If you’ve ever been to a picnic, a church luncheon, or any backyard barbecue, chances are that you’ve had potato salad; but I’d wager that you’ve never had potato salad like this.

Freshly squeezed lemon juice, spicy horseradish, savory dijon mustard, fresh cracked black pepper… 

I’ve got your attention now, don’t I. 

lemon horseradish potato salad fixings

My sweet friend Katie, is releasing her newest cookbook, Dinner Solved, this month, and her publisher sent me a galley copy.  (which is pretty dadgum amazing, y’all)

Katie and I have been following each other, and messaging each other online for a while now; but until this past spring’s Mom 2.0 summit in Arizona, we hadn’t met in real life.

 Katie and I met in real life, had dinner together, and our relationship was solidified.    

Fast forward a few months and I can honestly say that I was, surprised, thrilled, and ecstatic when Katie’s publisher reached out and told me that Katie wanted me to get a galley copy of her newest cookbook; and once it arrived…. 

Y’all, for real, I was smitten.

 Over the past couple months, I’ve made several recipes from it, granola, salmon, pasta… but this Lemon Horseradish Potato Salad is one of my favorites, and it’s the one I want to share with y’all.

  This potato salad is zingy, zesty, savory, creamy, and delicious. 

lemon horseradish potato salad by Katie Workman

You think you know potato salad – it’s either mustard or mayonnaise.  Yellow or white-ish – and heavily laden with green onions, or pimientos, or pickle relish……  it’s a thing of picnic legends.

This potato salad; Katie’s Lemon Horseradish Potato Salad is NOT that potato salad.

lemon horseradish potato salad

This is the potato salad that you will be proud to bring to any summer picnic, neighborhood gathering, or just because.  It’s that good.  The brightness of the lemon, the savoriness from the dijon mustard, the bite from the horseradish… this is unlike any potato salad you’ve had before.  This is the recipe everyone will beg your for, this is the recipe that will ensure that you’re always invited back. 

Katie Workman's lemon horseradish potato salad from Dinner Solved-1

Lemon-Horseradish Potato Salad

Print Recipe


  • pounds red or white new potatoes scrubbed and
  • cut into quarters
  • Kosher or coarse salt to taste
  • ½ cup sour cream regular or low-fat, or plain Greek or
  • regular yogurt or a combination
  • 2 tablespoons bottled horseradish
  • 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
  • cup finely minced onion
  • Freshly ground black pepper to taste


  • Place the potatoes in a large saucepan with a lid and add
  • cold water to cover and a generous seasoning of salt. Cover,
  • place over high heat, and bring to a simmer. Reduce the heat
  • to medium to maintain the simmer and cook, uncovered,
  • until the potatoes are tender and a sharp knife slides easily
  • in, about 15 minutes.
  • While the potatoes are cooking, make the dressing: Mix
  • together the sour cream, horseradish, mustard, lemon juice,
  • and onion in a medium-size bowl. Season generously with
  • salt and pepper. Or see the Fork in the Road for a
  • classic creamy dressing.
  • Drain the potato quarters well and let them sit until they
  • are cool enough to handle. Cut them into ½-inch dice. While
  • they are still slightly warm, toss them in a large serving bowl
  • with the dressing. Serve at room temperature.


re-printed with permission
Course: side dishes
Author: Katie Workman - The Mom 100


One of my favorite things about this cookbook is the ‘Fork in the Road’ additions.  With each ‘Fork in the Road’, Katie adds personal commentary and suggestions on how the recipes can be modified and how kids can be included. 

You can order your own copy of Katie’s cookbook: Dinner Solved: 100 Ingenious Recipes That Make the Whole Family Happy, Including You!  << by clicking that link

This post includes affiliate links, if you purchase any items through the affiliate link I will receive pennies that will help  support the maintenance and upkeep of A Southern Fairytale.  I received a galley copy of Katie’s cookbook, and I have posted this recipe with permission, but all thoughts and opinions are my own.  Every purchase you make through these links, and every comment and like let the sponsors of A Southern Fairytale know that their investment in A Southern Fairytale is a good investment. 


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