Angie needs your prayers and support.

Angie, is one of the strongest and most positive women that I’ve ever come across. Through her husband Brian’s struggles with cancer she has remained positive and encouraging and has always “Kept Believing”

It is how the internet knows her, she is the believer and she reminds us all to Keep Believing daily.

Brian is losing his battle and Angie is struggling to stay strong.  Please, Please stop by Angie’s and tell her hello, let her know that you’re praying for them or just that she’s not alone.

I’m in tears right now as my heart goes out to her and her family.

Take the time to read her words, I promise that you will not regret it.


  1. Saw your tweet. Thanks for the reminder… had not seen she had an update today.

    OHmommy’s latest brilianceMy Rx: hearts & sparkles & everything else

  2. Rachel, YOu touched my heart today with this. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you

    The support, generosity, sharing, comfort, prayers, assistance, relief, etc. that is bestowed upon us right now is the truest testament to the type of life Brian has always lived.

    While I fear the future, I take great pride in what is occurring around me today.


    Angie @ KEEP BELIEVING’s latest brilianceAs if I keep reading it, then somehow….

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