[donotprint]So there’s this little item out there that you may have heard about

Apple iPad Yes, that little item — the iPad.

I am fully okay with admitting that I really really really want one.  I saw Lori, A Cowboy’s Wife, playing with hers while we were on a trip this past summer, and I have to admit it made me develop full blown iPad envy.

Even though I don’t have an iPad (sniff sniff)  I’m super excited to announce  that I’ve partnered with Kraft Foods to give away an iPad and a download of their amazing Big Fork Little Fork App.

‘Tis the Season and All 😉

Big Fork Little Fork for iPad on the iTunes App Store_1292257399168

How gorgeous and awesome does that screen shot look?  I want to dive right in and start playing with it, moving things around, searching recipes, watching videos, playing games… alas.. I do not have an iPad.  But, one of you is going to win one!

Here’s the deal, Kraft Foods has teamed up with Super Chef Marcus Samuellson to create a special recipe collection JUST for their Big Fork Little Fork iPad App Big Fork Little Fork for iPad on the iTunes App Store_1292259478857

This special collection (which is in addition to the already amazing virtual cookbook that is Big Fork Little Fork) contains globally-inspired recipes, how-to videos and a ton of tips and tricks from Marcus himself to show just how easy it is to get everyone involved in creating meals together. The new content is really designed to bring both parents and children in the kitchen to make cooking a family affair (and a fun one at that!)  The app is a virtual cookbook, complete with HOW TO VIDEOS! (color me jealous) educational games for the kids, GORGEOUS photos and more.

Check out this screen shot of one of Marcus’ recipes:  Red Grits

Red Grits recipe from Big Fork Little Fork

Gorgeous, right?

His recipes also include special tips and tricks FROM Marcus himself!

Like these for his Red Grits recipe:

  • This side dish is a great alternative to rice and pasta, and particularly good served with shrimp,as they do in the Low Country of South Carolina and other regions of the American South.
  • Washing Fresh Herbs: Always wash fresh herbs before use. Rinse small bunches under cold running water and blot dry. When you need to clean a large amount of herbs, fill a large bowl or clean sink with cold water and swish the herbs around to remove any dirt. Remove the herbs from the water and dry in a salad spinner or gently blot dry.
  • Nutrition Bonus: The combination of tomatoes and tomato juice not only adds color and flavor to the grits, but it also provides a good source of both vitamin A and vitamin C.

as a special bonus, you know, because EVERYONE can’t win the iPad.. y’all all get Marcus’ Red Grits Recipe[/donotprint]


Recipe: Marcus Samuellson’s Red Grits


  • 1 Tbsp. olive oil
  • 1 tsp. tomato paste
  • 1/8 tsp. smoked paprika
  • ½ cup old-fashioned grits
  • 1 cup finely chopped tomatoes
  • 1 cup tomato juice
  • 1 cup fat-free reduced-sodium chicken broth
  • ¼ cup KRAFT Shredded Colby & Monterey Jack Cheese
  • 2 Tbsp. chopped fresh basil


  1. COOK first 3 ingredients in medium saucepan on medium-low heat 1 min.
  2. Add grits; cook and stir 2 min.
  3. Add tomatoes; cook and stir 2 min.
  4. STIR in juice and stock; simmer 10 min.
  5. TOP with cheese and basil.

Cooking time (duration): 25

Number of servings (yield): 4

Culinary tradition: USA (Southern)

So here’s the deal.  One of y’all is going to win the 16G WiFi Apple iPad from Kraft Foods {drool}

iPad - iPad WiFi - iPad WiFi + 3G - Apple Store (U.S.)_1292260126468

Here’s the Nitty Gritty on how to enter to win.

This giveaway is open from Today, Monday – December 13, 2010 thru 10PM CST Thursday, December 16th.

I will use comment contest to choose the winner and they’ll have 24 hours to get back to me or we’ll choose another winner.  We want to get this to you before Christmas! Giveaway open to US AND Canada! Thank you, Kraft Foods!!!

Mandatory Entry:

  • If you could design a cookbook/food/recipe app for the iPad or iPod/iPhone:  how would it work?  What features would make it the most user friendly for you?

