The first load is on its way to Katy and the kids and I are following it in a few minutes.

Today I attended their last East Scholars assembly and it was bittersweet.  So much excitement on the horizon, but I got tears in my eyes as I took a picture of Princess with two of her best friends that she’s been with since Kindergarten.

My heart knows we’re on the right path, but that doesn’t stop the sadness.


What’s your exciting, interesting or newness that’s going on in your world???


  1. Moving is so hard sometimes but I think you’ll love living in the Houston area. There’s so much to do and see and the people are so friendly. I’m in Kingwood but if you need any recommendations for anything in the area, I’d be happy to pass them along. Good luck!

  2. Katy is a fantastic area, well at least it was a few years ago. I grew up in the Brazosport area, so Houston was where we went for most everything. I’m sure there are some followers that live in the Houston area that can share their favorite places. Wishing you God Speed on your journey, keeping you and yours in prayers for a smooth transition.

  3. Wow, you always have lots of things happening. Not much going on with me – my mom’s birthday is today so we’re going out for dinner tonight. Hope this move goes well for you, but it happened so very fast that it must be meant to be. I hope it all goes well, nothing gets broken, and you enjoy living in a new house. Pretty exciting stuff!!

  4. Oh friend…. sending lots of love. SO much excitement, but bittersweet indeed. Excited for your adventure… and can’t wait to give you a big ol’ hug very soon…. xoxox

  5. Bittersweet and exciting all in one go. Katy has a lot and you are right near 10, 99 and the beltway, so you can get around quickly. let me know if i can pass along suggestions for you and the family. We will have to get together when the family gets settled and i get mobile again 😉 Good luck!!

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