Angels Among Us

You Better Watch Out

It ain’t Chili, but it’s what’s for dinner

Every Fairytale Needs a Frog Prince(ss)

Weekly Winners is the brilliant brainspasm of the darling and super talented Lotus. Pop on over, be inspired, share your own Weekly Winners and remember to always have your camera with you!


  1. That is a darling photo of your babies with Santa – too sweet! And, that chili looks scrumptious!! When are you going to put together that cookbook?

    Have a good day, Rachel – see you – Kellan

    Kellan’s latest brilliance..Take Everything We Own … Except

  2. Ok, first off, this new design is KILLAH! Love it, doll.

    Second, I love your Christmas takes.. It’s so nice to be able to connect on such a magical level. Best wishes for a continued blessed season…

    SECRET AGENT MAMA’s latest brilliance..Weekly Winners XXXXXVI

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