Bonus Entries:

  • Tweet this giveaway and link the twitter URL here in the comments (once daily)
  • ‘Like’ Kraft Foods on Facebook Tell them that A Southern Fairytale sent you and then come back and leave me a comment telling me that you did it
  • Check out the Big Fork Little Fork iPad app and tell me what you like best about it
  • Share this giveaway on Facebook and leave me a comment letting me know that you’ve done it along with your FB name (once daily)

Good luck, y’all!

I have received no compensation for this, I have not receive product for this.  I’m doing this because I love Kraft Foods and I love y’all and I’m really excited about the prospect of making someone’s Christmas that much brighter and geektastic![/donotprint]


  1. I dunno about DESIGN, because…apps. They scare me. But I know with recipe books I like pictures of the food, and I guess I’d like something where I didn’t have to touch it once I started cooking, so that my ipad could stay all pristine.

  2. If you could design a cookbook/food/recipe app for the iPad or iPod/iPhone: how would it work? What features would make it the most user friendly for you?

    I’d love a recipe app that helped me navigate food allergies as I’m shopping or looking up family-friendly recipes. It’d be so helpful to have those allergy warnings at a glance. I used a lot of packaged/boxed pantry type stuff in my recipes.

  3. If I were to design an app for the IPAD, I would make sure that it was easy to search for recipes by type, ingredient, etc. I would also like to have it interface with a grocery list app, so that whatever recipe you chose to make, it would automatically add the ingredients to your shopping list.

  4. I really really want one too.

    If I were to design an iPad app, it would be something that pulled up recipes based on certain ingredients I have on hand. It would allow me to choose the catagory of dish and style, etc. It would also then create a shopping list for that recipe, and it would suggest good accompanying dishes as well. Such an app probably already exists, but since I don’t have an iPhone or iPad, I wouldn’t know.

  5. I’m lusting after an iPad myself. They are AMAZING!
    Very cool app by Kraft as well.

    I think it’d be fun to have an app for cravings…called Cravin’. And you could put in what ingredient(s) you’re having a hankering for, say chocolate and strawberries, and it would give you some recipes to pick from using those two ingredients (and others). Oh, I like this idea the more I think about it.

    Awesome giveaway!! And thanks for making me use my creativity too!

  6. If I could design a cooking app for the Ipad I would create something were I could put in all the ingredients that I have in my house and in exchange I would receive a recipe. This would eliminate many trips to the store as well as wasted food I end up throwing away. Thanks for the contest!!

  7. If you could design a cookbook/food/recipe app for the iPad or iPod/iPhone: how would it work? What features would make it the most user friendly for you?

    Honestly, the ability to add to my recipe collection from a blog. Most of the recipes I use are from bloggers, and most of my best recipes I’ve posted online. I’d love to be able to hit a button on my phone and zip a blog recipe into my recipe app.

    1. Duh. I tweeted it. I know you know this, because you retweeted what I retweeted and then someone else retweeted what you retweeted that I retweeted and black is white and up is down and vests now come with sleeves and it turns out zebras are the super-species.

  8. Ok, now I have an iPhone, so of course I need an iPad! I actually would like something that works a lot like the websites I use for cooking (like yours). I want to be able to see photos and have someone walk me through my silly questions. Cool idea: The app should let you “live chat” with someone in the Kraft kitchen when you mess up!

  9. I would include a random/shuffle, a recipe would pop up and then I wouldn’t have to decide what’s for dinner anymore!

  10. I think something that plays by itself, so I don’t need to go scrolling through with messy fingers. Or, one that spews out the food, rather than just the recipe. That would be the best app ever.

  11. I want to plug in what I have in my pantry and have it give me recipes! And I want it to tell me how much time and if it can be converted to a slow cooker. Random? Yes. But it’s what I want!
    Maybe I’ll share it with you if I win. If you share food with me. Deal?

  12. oooh love love love the ipad! Yes I have #ipadenvy too!

    I would love to see an app that has recipes that I can search for, ways to print directly from my ipad/iphone and also a include menu planning system that would send me a note as to what the meal plan was for that day. Another cool feature would be super quick recipes (under 30 min ) that my kids would actually eat lol

    That would be awesome.

  13. I’d love to develop a wine app…one that suggests 1 to 3 wines that would go great with a particular main course.

    I need to get right on that! LOL

    WOULD LOVE to win this as I’m sure everyone else would!

