You gave me life.

You grew, changed and altered  for me and you continue to inspire me daily with your strength.

Even when you feel you are at your weakest… you are still the strongest woman I know.
I love you Mom.

Happy Mother’s Day.

On the day Princess was born, so was I.

I went from being just Rachel. Rachel the woman, the friend, the wife.  To being Rachel,  The  Mother.

We learned together, we continue to learn together. We stumble, we fall, we get back up again. My child has taught me so much about love, laughter and self. I hope that I can continue to humble myself before her and also show her what true strength is.

I hope she will always know that her conception, her birth, her life… have changed me profoundly and I am a better woman and mother because of her.

I never believed that I could love a second child as much as the first. But it’s true.

On the day Monkey was born, a new Mother was born again. I became the mother of a boy, a Mother of a second child. This is a different kind of mothering.

You must be more adept at multi tasking and being in two places at once. Now with a boy I am charged with raising a man and being the example of the kind of woman he should strive to find as his own wife and mother of his children.  I am the example to which he will compare every girl in his life.

What a weight, but what a blessing.
Monkey has changed me with his love, his sensitivity, his brilliance and his sneakiness. He has made me faster, smarter and better.

Mothering is a blessing. Whether your child is born of your body or your heart, you are forever changed the first time you look into their eyes.

Of all the many hats we wear and many  jobs we hold in our lives.. being a mother is the hardest and easiest, it is the lowest paying and highest rewarding, it is the most frightening and yet most reassuring. Being a mother is the most profound experience of them all.
For in being a mother, our truest selves are finally discovered.

Happy Mother’s Day, Momma
Happy Mother’s Day, Me.
Happy Mother’s Day to you.
You are a blessing to your family, your friends and the world as a whole.

The future owes itself to you.


  1. This was beautiful! I so ‘get ‘ what you’re saying too. Motherhood has been the most fun I’ve ever had.

    Happy Mother’s Day.

  2. What a lovely post to read at the end of Mother’s Day. As a mom to a girl first and then a boy, I can relate to what you’ve written. Happy Mother’s Day!

  3. What a beautiful post! This part really struck a chord with me:

    “Of all the many hats we wear and many jobs we hold in our lives.. being a mother is the hardest and easiest, it is the lowest paying and highest rewarding, it is the most frightening and yet most reassuring. Being a mother is the most profound experience of them all.
    For in being a mother, our truest selves are finally discovered.”

    I absolutely agree and can totally relate! Hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day! 🙂

  4. So so sweet! I didn’t know Monkey made you bionic. (heh – he made you better, faster, etc… nevermind, you aren’t old enough to get this joke.)

    I love what you said about being the woman a son will always compare every girl to – I hadn’t thought of that! That does mean we’d better rise to the occasion, doesn’t it?

    Really lovely post.

  5. Rachel..I just read this today.. a very late Mother’s Day wish to you.. This was an amazing post.. and filled with so many emotions.. Raising two boys I think of the same exact things.. it is the hardest bestest job in the world.

  6. I’m sorry I’m late, but I’m not really good at being on time.. I just want you to know that you are one of the mothers that inspires me to always do my best.

    Love you, Rach! Happy Everyday is Mother’s Day!!
    .-= Mishi´s most recent blog ..It was a Day I’ll Never Forget =-.

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