Mouthwatering Jalapeno Corn Pudding

This is one of my MUST haves for Thanksgiving and Christmas meals.  It is delicious, rich, savory, creamy, a hint of spicy and absolutely the best take on a cornbread stuffing/pudding that I’ve ever had. This dish is the epitome of Tonguegasmic. One bite and you’ll be thanking me and your friends and family will be so enamored and impressed with your culinary skills that they’ll even offer to do the dishes while you kick back with your bottle glass of wine.

Since Thanksgiving is coming quickly and I know y’all are getting your shopping lists and elastic waist pants together, I had to share it with you.

Jalapeno Cornbread Pudding

  • 1 Tbsp vegetable oil
  • 1/2 C diced yellow onions
  • 1 1/2 C fresh kernels of corn (about 3 to 4 ears)
  • 4 large eggs, lightly beaten
  • 2 C heavy whipping cream
  • 4 C cornbread, crumbled
  • 8 oz Jalapeno Jack cheese, shredded and divided (1 C and 1 C) You can add more if you’re like me and love melty cheesey goodness.
  • dash of salt
  • freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 to 2 fresh jalapenos, seeded and thinly sliced*
  • 2 to 3 roasted red peppers, thinly sliced

Preheat oven to 300 degrees.

  1. Grease and 8 inch square pan.
  2. Heat oil in a large skillet. Add onions and corn, saute until onions are translucent. Remove from heat. Stir in eggs, cream, cornbread and 1 C cheese. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Pour pudding into pan. Sprinkle with remaining cheese and top with jalapeno and red pepper slices.
  3. Place pan in a water bath and bake 1 hour or until firm.

*If you have never seeded and sliced fresh jalapenos before, I suggest gloves and WASH those hands VERY VERY well and very carefully before going to the bathroom touching your eyes. Trust me. Should you not do this… buttermilk works well to soothe the burning sensation.

Do you have a favorite Holiday dish that just makes your holidays zing? I’d love to hear about your must have Tonguegasmic Holiday Dish!

the dish on the linky love: If you’re joining the Mouthwatering Monday link up love, Thanks! I’m thrilled to have you on board! Please make sure you leave your recipe URL in the link, leave a comment on here saying Hi or Howdy or Yum 🙂 Whatever you please. Make sure that you link back here in your post so that others can find us and go visit some of the other MWM participants!!! Thanks y’all! Rachel


  1. I make a poor man’s version of this (meaning less effort because I’m lazy) and I love this – corn pudding is totally a comfort food for me! If I’m feeling less lazy, I might have to try this version because it looks yummy!
    .-= Michelle Smiles´s last blog ..Creamy Jalapeno Dip =-.

  2. I’m coming aboard for Mouthwatering Mondays. I’m excited to be here!

    I don’t think I can talk my sister out of her standard cornbread pudding at Thanksgiving, but I’ll remember Jalapeno Cornbread Pudding for the future.

  3. I just checked out Blissfully Domestic. I absolutely love it! I sponsor two children through Compassion International so I was really interested to read that story on the home page. Would love to submit my recipe for the food section. I’ll be logging off tonight in a few minutes, but will check back in the morning. Just let me know what I need to do. Thanks and have a great night:)
    .-= Kari´s last blog ..Quick Bedtime Snack: Nutty Baked Bananas =-.

  4. I agree, Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays due to the food element- I love a twist on traditional dishes and flavors.I think I’m going to give that cornbread pudding a go- it looks amazing. I’ve really only had cornbread once that I really liked: that was at a BBQ restaurant in Charleston SC, and they were wee muffins or cakes that were crazy delicious. In addition this year, I’ll be taking some kind of wild rice pilaf with roasted carrots and bacon, and I’ve made a pumpkin bread pudding with cayenne the past couple of years which has worked out pretty well 🙂

    1. May I have the recipe for the pumpkin bread pudding with cayenne please ?~! Sounds out of this world to a cayenne and pumpkin-never-tried-them-together-yum woman.

  5. I made this for the first time Thanksgiving 2 years ago. My family went nuts! This is now my assigned dish for every Thanksgiving and family gathering. I have since then tried a couple other variations and was VERY QUICKLY REJECTED! I must say this is amazing and it just gets better the next day. Thank you for sharing.

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