  14. I need an app that can help figure out a recipe based on what I don’t want- like “I’m not in the mood for beef, what about chicken, no, pork? yes, what type of pork…etc.”

  15. I checked out the app on iTunes, and it looks really great. It has such nice photos, makes me hungry, but what I love most is that it’s goal it to try and get families to cook and eat together!

  16. I’d want the app to have big pictures, a recipe box to save my favorites, access to videos and creation of a shopping list for the recipe I decide I want to make. That feature would work with a grocery app that lets me know if there are coupons available for any of the ingredients and where they are on sale.

  17. Cool!! How about an app that would give you substitutions for things – i.e. you’re out of thyme, you could activate the app and it would tell you what other herb or combo of herbs you could use?

  18. If I were to design an app for a cookbook, I’d LOVE to be able to find recipes based on a single ingredient or groups of ingredients. That way I could type in what I have and have relevant recipe choices.

  19. Thank you for running a contest that is open to both your American AND Canadian readers! I have big-time iPad envy whenever I see them. Graham doesn’t understand why I would ever need one, but you and I know it has nothing to do with need. I am a gadget geek and if the love I have for my iPhone is any indication, an iPad would send me over the edge with geeky happiness.

    If I was going to design a cooking/baking app, I’d make sure that the measurements could be easily converted from Imperial to metric wherever necessary, and high quality photos are definitely important when it comes to cookbooks. With the iPad, video instructions could even be incorporated with ease! Then you could upload your own photos of the finished product from your own kitchen so other cooks could see how the recipe turned out!

  20. Ok, I tweeted (ajsouthern), retreated, liked Kraft on FB, and posted on FB (Aubree Johns-Southern)! I’m off to look at the app too, so count me in.

  21. I Liked Kraft on Facebook today! I always like it when people remind me to go Like companies on Facebook. Sometimes I don’t think to do it. BTW, my Facebook name is Melanie Monthei Nelson.

  22. Let’s see…I would love to have a cooking app that downloaded all ingredients into a virtual shopping list. You could add to it and have your list so handy!!

  23. OK, sooooo, I’m totally clueless about apps because I’m on a Blackberry but I would love to get on the ipad train. Mmmm…toys.

    That said, with zero app experience (so, someone may have already done this…), if I could have a dream app re: cooking/food, it would interface the ingredients list of a given recipe with the layout/general stock availability of my favorite grocery stores. So, for example, I’d be able to see whether I could get everything at Trader Joe’s (which I love for pricing but doesn’t always have everything I need) or if I need to go to Whole Foods. AND the app would interface with the local store to tell me which aisles to find stuff. AND also offer wine recommendations and side dish/app/dessert pairings.

    Basically, give me a menu planning robot please! 🙂

  24. My app would have to have an easy way to enter the food items so you could easily add them to a grocery list. Good photos are a must! To be able to publish to my blog with the tap of a button would just be a bonus!

  25. I would make the measurements of ingredients available within the steps – when you’re scrolling through the process, and see, “add the salt, butter and sugar,” but have to go back to see how much of each, it’s a pain (especially when you have sticky fingers!!).

  26. Most important design feature would be ease of finding recipes by diet — low salt, low carb, low cal, etc.

  27. If you could design a cookbook/food/recipe app for the iPad or iPod/iPhone: how would it work? What features would make it the most user friendly for you?

    Hands down- weekly recipes for EASY week night dinners. For example, I would want it to search ingredients that I wanted to use that week, ie broccoli, chicken, tofu.

    Great giveaway!!!

  28. my app would scan my pantry inventory and write a shopping list for me. It would have a timer built in. I always forget to set the timer when I put food in the oven,

  29. I’d love to be able to search by ingredients or dish names. I’d like suggestions about dishes for upcoming holidays or events. I’d like to be able to rate recipes and search by the highest rated ones. Oh! And if there’s a way to tell me where some of the ingredients would be on sale near me, that would be very cool.

  30. I would want the app to let me choose multiple recipes. Then it would create a shopping list from those, but it would be editable, so that I could get rid of the things that I already have in my pantry and not have to print out the whole list and then cross stuff off myself. I also prefer to have nutritional information for the food I’m preparing. Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could change an ingredient in a recipe to a low-fat version, and see how the NI would change to decide whether it’s worth it to you?

