Morning, y’all!

Okay, this is going to be quick as a whip.

Our internet went out Saturday with no explanation and still isn’t back up πŸ™

I have giveaways to share with y’all, and stories about barbecues and football games and RAIN and recipes and food and no internet πŸ™

So, for today — here’s the link to those ridiculously delicious Dark Chocolate Pecan and Coconut Cookies

Since I am internet-less (minus this brief car and parking lot provided interlude) y’all link up, share, comment, visit and enjoy the yumminess of Mouthwatering Monday!

xoxo Rach


  1. Boo to no Internet, but yay to the enforced productivity? Here’s hoping it’s back soon, as I love football and BBQ. I posted yesterday on great football names, actually!

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