Oh my goodness y’all.

SO much going on!

There’s a ball around here somewhere that I dropped and can’t seem to find it anywhere.

SO much to tell y’all!

We’re moving to Houston when we find a house!

I KNOW!!!!!

Monkey is sick with the stomach yuckies so the food I was going to share with y’all… I didn’t get it finished.

BUT I have exciting news!


Starting this week y’all can help vote for ME or whichever blogger you like best to help 5 of us become Reynolds Real Mom Ambassadors! {swoon}  SERIOUSLY huge amazing awesomeness!  I’ll let y’all know when voting opens!

What I’d love from y’all today is kind of part of that.

What’s your favorite easy prep and cleanup or kitchen tip using Parchment Paper?


I’m going to put up a survey soon and I’d love for each of y’all to fill it out – it’ll help me know what y’all want to see more of, less of, and other fun things.  Plus, I’ll pick from those of you who answer the survey and someone will win a $25 gift card as a thank you!

Okay, I’m dying to know!  What have y’all been cooking up this week?


  1. Oh my word!! How exciting you are moving here!! Are you moving to the North side or South side? I can’t wait to her more. Come move near us 🙂

  2. Exciting news – if you are moving towards the north side – i will be glad to give you my input if you are interested on neighborhoods – schools etc – we have lived out here thirty plus years. Hope your family gets better soon.

  3. Sounds exciting. We use parchment to bake many batches of cookies very quickly with minimal clean up. I love the nonstick foil for baking hot wings without losing the crispy skin and for rice krispy treats that don’t stick to the pan…again, no less mess. I use Reynolds heavy duty foil to line my pans everyday. It is a huge labor saver.

  4. How exciting! Hope you find the house of your dreams!

    I love parchment and use it often, usually when baking chicken in the oven. Simple cleanup and not much scrubbing of the pan!

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