  31. If I could design an app. it would be an app that people could put in ingredients they have at home and it would give you receipes you can make with those ingredients.

  32. If you could design a cookbook/food/recipe app for the iPad or iPod/iPhone: how would it work? What features would make it the most user friendly for you?

    I’m in favor of the Ingredients on Hand approach, now what can I make? Also, while this might be too exhaustive for an app, step-by-step pictures are super helpful for me. I do all of my cooking by running back and forth from stove to computer. An iPad on the kitchen counter would be awesome. Ahem.

  33. I’d like to be able to search by a combination of items – things I have on hand, things I don’t want to include, cuisine “style” – low carb, party food, ethnic, etc. Then, I’d like to be able to link it up to available coupons and the actual store where I shop (for aisle/sale info). ooh, and if it could basically be my food inventory system too, that would be nice. You know, in an ideal world!

  34. I’d like an app that calculates nutritional values for recipes and allows me to make a menu plan for the week so I can see at a glance that this week is a little heavy on this nutrient or light on that vitamin and adjust accordingly. I’m always doing things with a kid hanging off of one arm so the apps that work best for me are ones that are streamlined, where I can see all the important info at once.

  35. My ideal app would be one that would give me a shopping list for recipes with brand names and location in the store listed. That way, I could send my husband to the store without him having to call me a million times. Maybe you could even click on the item in the grocery list, and a picture of the product would come up…

  36. I would make it easier to search for a specific dish and have a rating system to have people that have made the dish able to comment on how it was.

  37. An app with even the simplest, easiest recipes would be awesome. Also, a kickstand for the iPad so it doesn’t have to lie on the countertop.

    Also, PICK ME!

  38. And I checked out the app – I think the games are great. I had to teach our Brownie troop about nutrition as part of a badge and having an iPad and a fun game like that would be a great way to interact with the troop so they are having fun while they learn about the food pyramid

  39. Definitely be able to search by entering multiple ingredients. Real pictures – maybe even step-by-step – would need to be a must. And a favorites section to be able to bookmark or save recipes with an option to make notes (“family favorite”, “added more cheese”, etc).

  40. I would have features to search by meal (breakfast, dinner), main ingredients (beef, broccoli), time for prep, time for cooking, servings, allow you to adjust serving so you can double or half recipe to fit your needs, allow you to look up under X calories for each dish, allow you to write notes to the recipe( changed a measurement or omit or added ingredients, have the ability to mark as favorite or recently used. Allow you to add recipes of your own to app. Show all nutritional facts per servings. have the option to have the recipe read out loud, so you don’t have to touch the screen.

  41. If I can design a cookbook/food/recipe app for the iPad or iPod/iPhone, it would have a user/cook friendly features and interface. It not only can search up recipes based on the ingredients you entered in, but at the same time, it will suggest recipes that you have never searched for before. That way, it will open the cook’s knowledge of the food around them. At the same time I would have ways for you to not only print out the recipes but share it with your friends and family through the same app or email, text message, and other social networking service! After all, what’s s good cooking and eating without sharing it with the ones around you! 😛

    What I like about Big Fork Little Fork app is their light bulb tips. Sure comes in handy while cooking and definitely a plus for someone like me that don’t cook often/is not a great cook/can possibly burn down the kitchen! Thanks, Big Fork Little Fork!

  42. I feel likeim always making the same sishes. My app would track how often I make a dish. If I made it more than 2x in 3 or 4 weeks, the app would tell me that and recommend another recipe.

  43. I’d want the app to link to a shopping list app that would include all of the ingredients I need.

  44. I love that is designed to get the whole family involved in cooking, my 6 years old love to help in the kitchen and anything electronic so this would be the best of both worlds.

  45. I’m gonna say a fun, kid-friendly app that lets kids pick out the entree and sides to make for dinner (from a database of easy to make recipes and ingredients the parents choose). Anything that will get my kids more excited about eating their dinner.

  46. I’d like an app that I input our preferences of types of food we like, syncs with my grocery store recipets to know what items i’ve purchased and have on hand, and then randomly generates ideas for what to make for dinner. Deciding what to make is always the hardest for me! So if I buy foods we like, and it knows our preferences it can suggest meals – ah a perfect world.

