doughnut holes

Doughnut holes are one of my kids’ favorite treats.  They love the bite sized bits of crispy, doughy, sugary goodness and I, well, I just love them, too.

There are so many recipes for doughnut holes but this is one of my favorites for weekday  mornings because it’s quick and easy.  This is one of those great kid friendly recipes, easy to make, fun to make and BEST OF ALL.. delicious to eat!

i had a horrible time with lighting this week so the few pics are meh

You need a can of biscuits, 1 can of 10 count buttermilk makes 40 doughnut holes!!  Cut each biscuit into quarters.

Drop into 375 F hot oil

doughnuts cooking

It takes about 3 minutes to turn the dough into these delicious hot golden bites of  crispy, doughy deliciousness.

Remove them from the oil and place them on a paper towel for a moment to allow the oil to drain.

Toss in cinnamon sugar mixture and serve.

Making Doughnut Holes at Home

Delicious, crispy, puffy, light golden balls of dough - fried to perfection and served with cinnamon sugar topping.
Print Recipe


  • 1 C sugar
  • 2 Tbsp cinnamon
  • 1 10 ct can buttermilk biscuits
  • 375 F hot oil


  • Begin by heating oil in skillet or fryer (cast-iron, if you’re lucky)
  • Using scissors, cut each biscuit into quarters, and roll into balls (they will look really tiny, but they puff up when they cook, trust me)
  • When the oil is ready (375 F) gently drop about 6 doughnut holes at a time into it.
  • Using a wooden spoon, slowly roll the dough in the oil until it’s golden all over, remove from oil and place on a paper towel lined plate while you drop in more dough
  • Toss with sugar/cinnamon mixture
Author: Rachel


* drizzle with powder sugar glaze * drizzle with orange glaze * toss with powdered sugar * coat with a chocolate glaze * use your imagination!


  1. These look both easy and delicious – my family will love them. What a great idea to use buttermilk biscuits! Thank you for sharing such a yummy idea and for hosting Mouthwatering Monday.

  2. This is a family tradition in my family! My mom made these (and regular donuts) for us as a treat when I was little and we got to shake them in the bags of powdered sugar, cinnamon sugar, etc.

    Now it’s a great treat for our kids.

    One of our favorite variations? Key lime glaze. YUM!

  3. I will have to commit to making this just ONCE a month or I would be making them everyday. Can’t wait to try.
    .-= patois´s most recent blog ..Foul! =-.

  4. I would get major mom points for making these. With cinnamon sugar is my favorite way to eat donuts.
    .-= Rebecca at Toothwhale´s most recent blog ..Project 365: Week 20 =-.

  5. Rachel!! This is TOO FUNNY. I had never made donuts in my life and then we did it on Saturday night (we’re still celebrating our new-ish deep fryer), from canned biscuits, with cinnamon sugar. We looked through a zillion recipes and ideas before my husband insisted that good ol’ canned biscuits were the way to go.

    (We also found through trial and error that putting the cinnamon sugar — and some extra sugar — in a paper lunch sack and tossing them with the donuts was the best way to get them fully coated. Is that how you do it? Do you know of a better way than what we figured out?)
    .-= Erin G´s most recent blog ..His Favorite Thing is Actually Calling Mommy Out =-.

  6. Oh my word – my mom used to always make these….why haven’t I? Thank you for a great memory lane moment and a nudge to do this for my family.
    .-= Elizabeth´s most recent blog ..Baby Back Ribs =-.

  7. My sister would make these for her girls. I lived there for a semester when I was in college and enjoyed them many times. I haven’t thought about them in years though! I think it’s time for my kids to experience them too! 🙂
    .-= Melinda´s most recent blog ..Sandwich Loaf =-.

  8. OMG, Rachel, those are making me drool. Do your kids know how lucky they are to have you?!

  9. ooooh, we made those in 8th grade home ec (can you believe they let us play with boiling pots of oil?!) … i may need to revisit this treat 🙂
    .-= MommyNamedApril´s most recent blog ..Dear April… =-.

  10. […] article has been a part of Mouthwatering  Mondays, Vegetarian Food Fridays, Foodie Fridays, Momtrends Food Friday, Food on Friday and Fight Back […]

  11. These are great. Definitely making these next week when my son gets out of school for the summer.
    .-= Barbara´s most recent blog ..Peapod $15 off coupon =-.

  12. […] article has been a part of Mouthwatering  Mondays, Vegetarian Food Fridays, Foodie Fridays, Momtrends Food Friday, Food on Friday and Fight Back […]

  13. I just made and I totally love!!
    .-= Mishi´s most recent blog ..Weekly Winners {The Week That Whizzed By Edition} =-.

  14. Yeah I have been doing this for year. but I flatten out the biscuits and take my cookie cutter and cut out the center, so we have funnuts and holes. I always do a powdered sugar and cream cheese glaze, and a chocolate glaze, for the fun nuts, and toss the holes in the sugar or cinnamon. Being a southern girl myself you know these are good.

  15. Does this mean I have to go out and buy a thermometer to add to my whisk? Cooking is complicated and has a unique “toolbox” doesn’t it?

    I’m gonna do it anyway – I. Am. Learning.

    God Bless

  16. This is how my mom has made them since i can remember! You can also do glaze or powder sugar! Makes me want some and if you have an aldi nearby the cans of biscuits are 39 cents! (Something like that!)

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  18. I just tried this recipe (I had to use flaky biscuits), and they were delicious! My brothers and I loved them! There were 8 biscuits in the can instead of ten, and I had a lot of cinnamon sugar left (my mom’s gonna kill me lol), but nonetheless, they were good. We ate them with syrup (like French toast balls) and they were even better. I’m gonna try them with glaze next time ?

    1. Hi Alexis, I’m so glad y’all loved these – I’ve used the flaky biscuits, too, and they work wonderfully! I think they’ve definitely changed the packaging since I first posted this recipe. LOVE the idea of serving these with syrup! Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, it absolutely made my day! Have a delicious week 🙂 – Rachel

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