Today’s mouthwatering monday is a Double Doozie (do you remember those cookies, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm) sorry, got side tracked there.
These two pictures garnered so many e-mails and queries about the recipes that I decided to post both recipes today and dedicate today’s post to delightful sides.

Grilled Corn on the Cob

This corn is a constantly requested and frequent visitor on my grill. It is a delicious side dish for chicken, steaks, fish or hell, even as a main dish.


  • corn
  • butter
  • salt/garlic salt/pepper (remember that equal parts mixture I make, you should already have your own shaker of this *ahem ahem*)
  • or
  • RSS
  • or
  • cinnamon & sugar (nutmeg optional) if you have young kids or like sweet dessert like corn
  • foil

The What:

  1. Remove any husk and silk from your corn, and rinse it thoroughly. Then give the corn a yummy coating of butter. I usually just rub a stick of butter over my corn and that does a wonderful job after all, it’s not cooking if you don’t get your hands dirty, right. Lay the corn out on a piece of foil and give it a nice shake of your seasoning of choice. It doesn’t need to be coated, just lightly seasoned.
  2. Wrap the corn up neatly in the foil and repeat for each ear of corn.
  3. Grill over medium for about 5 minutes per side (yes, I know corn doesn’t really have sides, but just gimme this, K)
  4. *If you have little ones, use cinnamon and sugar instead and it makes for a delightful treat.
  5. This corn will literally explode with flavor in your mouth, it’s zesty, juicy and honestly totally tonguegasmic.

Your tastebuds, and your family will thank you.

Parmesan Crusted Veggies

This dish absolutely bursts with flavor. You get the bite from the shallots, the savoriness of the garlic and the crisp tang from the parmesan and breadcrumbs. This will become a frequent visitor at my table, and I hope at yours, too.

The Ingredients:

* 2 medium zucchini, coined about 1/4″ thick
* 2 medium squash, coined about 1/4″ thick
* 3 Tbsp butter
* 2 shallots, minced
* 3 garlic cloves, minced
* salt and pepper, optional red pepper flakes.
* 1/2 C heavy cream
* 3/4 C grated parmesan

The How To:

In a large skillet melt the butter and saute’ the garlic and shallots until their aroma fills your kitchen and they soften a bit. Add the veggies, sprinkle with salt, pepper and red pepper flakes if you’re daring. Cook for about 6 minutes, stirring occasionally. You want the veggies to be crisp tender. Add cream and cook until it begins to thicken.

Remove skillet from heat and add 1/4 C parmesan and 1/2 C panko, stir well.

Put the mixture into a 2 Qt baking dish. Top with remaining Parmesan and Panko, season with salt and pepper.

Bake for about 10 minutes in a 450 F oven, or until the top is delightfully golden brown and bubbly.

Nathan totally gave this dish the hairy eyeball and then proceeded to inhale 3 servings of it. Needless to say, it’s a hit.

If your family has a milder palate or you want to make this for kids, eliminate 1 garlic clove and the shallots and use crushed Ritz Crackers instead of Panko.

I’ve shared two of my favorite side dishes, what are some of yours?

Hurricane Gustav will be making landfall today and I ask you to please take a moment out of your life and say a prayer for those whose lives will never be the same. Pray for comfort, peace, safety and strength. Pray for those who will be making their way over the next week to give aid. Just pray and if you are home and safe, give thanks.

* If you have another minute, Holly has an awesome giveaway going on right now.



  1. ok, seriously, you have to come cook for me.

    except dont have corn when my boys are around. they’re nasty.

  2. Thank you and thank you and thank you. I’m not sure they are Weight Watchers friendly, but I’ll save them for a day when I can stop counting points so strictly… Oh, who am I kidding. I’ll probably make that corn tomorrow!

  3. LOL. that’s how we do corn around here too! But everything looks soooo great when you do it. No fair.

  4. I love grilled corn on the cob! When my aunt makes it she wraps each piece in one strip of bacon before she wraps it in foil, and grills it that way. When it’s done, peel off the bacon and you have a nice extra flavor on your corn.

    Um. Bacon.

  5. Hey, that is exactly how I make corn! I feel totally validated now ๐Ÿ™‚ And those veggies? oh hellz yeah that sounds good. I’m not a veggie guy, but I think heavy cream, panko and parmesan would be a legit reason to cheat on red meat.

  6. I love these recipes – especially the corn. When I go to the rodeo – I go straight for the roasted corn. When I go to any fair – I go straight for the roasted corn – even before the funnel cakes – then I get a funnel cake – tee hee!

    Take care, Rachel – Kellan

  7. We’ve been doing that corn for YEARS!! We’re twins, I swear! Separated by a Southern accent! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Here’s a trick to make it even less messy — hold your stick of butter in your hand w/ the wrapper turned down just enough so that you can spread the butter ON the FOIL!! It’s ingenious!
    Then I sprinkle on the s/p/cayenne, etc., pop the corn on the foil, wrap up, and you’re ready to go!

    Also – for the folks on WW or “dieting” — spray BUTTER PAM on the foil! It’s (almost) just as yummy!

    Great photos and recipes, Rachel!

  8. the very thought of grilling corn outside of the husk disgusts me. just peel it back, season, and replace. don’t use foil….Gross.

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