Easy Basic Guacamole Recipe 

How to Make Guacamole

Springtime is all about barbecues and cookouts and for me… that means Guacamole and Fajitas.
Thinking about this got my mouth watering so off to the store I went to get some avocados and cilantro, so that I could make my own Guacamole.

The key to gorgeous, green, mouthwatering Guacamole is fresh ingredients.


How to choose the perfect avocado:

  • When choosing your avocados they should yield to slight pressure, but not squish. They should NOT be hard and unyielding
  • Color actually doesn’t hold much weight when it comes to choosing a ripe avocado! 
  • It’s all about the gentle pressure and yield!

Making your own guacamole at home is simple and you will be rewarded for your efforts, trust me.

Making Guacamole at Home

Print Recipe
Prep Time:15 minutes
Total Time:15 minutes


  • 3 avocados
  • 4 garlic cloves pressed or finely minced
  • 1/2 medium yellow onion chopped
  • 4 Campari Tomatoes or 1 medium tomato
  • 1/4 tsp chopped cilantro leaves or more or less, to your taste
  • Juice of 1 lime
  • dash salt
  • dash pepper
  • 1 finely chopped and seeded jalapeno


  • Slice your avocados in half and remove the pit, using a spoon, scoop the avocados out gently and put them in a bowl.
  • Add in your chopped jalapeno, tomatoes, onion, pressed or minced garlic, cilantro, pepper, salt and lime juice.
  • Mash together until it is as smooth or chunky as you like it.
Author: Rachel
See, it’s easy and depending on your preferences for cilantro, garlic and jalapenos, you can add more at will. Some days I like a good bite! So, I’ll add 2 jalapenos and not remove all the seeds, or chop them up too finely. Other days I’ll add in a few dashes of cholula or tabasco.

My favorite way to eat guacamole is with the Hint of Jalapeno Scoops and an ice cold Dos XX or Corona.

Put your Guacamole (if there’s any left) into a sealed dish in your refrigerator, press some plastic wrap tightly over it sealing it off from air,  and use it later as a special addition to your chicken or steak fajitas, tacos, hamburgers, salads, wraps etc… your options are only limited by your imagination and tastebuds.

the best damn guacamole ever

Other Amazing Guacamole Recipes


  1. I hope you don’t mind, but my post is a memory/psuedo-recipe. My family had a favorite Mexican restaurant when I was growing up, and we figured out how to make the burritos at home. And after some friends of mine were recently mocking the existence of canned chili, I felt I had to defend it. Because really, canned chili MAKES this meal. 🙂 I know, so classy!

    Mary @ Giving Up On Perfect’s latest brilianceIt’s all about the chili.

  2. mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm! I gots mad love for the gauc.

    Actually, the way you’re doing it is perfect. Food processor chops everything too fine, even if you pulse. Nothing like hand chopped. Imperfections and chunks are what make it good. Also, before you put unfinished guacamole in the fridge, add a tiny teensy dollop of sour cream to it and mix. Keeps it from browning.

    I need a XX now.

    BusyDad’s latest brilianceThere I Go Again


    Other than that crazy notion, this recipe looks downright delicious!

    badassdad05’s latest brilianceold school

  4. Sounds delicious. If there is any leftover, don’t store it in a metal container. I actually seem to remember that you don’t want to make it in a metal bowl either; it will discolor it.

  5. I love guacamole! I almost picked up some avocados at the store yesterday. I’ll be trying this one too.

    When I make guac I put all the ingredients in a heavy, zip-lock plastic bag and mush it up with my hands. It works great and you can just throw away the bag after you mix it up.

    Tara R.’s latest brilianceSparkles and frivolity

  6. After seeing Freaking Guacamole as your recipe I almost didn’t post.

    So not worthy.

    Okay I left it.. but… sheesh I’m on vacation !

  7. Oh yum, I LOVE guac, and I am making this tonight in my magic bullet…WAY easier than lugging out a food processor and then cleaning it…which is annoying:)

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