OneMOM t-shirt

There are some truly inspirational women on a life changing trip to Africa right now.  They are part of a movementa pledge to change lives, to educate.

They are writing about their experiences so that we, at home can experience Kenya from more than a brochure.

Through their words and pictures we are learning, seeing, feeling and experiencing.

I’ll let Karen’s pictures speak for themselves:

from karen's #onemom trip


from karen's trip


from karen

Be moved.

Be inspired.


Follow the #ONEmoms on Twitter

Show That You’re ONEmom

OneMOM t-shirt


**I am not being compensated in any way for this post.  I am a proud community partner of the #ONEmom movement, though.


**all photographs by the amazing Karen aka Chookooloonks except the one of me in the ONEmoms t-shirt, that’s from my iPhone


  1. I’ve been following along as much as I can with the tweets. What they are doing and seeing is amazing – and quite the opportunity. Makes me realize that I would *love* to do something like it one day.

  2. I too have been following Karen and ejoy her pictures and blog posts. When I look at her pictures, I see myself, my family. As a woman of color whose past has been stripped, due to slavery, these pictures let me know where I come from. May God cover these brave Moms on this journey, keep them safe and bring them back to us so that they can share their stories. I’ll be tuned in.

    1. I cannot thank you enough for stopping in to comment.

      “May God cover these brave Moms on this journey, keep them safe and bring them back to us so that they can share their stories. I’ll be tuned in.” < love that

  3. Oh I’ve seen things about ONE Moms on Twitter and didn’t know what it was. So glad you posted this so I can actually see. What a wonderful experience for everyone involved!

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