Y’all know that this past weekend Nathan and I were invited to go to the surprisingly historical city of Galveston for a weekend of fun, food, Magic and Music.

I took 800 + pictures.

Made new friends, reconnected with a couple of old ones, hugged an old one for the first time and spent the first weekend sans kids with my husband since having kids.

Nate and Me

There was a plethora of ridiculously awesome food

triple chocolate at Paco's

There was a lot- a lot- a LOT of laughter

laughing girls

There was a Haunted Building

haunted building

There was a gorgeous new Carnival Cruise Ship

Carnival Magic

Seaside Theater


There was this guy, you might have heard of him

Maroon 5 closing move

He is the lead singer of a little band called Maroon 5.

We had fantastic standing room only seats on Pier 21 for a very special concert put on by Maroon 5 to celebrate the launch of the Carnival Magic.

This clip of video is from my iPhone, there were some SUPER excited SUPER fans all around us, so please excuse the fact that it isn’t terribly stable πŸ™‚


There is so much more to share, but my internet is being obnoxious and I have 927 things to do to prepare for Princess’ 8th birthday on Friday and her party Saturday. {hold me}

ftc stuff:Β  Our travel, food and accomodations were provided by Carnival and The City of Galveston Tourism.Β  I am not required to, nor was I asked to write about this in exchange for the trip.Β  Everything I share with y’all, I share because it excited, intrigued, interested or appealed to me.



  1. I must admit that it was an awesome weekend where Melinda and I got to make a few new friends and I had a bromance with your hubby. LOL. He is someone I could see hanging with if we lived closer since we are so much alike.

    It was really cool meeting you guys and just having a great time hanging, talking and having an awesome time.

  2. I’m so glad that you enjoyed your weekend sans kids. You and your husband are an adorable couple! Best wishes getting everything ready for Princess’s birthday and party!!! My grand-daughter just turned 8 in August…it’s a very interesting age for sure (like they are caught between wanting to return to being six sometimes and other times, they just want to jump ahead to being 10 πŸ™‚

    1. Thank you, Paula. πŸ™‚ I love him πŸ™‚

      She’s so excited, we’re having it at a bouncy place and she and her best friend are one day apart so it’s a combined party πŸ™‚

      Stuck in the middle seems a perfect description for this age.

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