  47. I love the app because you can throw in multiple ingredients, just like the website. LOVE Kraft. LOVE. You hear me Kraft? I pink puffy heart you.

  48. Good search tools so that I could search by type of recipe (appetizers, entree, dessert, etc) or by ingredient.

  49. Okay I shared on FB but don’t want my last name in your comments, so email me and I’ll add you on the FB. xoxo

  50. An app that would allow me to create a recipe box/favorite section and allow me to add notes to the ones I’ve used in case I made personal adjustments to the published recipe.

  51. I would like an app that runs by voice control with a step by step video for that recipe. That way while you are cooking you can watch it, but if you need to pause it you can say “Pause” without having to touch the screen with gooey fingers. LOL

  52. Checked out the app, I love the educational games and how-to videos. Kids are so much more likely to retain information if you teach it in a fun way.

  53. If I could design my own iPad app to help with cooking, I would want the layout to be easy to read, first thing. To make the application even more user friendly for myself, it would be nice to somehow have alternative ingredients listed someplace, and a way to scale the recipe up for a huge crowd, or down for just me and my husband. 🙂


  54. I checked out the Big Fork Little Fork app. I really like that it includes educational videos. I know that helps me learn new things!

  55. I would like an app similar to allrecipes.com that allows you to enter what ingredients you have and then finds recipes that use those ingredients. It would be even better if it would allow me to drag and drop ingredients from a recipe into a shopping list along with the amount I need of each item for the recipe.

  56. I would love an app for cooking with kids that uses pictures and numbers-maybe simple words. What an awesome giveaway, and how generous of you to do it for nothing. How bout if I win I split it with you? 😉

  57. If I was to design an app(which is a scary thought), I would make it related to vegetarian receipes and make sure it works to print out a grocery list with items grouped by area in the grocery store. It’d be even cooler if I could make it interact with my particular grocery stores and have the aisle location indicated for each ingredient!

  58. Wow! What a great giveaway!

    If I could design my own app? Well, I’d need for it to help me upload categorize and organize the mountain of favorite recipes I currently have stuffed into a too small binder… and also help me find “that awesome recipe I’m looking for” by telling me what book or magazine I saw it in 😉

    But seriously, if an app can help me save recipes, watch video demos and suggest substitutes for ingredients I don’t have, then it will help for sure! Oh and I’d love an app that can suggest a menu based on me typing in a few items that I have on hand.

  59. I would love to design a recipe app that would let me plug in ingredients and give me meal ideas. I’m a visual learner so step-by-step pictures are a must!

  60. I would love a searach/filter option in an app where I could look in my cupboard, enter what I have and it would tell me what to make! I’m not creative like that and can’t just throw something together without a recipe telling me so!

  61. I would create an app where I could tell it what I had laying around it would create a recipe for me. I always have tons of ingredients but I never know what to do with them!

  62. Hey there! If I could create a cooking app I would make one that would give you a recipe and then tell you how you can save on making it linking you to websites with coupons! That would be totally worth the money for having to purchase the app (If not free in the first place! HAve a wonderful day and thanks again for doing this site!!

  63. I’ve checked out the Big Fork Little Fork App on itunes and it looks great 🙂 I love the games and tips to get kids involved in the kitchen.

  64. Yes please 🙂
    If I could design a cookbook for the iPad I would want a page with a list of all my favorite recipes that you could click on to link to the recipe. I’ve been trying to figure out how to do this in Excel on my computer, still working on it though.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  65. What I like best about the app is the cooking tips included with the recipes. Great for not-so-savvy cookers like myself.

  66. I would like to have an app that not only gives you a recipe, but gives you prices of the ingredients at stores near you, and alternatives in case you don’t have something handy. I would also like for it to change the amounts in case your are only cooking for two that night. How cool would that be???

  67. I hope this hasn’t been mentioned already, but I would LOVE an app for The Pioneer Woman’s recipes. I’m a visual learner and I literally scroll through her PHOTOS first to see if it’s something I want to make. The app would include an ingredient/grocery list so that if I checked off three recipes it would create the list for me.

    I am nothing if not a lazy, visual cook and grocery shopper. I’d love it if it would save my favorites and perhaps rate the recipes for me.

