Happy Monday, y’all!

I don’t have a recipe for y’all today – mainly because my internet has been out since Thursday and I’m writing this while sitting in a restaurant borrowing the internet.

AT&T is trying to figure out why our router is giving us so many issues, hopefully we’ll have it all wonderful and back in working order soon.

Instead of me sharing and then y’all sharing — I’m asking that y’all share not only your recipes, but your thoughts, ideas and opinions with me.

I want to make my site the best that it can be – the lovely Deanna is hard at work this week redesigning A Southern Fairytale – YAY! and along with the new look, I want to know what else I can do for y’all to make A Southern Fairytale better.

One of my favorite things that I added in 2011 is the ZipList plug-in which allows y’all to save recipes to a custom recipe box, use those recipes to create grocery lists and makes the recipes very easily printable. I love, love, love Ziplist and so many of my favorite food bloggers are using it as well: Two Peas and Their Pod, Buns In My Oven, Baked BreeRecipe Girl and so many more.

Here’s my question:  Do y’all like the big picture in the printable recipe, a smaller picture, no picture at all?

I would love to hear what y’all think and what y’all would like to see!

Please share with me!  Share any thoughts you have!

What would y’all like to see more of?  More appetizers, more main dish, more veggies, more beverages, more stories about the family, more about photography?

What things are you absolutely craving to see more of from me?

Okay – now — it’s y’all’s turn to share your recipes and your ideas 🙂 GO

** I am not paid by or sponsored by ZipList – I just love it**

A Few Favorites From Last Week


  1. I love your site, and am excited to hear that you are having a re-design. I’ll look forward to seeing your new look! I’ve shared a beef and beer stew this week – it’s a family favourite that is perfect comfort food for cooler days. Thank you for hosting.

  2. Hi,
    I shared my video for making homemade yogurt (SCD/GAPS) and a guest post about getting started with cultured foods. Also an interview with the author of “Could It Be B12? “ and a video for making Lacto-Fermented Beet Kvass.

    Join me in my Probiotic Foods Challenge starting January 9 at Real Food Forager!

    And link up your cultured and fermented foods here!
    Thanks for hosting!

  3. THANK you for the inspiration for this http://bit.ly/wyGIcY – you know a gluten free whole foodie like me would have to remake anything with crisco, hope you don’t mind!
    Another big THANKYOU for linking to ziplist – have been wanting to use this in my breakfast posts, and haven’t had time to research which plugin to use.
    I live the layout – and your recipes are always moutherwatering – but in redesign, perhaps more family stories… you have done some combined recipes/family tradition recipes and those are always my favorite!

    1. Lib – you’re such a doll! Of COURSE I don’t mind 😉 xoxo glad it inspired you and YUM, thank you!

      Of course, I love ZipList and am all about sharing that love with everyone! They’re so wonderful!

      Noted – I do love family and food, thank you for sharing xo

  4. Happy Monday Rachel! I struggled with putting a picture in ZipList in the beginning too, I felt that it was duplicating. But then they sent me some info about the whole hrecipe thing with Google and if you don’t have a picture, then it won’t be indexed. I really don’t understand it all, but went ahead and started taking different photos for the recipe box.
    Hope that helps! Thanks for hosting! I’ve been hitting you at the wrong time and missing the link up.

    1. Liz, that was my thought, too. I want to make sure that I’m indexing in Google, but I know some people don’t like the pictures printing, wanted to get everyone’s input.

      I love your pics and recipes, you know that! 🙂

      Nice to have you back. Yes, I’ve had so many internet issues it’s caused my posting to be spotty. … (sigh)

  5. HEre’s a question for your blogging genius – it’s says my most recent post is a dozen – I wrote that over a month ago and have posted lots since then. Any ideas of how to get the feed up and running again??

  6. I love ZipList too, which I think I’ve mentioned before. I was recently added to eir partner list, what a great group of people to work with.

    I can’t wait to see your new site. I like photos in ZipList. I didn’t know that google won’t index them without it, good thing I saw Liz’s comment. I try to use a new photo in the recipe, instead of one that I’ve already included in the the post.

    I can’t wait to see what you bring to us this year!

    1. Allison, you’re a doll!
      Thank you! I’m so glad you’re partnering with ZipList now – YAY!!!!!

      I can’t wait to see my new site, too 🙂 MWAH!

      Can’t wait to see what 2012 brings all of us.

    1. Hi Samantha!

      Welcome! So glad you’re joining in to Mouthwatering Mondays!! Let me know if you have any questions and I can’t wait to visit your blog, too!

    1. AWWWW <3 Natalie, you're just too sweet! MWAH MWAH MWAH! Thank you, darlin'!
      Creamy Cajun Chicken Pasta is one of my favorite things. yum. yum .yum!

  7. Rachel, thanks for the shout out on my cookies! I love when a recipe prints with a small photo (too big is wasteful on my ink). That way if I don’t use the recipe right away, I can see what it looks like as a reminder! Thanks for hosting!

    1. You’re so welcome, Aimee – they looked delish!
      Thank you for your input! I’m thinking I need to read my ZipList how to and resize the photos and font on my recipes!
      Thank you for linking up every week! xxoxo

  8. How exciting to be in the redesign mode! Of course, I know that’s a lot of work. To answer your question, if I were to print out a recipe I would NOT want the big picture in it. In fact, no pictures at all would be nice. However, I would want the source and the link to the source (your URL) included in the printed recipe. Hope this helps. I’ve linked up again this week. Thanks for hosting!

  9. Best wishes on the site redesign, I’m sure it will be lovely. I hope you get your internet issues fixed soon…it can be very frustrating for sure.

    As for pictures. Personally, in the recipe itself I always like to see a little picture in the printable recipe. Gives me a better idea of what my finished product should look like 🙂

  10. Hi~I linked my Souper Simple Soup today! I hope your internet is fixed soon! I like a small picture printed with the recipe, not a large one. The small pic help me remember the recipe if I don’t make it right away. Thanks for hosting!

  11. Good luck with the Internet! Like seeing the pix in the post; but don’t need them in the recipe to print. Also, whatever you end up doing, please make sure the site is still accessible via iPhones. I cook and shop alot using my phone and being able to adjust the size is important to me, but maybe not so much for others.

    I enjoy the stories and like being able to go back and find recipes I suddenly found myself having the ingredient for, no matter what part of the globe I may be at. Keep the family stories coming and a wonderful assortment of foods, from healthy to decadent and appetizers, entrees and desserts.

    Good luck!

    1. Hi Laura! I think the internet is back (fingers crossed)

      I will always make sure my site is accessible via iphone and ipad and the like! I’m always on the go and rarely bring my laptop anywhere!

      If you sign up for Ziplist — (free) and use their app, you can save recipes from all OVER to your recipe box and search them and create grocery lists from them, too. 🙂 FYI 😉

      Will do! XOXOXOXO

  12. Awesome – go you. I can’t wait to see what Deanna does for you. I’d like a smaller pic, although I definitely want the pics – it makes things easy to scan. But I’d rather not take up the room with a big one. I’m selfish that way 😉

    PS BOO about your internet. That has to be one of the most frustrating things these days, doesn’t it? It’s hard to beleiver how spoiled we’ve gotten lately, but … we have. Fingers crossed the internet is fixed for you soon!

  13. Since you’re asking, I want to see more mouthwatering recipes and more on photography. I love pictures and It’ll be nice to learn and see more about it. I am looking forward to seeing more on your site. Keep it up! 🙂

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