts.
Come on Bangle lovers, this will just make you smile, grin and bop. Wish my camera were charged so you could see the diaper clad monkey bopping in his darling no rhythm having cuteness, or princess in her bright blue underwear shaking it (my poor husband. LOL)
But the reason for today’s Manic Monday post complete with finger tapping tunes…
The wonderful Kim at Top Momma sent out an e-mail this morning about a fabulous new holiday giveaway at The Adventures of Super Mom and Spit Up Boy, if the name alone doesn’t make you want to run over there at the speed of light, then the giveaway will, if you’re a bibliophile like me!!
Leave her a comment on her post , and you’ll be entered to win an autographed copy of Patricia Cornwell’s latest novel, Book of The Dead ! I love a good murder mystery and Patricia Cornwell is one of my favorites so I’m really excited about this one, and wondering why I’m telling y’all about it!?!
Oh yes, mainly because I just discovered this blog today and it’s a return reader!! She’s hysterical!
Now- get your wonderful little tushies over there and check her out!!


  1. I so remember doing this myself just because my older sister was!!! Fun times!!!
    Thanks for the heads up on the contest!!

  2. Rachel – I still embarrass my kids by singing Walk Like An Egyptian, with all the moves!

    (Er, just expunge this comment!!!)

  3. You are all soooooooo welcome for the flashback! Isn’t it great!!
    Aquanet ~ ah the fumes 😉
    David ~ no way am I expunging this comment! It’s here for perpituity! LOL.

  4. Love, love, love the Bangles!! I’ve got a few of their songs loaded on the playlist on my blog! 🙂

  5. Hey girl! I just want to say I have no idea why I put that name there. None. However I edited it and now it looks better. Must be having one of those days today!!
    Glad you like my template!!

  6. I never liked the Bangles, but I loved the song Hazy shade of Winter cause me and my boyfriend use to make out to it..

    I only like Manic MOnday because Prince wrote it..did u know he wrote that song?

    I am full of all osrts of usless knowlege..


  7. I absolutely adored the Bangles…man, aren’t we all just taking little walks down memory lane this past week….thanks for sharing.
    Thanks for the FYI on the contest…

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