  68. My app would be able to enter the ingredients that I have and give me a recipe to go with it. Using stuff I already have? Not having to run to the store? Priceless!

  69. I’d love an app that would let me enter random ingredients I have on hand and pop out recipe suggestions.

  70. I like the idea of keying in ingredients and pulling up a list of ideas from there. Pictures would be essential. Also, breaking down a meal by time. If I only have 15 minutes, what can I pull together? How about an hour? Thanks for the chance!

  71. My dream food app would let me enter ingredients I have in my pantry/fridge, and would then find or create a recipe containing them. Would let me avoid the grocery AND clean out my pantry.

  72. Hello there,
    a great cooking app in my opinion should definitely contain some unique features like meals native to some parts of the world the user has “checked”, a “meal traveler” around the world too, a really neat also would be integration of nutrition intake (which to be with scale of healthiness) and burned calories. To be really versatile maybe adding some tip about more healthy/tasty/beautiful meal will be a must too. There are other things to be put but the post would be too big 🙂
    Thank you!

  73. I would love an app that would offer pictures of recipes I could make with ingredients I have on hand. Once I select the ingredients I have available, the app would show me pics and step by step instructions of the recipes I could try. Also ideal would be an app that combined those features with a shopping feature for my local grocery store. Then if I didn’t have those ingredients I needed, I could find out how much it would be to get them.

  74. I would want to see all of the ingredients in the order they go in. I am famous for putting them in the wrong order. It generally works out but I still feel silly since I CAN read. I just rush too much.

    Great giveaway. My husband was trying to wing one of these for me Christmas but he let me know it wasn’t going to work out. It sure would be fun to win one! I want to use it most for cooking in the kitchen (and them work travels!)

  75. I’m so complicated…but the app would have an ‘add to’ option for a weekly meal plan, grocery list and recipe book options. It would totally make my day.

  76. My app would offer easy measurement conversions, a list of substitute ingredients and a way to find recipes based on ingredients on hand. I’d also like nutritional breakdowns and it would be super helpful if recipes were also sorted gluten-free, low carb, low fat, vegetarian, etc.

  77. If I could creat a cooking app mine would have where I could plug in a recipe and the app would generate a healthier version of the recipe. I also like someone else’s idea of having links to the ingredients with coupons, thats awesome!

  78. If I was designing a recipe app, I would make it so it could respond to audio commands. Since the iPad is a touch-based doohickey I wouldn’t want my food-dirtied fingers to touch that beautiful screen. So if I could say “NEXT STEP” and it the directions would progress? Awesomeness!

  79. I think I like that the app has how-to videos…Then I don’t have to stop what I’m doing and google in case I find something I don’t understand 😉

  80. I’d love a “do-it-yourself” kind of app that would let me collect or input all my favorite family recipes, and would be searchable.

  81. I just saw that someone mentioned this same thing, but I, too, would love to include step-by-step photos of recipes and the cooking process. I find them so helpful.

  82. I would prob pick an app that was full of homemade creations that others could add too, easy substitution ideas for ingredients and maybe a way to adapt the recipe depending on how many servings you need … but truthfully I am not really in “the know” when it comes to computer apps and such so I’m not really sure…

  83. I’d make a app that you could plug ingredients in and it would suggest recipes. More times then not I have a bunch of oddball things in the house and have trouble coming up with something to make out of them. And it would have a filter for kid friendly ones since I have a slightly picky eater here.

  84. is it greedy that i am entering this one after i one your last contest 😉

    i would need a recipe app to give the ingredient list AND lead me through each step with each amount, like:

    blend 2 tb butter with 1 cup sugar…

    instead of just blend butter and sugar.

    because i’m lame-o. and i REALLY want an ipad!

  85. I would love an app that helped me when I am desperate at 5 pm and have only chicken and some random things on hand. Like you plug in what you have and it spits something out. Also for me pictures and nutritional info are a MUST.

  86. I would design an app that uses large font words, pictures and can talk – why? I have a 16 year old who is dyslexic – he isn’t stupid and he isn’t 4 – his brain just doesn’t process text like mine does – I want him to be able to be as independent as he can be.

  87. I like the app because it looks fun. It will keep my kids attention and has both the recipes and the tips to teach them how to cook safely. Something we can enjoy as a family.

