Hey y’all! Don’t forget to go check out the amazing Kelly, for some seriously inspirational non-sewing crafty gift ideas and the unbelievably talented Cindy, for gift ideas that’ll have you dying to whip out your sewing machine and get to creating!


Today’s featured baker is, um Me ๐Ÿ˜‰

Oreo Truffles

oreo truffles

These are kind of the most ridiculously addictive and amazing chocolate-y treat that I’ve ever made.ย  These were my gift to the teachers, my mom’s friends, my neighbors, the staff at both schools and everyone else I could give them to so that I wouldn’t eat EVERY SINGLE ONE this past Christmas ๐Ÿ™‚

Just the word truffle is enough to turn many people away, but I promise you, this Oreo Truffle recipe is so simple and delicious that you’re going to find yourself creating reasons to make these Oreo Truffles.

Really, how can you go wrong with Oreos, cream cheese and chocolate?

The ingredients are simple and few, the directions, simple and few.

The results: mouthwatering, amazing, chocolate-y, rich, delicious and unforgettable. I took these up to the elementary school twice in two weeks last year and I had people stop me in the halls wanting the recipe, or asking me to make more. ๐Ÿ˜‰

oreo truffle ingredients

double batch pictured… double batch recipe given

  • 2 packages oreo cookies
  • 2 (8 oz) blocks cream cheese, softened
  • 4 packages semi-sweet chocolate (8 blocks in each package)
  • any toppings: crushed candy, toasted coconut, white chocolate, andes mint chips, more crushed oreos

For the exact how to.. go to the original post: here ๐Ÿ˜‰

oreo truffles 2


  1. A colleague of mine made these for me last Christmas and they were delectable! I am glad to get the recipe, I’d forgotten how much I liked them until I saw your post. I will just have to get to the store and figure out how many Oreos are in a package. We are such fans that we buy them in bulk at our local Costco, but it won’t be hard to check the serving section and convert that information to find out how many Oreos come in a regular package.

  2. Awww, yes! They are indeed, delicious! We have been making them for years at this house and they are a crowd favorite! They taste much more expensive and difficult than they are!
    Great choice!

  3. These look amazing! I wonder if I could use melted choc chips instead of the bakers chocolate. There goes my diet!

  4. I was introduced to these this past Christmas, but in my neck of the woods they’re called “Oreo Balls”. Introduced them to my family back in MD and they thought they were genius. Always wanted to try them with mint oreos.

  5. OMG you don’t know how excited I am so see this! The other week this woman in my neighborhood made me try this chocolate thing which was to die for!!! when I asked her what was inside she said oreos and cream cheese! well I have been thinking about it ever since and it HAS to be this!! Holy moly this is pregnant woman heaven!

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