If you are looking for Mouthwatering Monday, It’s the post after this one

Hello my darling readers, new and seasoned 😉

I have been packing my bag and going through my closet in preparation for BlissDom09! YAY!!! While doing this I’ve realized something, I have a lot of comfortable, at home, playing with the kids, mom clothes (not mom jeans and sweats) but still, I don’t have the cute cocktail clothes, dressy, unstained, nice going out with the gals clothes.

Little Black Dress? No.
Little Brown Dress? Meh
Black Pants? Do capris count? No? Damn.

Do you see where this is going? I need a shopping spree!!!!

And in these economic times, that’s not happening, at least for me it’s not.
But it can for you

I have teamed up with the fantastic triple threat of Marinka, OhMommy and Scary Mommy and we are having a Shopping Spree Giveaway!! you can win over $100 in gift cards to Sephora, Macy’s, DSW, Saks and Starbucks!! Are you drooling? I am.

What? You want the nitty gritty?
Here you have it:

Q: How do I enter this contest?
A: By leaving a comment on each of our blogs.

Q: Do I have to leave a comment on all four blogs to enter? That’s like four comments and I’ve recently made a resolution to comment less.
A: You don’t have to comment on all four, but the more blogs you comment on, the greater your chances.

Q: Why is that? I’m confused. And scared.
A: Because this contest will run Monday, February 2, 2009 to Friday, February 6, 2009 . At the end of the contest, each of us (me, Jill, Marinka and OHMommy) will number all our comments 1 through whatever the last comment on Friday is (probably around a kazillion) and randomly pick one finalist for each of our blogs. Then we will randomly pick one winner from the four numbers. That one winner will be The Winner. (The others will be losers, or as we tell our kids, NotWinners). So, if you comment on only one blog, you lose the opportunity to be a finalist in the other blogs.

Q: I think I understand. So to maximize my chances, I should comment every day, Monday through Friday on each of the four blogs, right?
A: Yes! Good job. and if you subscribe to each of us, then you’ll know when we post!hint hint

Q: Can I leave more than one comment a day on one or more blogs to increase my chance and crush my competition.
A: You can leave as many comments as you want, but only the first comment that you leave each day will be entered in the drawing.

Q: What if I comment all week long and then I don’t win. Do you offer special counseling services to help get me through this difficult time.
A: No.

Q: Why do some comments say “Void where prohibited.”
A: You are starting to get on my nerves.

Q: Are you going to hold this against me now?
A: No.

Q: Did I forget to ask anything else?
A: Yes. Contest ends at 8 P.M. EST on Friday, February 6th. We will announce the winner on Saturday, February 7th.


  1. I must just say a big “YAY!” for this. What a great giveaway! And think…you’re all helping us avoid the Mom-jeans fiasco that Jess Simpson was so nice to illustrate for us!

    BTW – I’m having a giveaway today as well – come check it out!

    Colleen – Mommy Always Wins’s latest brilianceWhen worlds collide

  2. I know how you feel. I have work clothes and home clothes (and no mom jeans for me either!) but very few event clothes that I haven’t already worn to a million weddings.

    I thought I had great option for my holiday party in a few pieces that I had never worn together before pulled together by some new shoes. But I made the rookie mistake of not actually trying it all on together in advance. So of course, the night of, I found that my pants were far too short for the stiletto heels of my new shoes. Wardrobe crisis! After a half hour of rifling through my closet TRYING to come up with something else, I ended up wearing one of the old stand bys. Snore. Oh well – good intentions and all….

    Kate Coveny Hood’s latest brilianceRandom Guest Post from Chris Hood

  3. I would be totally screwed if I was attending!!! I have exactly two pairs of jeans I can wear out of the house, and two T-shirts. Since I’m not working during this pregnancy, I decided to go VERY low maintenance on maternity clothes. During the week I’m in PJ pants and ratty T-shirts. So yea, I feel ya on needing some clothes!!!

    Tiffany’s latest brilianceIt’s A……

  4. Oh hai!
    Shopping spree = love
    winning = big time LOVE!

    skiplovey’s latest brilianceNot a picture of me in a bikini

  5. good to know I’m in good company. My closet consists of t-shirts from my high school Skateboard Betty days, cast off jeans from the husbands side of the closet and a stack of t shirts given away free to employees from my last job.

  6. Well now, should you choose me as the winner I would gladly buy you a little black dress, as long as you don’t mind it being from the $19.99 rack at Ross!

    Andrea’s Sweet Life’s latest brilianceThe Meth Capital

  7. I so hear you too. I have like three shirts and two pairs of pants that fit currently (five month old baby) and need to do some serious shopping soon…free shopping would be fab!

    christy’s latest brilianceWeekend shots

  8. Awesome giveaway!

    And BTW, I am totally jealous you are going to Blissdom! Had I known we’d be going back to Europe this summer, I would have gotten a ticket, too 🙁

    You have to debrief when you get back! So we can live vicariously though you 🙂

    Elisa’s latest brilianceBetter late than never

  9. If I win, I think I have to give most of the stuff to my friend Gina and we’ll have to drive to Atlanta or Nashville to find a Sephora or Saks, but still that’s a pretty sweet stash you’re giving away.

    Scott in Tennessee


    Elizabeth, The Mommy…etc’s latest brilianceMix-it-Up Monday

  11. I just read the blog post about “haggling.” Now I ruminate on this: If Senator Chuck Hagle married Larry Hagman, he’d be Senator Chuck Hagle-Hagman.


    Rachel’s latest brilianceKeep Believing

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