There’s something about Fall that speaks to my heart, my soul.

I know that January is traditionally the time of new beginnings, turning over a new leaf or starting new journeys, but I don’t know.. Fall has always been so much more refreshing to me.

Fall here in South Texas means a small bite in the air – a few leaves falling from random trees and the occasional jacket seen amongst the short sleeves and flip flops.

We joke a lot about not really having seasons down here other than Hot, Hotter, Hottest and SWEATING YOUR SKIN OFF HOT – truthfully – that’s not far off base, but we still get a tease of seasons with a couple of weeks of brisk weather that coincides nicely with the southern Holy Trinity of Football, Tailgating and Turkey Frying.

One of the things that I seem to pick up every Fall is the card bug.

Even before partnering with Hallmark as an ambassador, I’ve always had an obsession with cards and the written word.  On a daily basis I prefer e-mail and texting because it’s quick and easy – deep down in my soul, I’m a handwritten card girl.

Thanks to my Mama and my Granny, I’m a card saver, a card cherisher.

(that’s totally a word, and if not.. you saw it here first)

There’s nothing like receiving a handwritten card, being able to run your fingers over the words that someone took the time to write – words from their heart.

Shooting an email or text takes seconds.

Picking out a card – THE PERFECT CARD – writing in it, addressing it, putting a stamp on it and walking it to the mailbox… that is an act of love.

And it’s something I love doing.

I love sharing my heart with friends and family every Fall, whether it’s to say Hello, I love You, I Miss You, I’m Thinking of You, I’m Sorry or to send a Smile — it’s one of my favorite things to do.  When a card shows up in my mailbox, I get giddy with excitement and anticipation!

It’s that feeling, combined with the knowledge that someone is thinking of you and cares enough about you to send their heart in their words – that finds me now with a stack of cards, 2 books of stamps, a whole bunch of colored pens and a heart bursting with love and thoughts that I can’t wait to send out to unexpecting friends and family.  This year, I’m including my kids in this Fall tradition – I’ve even got cards for them to send to a few select people.

I can’t wait for the mailbox blessings to begin.

Do you get the Card Bug?



Thank you, Hallmark, for choosing me as one of their “Life Is A Special Occasion” bloggers and allowing my life and stories to be a part of their Life is A Special Occasion program. While I am compensated for my work with Hallmark as a Life is A Special Occasion ambassador, everything posted is original and real and from our life


  1. I do get the card bug. I haven’t sent one in ages it seems & that just has to change. It’s one of those things that has always brought me so much joy.

    Your fall sounds a lot like my fall btw 🙂

  2. I can appreciate the ‘no real seasons’ of living in the Gulf South. Still, even here in Florida, there’s a little nip in the air, and some changes of color in the landscape. I used to be a card person, just seem to have gotten out of the habit of sending mail and not emails. I know how much I enjoy finding a letter in my box, I’m sure my friends do too. I need to write more personal notes and cards.

  3. What a lovely post, Rachel. I used to send cards for no reason and, now with lots of relatives and friends on Facebook, I sort of got away from it. On the other hand, I hand write each and every Christmas card. Each. And. Everyone. With holiday music and some warm adult beverage nearby, of course.

  4. I’m totally a card cherisher. It’s a coincidence that I just read another blog post somewhere about if you are ready for a great start in January. I think I’m going through again my high school memory box 🙂

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