This week’s tonguegasmic recipe is brought to you because of the crazy response to the picture of the cake in last week’s Wordless Wednesday post.
This cake was 2 of the 5 ‘layers’ of our wedding cake. It is my favorite cake in the world. I could, shouldn’t, but could eat this whole thing by myself. Just reading the recipe and looking at pictures makes my tastebuds quiver and do little happy tingly things inside my mouth.

Italian Cream Cake

You’ll need:

* 1 3.5 oz package vanilla pudding mix
* 1 package yellow cake mix
* 1/4 C water
* 4 eggs
* 1/4 C + 1 Tbsp applesauce
* 1 C flaked coconut
* 1 C chopped walnuts
* 1/4 C flour

* Blend the cake mix, flour, pudding, water, eggs and applesauce together. Beat for 4 minutes; stir in coconut and walnuts.
* 3 greased and floured 8 inch round pans or two 10 inch pans. pictured made with two 10 inch pans
* Bake at 350 for 30 minutes or until the cake springs back lightly when touched or a toothpick comes out clean.
Cool in pans for 15 minutes and then remove to wire racks to complete the cooling process.

The Frosting
My favorite part

* 6 Tbsp softened margarine
* 2 1/4 C coconut
* 2 packages softened cream cheese
* 2 tsp milk
* 24 oz powdered sugar
* 3/4 tsp vanilla extract

Start with 5 Tbsp butter and 1 1/2 packages cream cheese and milk. Beat well, add in 1/2 the powdered sugar, the vanilla extract and coconut. Taste and consistency are up to you.
Slowly add in more cream cheese and powdered sugar until it’s where you like it.
I have been known to use almost 3 bars of cream cheese to get it where I like it.

Frost each layer and stack them together. If you place triangles of parchment paper under the bottom layer of cake while you frost you can pull them out and your serving tray will be clean. I like to use chopped walnuts to decorate the sides and top of my cake, but that’s my preference.

Tonguegasmic doesn’t even being to describe this y’all.

I have been supremely honored by the fabulousness that is The Bloggess. My ‘vagina post’ was featured in her Good Mom/Bad Mom internet column that she co-writes for the Houston Chronicle.

I am truly not ignoring y’all. Want to experience what my computer is doing to me? Hold your Fn key down with your pinky and type. You cannot let your pinky up or your keys won’t work properly. My Fn key (function) is wonky. I have to use my left pinky to hold the Fn key down in order to type and have the keys work properly. It is an exercise in frustration and insanity. Hopefully tomorrow I’ll have some sort of solution. HP, you’re killing me. I miss y’all. Really. I have been reading, just not commenting. Please don’t abandon me!!!



  1. I wish we have an oven here, I would love to try that yummy recipe! I love pastries and chocolate! :3

    Aw, now I’m craving for cake!

  2. I’m so thrilled you posted that recipe. It looks delicious!!! Can’t wait to try it.

  3. Ok, that almost looks too good to eat. When, oh when do you have time to make these delicious recipes?

  4. You have a big piece for me, okay?! I’m still trying to be good.

    And, when you make it to Jenny’s, you have become a BLOGGER. Rock on, dear.

  5. I don’t know if I should kiss you or slap you for this recipe. It looks so dangerously good! WOW!

  6. That looks unbelievable! I think I may have all the ingredients, too…can you say late night baking?

  7. That looks so YUMMY!!!!!!!!!

    The recipe actually looks pretty easy as well. I’ll definitely be trying that in the next couple weeks!

  8. I’m confused…there’s absolutely nothing Italian about this cake! Having said that, I really don’t give a f*ck, Italian, not Italian, whatever, I’m going to make this damn cake and eat the entire thing in one night.

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