
Welcome, Welcome. Thank you for attending this evening’s first ever Royal Banana Awards Ceremony.
This beautiful award was designed by Miss Judith Shakespeare, and I am eternally grateful to her for it.
I am so excited to have my very own award to give out to my beloved blogger friends.
This award is for Blog Yumminess and there are some truly yummy blogs out there.
I am proud to introduce the winners of the “First EVAH” Royal Banana Award for Blog Yumminess:

The Fabulous Mrs. Fussypants because she always makes me smile, she occasionally makes me think, and she makes truly gawgeous jewelry.

Dixie Chick because, well because she’s southern, she’s funny as hell and her blog is truly yummy and addictive, like good dark chocolate.

The Egel Nest because Bradley is awesome, he banished the reindeer, his son is too cute for words and he always makes me smile.

Memories and Musings of A Mommy because I’m on her refrigerator :-), she frequently makes me laugh and visiting her page is like turning your face up to the sun; it’s bright, it’s warm and it makes you feel good.

Moosh In Indy because Casey is one of the funniest and snarkiest bloggers I read, chubby knees and golden curls and because I don’t feel a day is complete without visiting The Moosh.

Honeybell because she has a sexy as hell graphic in her title, she’s a witty bit of hysteria and she plays really well with others.

Milk Breath and Margaritas because she’s adorable, her blog name is yummy and makes me grin, she gives great advice and I think we’d be friends in the real world.

Bliss In Bloom because she goes on sweet dates with her son, her blog name is profound and she has a beautiful soul that shows in her page.

and last (for today) but certainly not least!
Judith Shakespeare because she made my gawgeous blog and award, she’s snarkier than hell, she has balls of steel and she has a way with words that makes me want to be her if I ever grow up.

Please feel free to pass these on to your own favorite yummy blogs and tune in again, because there will be more fun, more frolic, more secret engines, and most certainly more awards… because there are many, many more yummy blogs out there!

Please choose your award size and link it back if you would be so kind!
Lots of love y’all!
Thank you and now we return to our regularly scheduled insanity.


  1. Adorable Idea…

    I gladly accept! πŸ™‚

    Thanks so much for the recognition…much love blog sister!

    I have not been around much this week…just busy with the holidays…be back next week! πŸ™‚

    The Egel Nest

  2. Adorable! I’ll put my award up as soon as I fix my broken blog! πŸ™‚

    Thank you so much.

    Love, Fussy

  3. Bren~ Thank you πŸ™‚
    Bradley ~ You are super welcome, I adore ya!!!
    Fussy~ You broke your blog? Damn. Love you!!

  4. Your About Me on your profile could be mine…minus a few large specifics. But, you get the idea…you and I are twins-ish. I’m so glad to meet you on the ‘Buzz!

    ~thanks tons for the precious award! i’m hanging it next to Fussy’s, as soon as I get my blog fixed.

    You are adorable!

  5. You are so sweet. Thank you for my award. I can’t wait to add it to my blog. Expect to see an acceptance speech soon!
    Much love,

  6. Oh Rachel! You shouldn’t have! It’s adorable!! A Royal Banana – you so clever.

    I love it and my blog will wear it proudly.

  7. Ahhh..thank you dollbaby…I just about peed my pants when I seen what you had for me..that is the cutest, sweetest little present I could have ever gotten from you…I am honored…how did you know that dark chocolate was my favorite…and to compare me to that??? How absolutely divine…I swanney…lol…You are my absolute bestest bloggy budd….I am so glad I found you…or did you find me? I don’t remember…doesn’t matter…You rock, darlin’…once again, thank you…thank you very much(insert Elvis drawl and lip curl here)…

  8. HI!!

    Thanks for honoring my son with such a great award!

    I guess if you and he are blog brother and sister, that makes us related too!! I am thrilled!

    I love your blog!!!


  9. Rachel…your comment on my blog cracked me the hell up…go on over to my blog, read what I left you…I lurve you…smooch! That hi-jacking reindeer is following us both…lol.

  10. OK…I left you this really cool comment….hilarious…I just looked and it’s not there…that damned reindeer ate it..it’s evil I tell’s ya…evvviiiilllll!

  11. I’m so thrilled that y’all love y’all’s awards!!
    I am so excited to have my very own award to pass out!!!
    If you haven’t read the winners please do! They all rock!!!
    I love more blogs, but I couldn’t give them all away on the first ceremony! Then what would I do?

  12. I’m glad you liked my acceptance speech. I was thrilled to give it.

    Once again these awards are great. I went over to Moosh in Indy. She is FABULOUSLY funny!

    In response to your needles comment:
    I can’t believe that Monkey had to have so much blood work in his early days. What a blessing that he appears to be a picture of health (sans the eye goop) now.

    Oh, and the picture with the family – Botox. Summer picture with furrowed brow – non-Botox

  13. That is the cutest little award badge thingy I’ve ever seen!

    Just returning your visit (thanks to cre8buzz!).

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