November 11, 2007 – April 7, 2009

I had a post for today about kids and laughter and things they do to embarass you. It has been put on hold.
My darling, strong, beautiful amazing friend Heather has lost her gorgeous, funny, spunky little daughter, Maddie.
I want to write a beautiful post, something amazing, something that will do her proper tribute, but I can’t.
I’m sitting here with tears streaming down my face and pieces of my heart shattering for the pain and loss that Heather and Mike must be feeling.
You can see their story here.
Maddie was a preemie and Heather wrote some wonderful things including this post about NICU protocol for friends and family.
Please hug your family, say a prayer of peace and strength for my wonderful friend, Heather, and her family and then go donate to the March of Dimes in Maddie’s name.

Maddie lived from November 11, 2007 – April 7, 2009 and what that little girl did in between those dates, the dash, so to speak.  Is amazing.  She lived fiercely, beautifully and passionately.  Honor her by making the most of your dash, too.

** the amazing heart of the internet has proven once again just how tremendous this community is.  Maddie’s March of Dimes page is overloaded and their blog is having issues keeping up with all the visitors. Give it time and keep re-trying, even if it’s tomorrow. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.


  1. I just cannot even imagine. What a beautiful little girl.

    Shannanb aka Mommy Bits’s latest brilianceWordless Wednesday – The Three Amigos

  2. My friends and I often face this from the other side … but when a mama loses a child, it is beyond heartbreaking.

    Heaven’s newest angel, indeed.

    I am so, so sorry for your loss and Heather’s.

  3. This was lovely Rachel. I had a post scheduled about her – saying she was sick again and asking for prayers and donations. I sat down last night to finish it but checked Twitter first and saw the news. I deleted most of what I’d written. I just did the donation and prayers please part. It takes the breath right out of you to think about them losing her.

    Amy @ Milk Breath & Margaritas’s latest brilianceMaddie

  4. My heart breaks for the family. No words can express the sorrow. Prayers for all in this time.

  5. My heart is so sad… Nothing compares to the loss of a child.

    misty’s latest brilianceBest Friends and Shoes….

  6. I know it is probably because of so much traffic, but the links to the blog don’t work and say that the site has been suspended. As a friend maybe you can call their support line and get this fixed.

    Please send my condolences. No one should ever lose a child. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone touched by this little girl’s life.

    Gwen’s latest brilianceTwitter Updates for 2009-04-08

  7. My heart is broken for a little girl I never met but fell in love with through Heather’s blog. Oh sweet Maddie you will forever hold a place in my heart.

    Midwest Mommy’s latest brilianceRed Means Stop!

  8. I learned about Maddie on one of my best friend’s blogs

    I have a 3 year old myself and cannot imagine how anyone gets through this. I now want to know more about her and her parents because I have read such amazing things about them and would like to offer support. (Along with the others, of which, I’m sure there are many)

    In reading your post, I learned that Maddie shares my son’s birthday. I will always remember to celebrate her life on that day as well. I’m sending unconditional love and healing to the Sphor family and friends, and prayers for Maddie’s safe and guided passage to whatever is next.

    Thanks for sharing their story.

    Peace and blessings,

  9. I’ve had your page up all day, and still…it’s so difficult to put words to my thoughts. It’s easy to adore this little wonder–perhaps most precious is to me is the impact her life is having now. SHE is making a difference in the lives of many, but my heart aches for the cost she paid.

    {{hugs}} to you sweet friend.


    Robin ~ PENSIEVE’s latest brilianceEat dessert first

  10. I’m devastated on this family’s behalf. I can’t even imagine the grief and pain involved with losing a child, especially one they only got to know for such a short time. I wish I could read more about the story so that my prayers would feel more personal, but they are in my thoughts and prayers regardless… Thanks for making me aware of their situation.

  11. Tears streaming down my face. I will keep trying to go over, still crashing. XOXO

    Kaci’s latest brilianceFun in the Sun!

  12. My heart goes out to you and your friend! She is very lucky to have you in this time of need. Thank you for sharing, now time to go home and hug the girls

  13. What a beautiful little angel she will make. I’ve been reading about her all day long. This is the first time that I notice her birth date. The lump in my throat doubled when I realized that she was born on my birthday. It is so wonderful that you’ve taken the time to honor her here. Her family will be in our prayers.

    Damama T’s latest brilianceMy Girl is 5 today!

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