  88. I’d love something that helped me make a meal out of the ingridients I have on hand. Sometimes I find that I only have canned chicken, tortillas & tomato…what am I supposed to do with that? lol

  89. I would probably make a cookbook-recipe finder app where you can go to the store, scan a food’s UPC/bar code and you can find recipes based on that.
    You can do it with multiple items.
    I would use that! 🙂

  90. If I designed an app it would definitely involve putting in ingredients & getting an awesome recipe, but it would also include for things like time, taste mood, and even level of difficulty in the recipe!!

  91. I love to see step by step pictures so my app would def have plenty of them. I would love to see more “realistic” dinner choices when you check it out at 5:45 in the evening. I’d like to see an app with plenty of pictures and some simple dinner/lunch/breakfest choices! Thanks!!

  92. If I could design a cookbook app it would definitely have user pics and reviews as well because I am always wanting to know how it turned out for others and not just the pros. Also. I love a good search feature!

  93. If I could make a food related app, it would allow me to upload a recipe that I made with step-by-step instructions and add images of what I have cooked all from my phone/ipad. It would also allow me to browse others’ recipes and comments and generate shopping lists based on my saved recipes.

    Features to make this friendly is an easy upload process using pictures from my phone/ipad and the ability to email my shopping list to be printed.

  94. I would like an app that: gives you recipes for last minute meals with on hand ingredients, suggests new resipes based on past recipes that you have ‘liked’, and comes over to cook supper every once in a while!

  95. A recipe app for me would:

    1. allow me to plug in what I already have and have it tell me what to make
    2. give me substitutions for things that my family doesn’t like
    3. show me pictures of exactly how things are supposed to look.

    I think even I could figure things out if I had an app with those things!

  96. I would like an app that allows me to search for dishes by checking off a list of foods on hand and then searching for matches. I hate going to the store for special ingredients.

  97. I would create an app to have an “oops list” IN CASE I didn’t have an exact ingredient. Meaning, just this instead of that and it will still come out edible… 🙂


    xoxo – M

  98. If I were to design a recipe finder app, it would have to be searchable by ingredient. I search for recipes most when I have food in the freezer I need to use up, and being able to search by pork chops vs. tilapia is a huge bonus. It would also need to have pictures… I don’t like to make recipes unless I know what it’s supposed to look like – mostly so I can be sure I’m did it right!

  99. Oooh, I think an app that gave you the recipe list AND options for the “oops, I don’t have sour cream, but I can use________ instead.” Or tricky measuring tips for those of us lacking a liquid measuring cup.

  100. What I like best about the app is that you can print the recipes! I have to have my recipes in paper form while cooking.

  101. If I could design a cookbook/food/recipe app for the iPad or iPod/iPhone it would have larger font. It would give me ratings of ‘easy, hard,” etc. I’d also like to see a classification of “family, party, brunch”, etc. and love it if I could plug in a few key ingredients and see what recipes it offers me.

    To make it user friendly I would just say it has to be simple. I realize this is kind of vague and I don’t know how you’d achieve that goal. But I don’t want to be frazzled by either finding the recipe/working the app or by a complicated process of using the recipe. Sometimes cooking can be stressful enough so I don’t want to add to the stress.

    Thank you!

  102. I am a horrible, terrible, no-good, very bad cook!

    So, what I would like to see are step by step PHOTO instructions and possibly some sort of explanation on where to find and even what some of the more rarer of ingredients for a certain recipe are.

    Today, I was looking at a recipe that called for “dulce de leche” and I have no idea what that is, what it looks like or where to find it in the store! :O(

    Great giveaway! I would love an iPad! Thanks!

  103. I just checked out the “Big Fork, Little Fork” app and I like the photos! I also like how they seem to have specific instructions like “To cut a circular ring around the pepper…” and I like how the menu is set up by FOOD. So, if all I have is chicken, I can just choose chicken and it’ll take me only to chicken recipes!

  104. A search interface (similar to Google) to quickly find any recipe. The search results should have a photo of a prepared meal. The actul recipe would have photos of step-by-step instructions how to prepare/mix ingredients to make it more visual. Photos of ingredients are a must, because sometimes you read a recipe and can’t figure out what a specific ingredient is and where to find it in the store.

  105. I would definitely integrate a grocery list and a measurements table into the app! Those are the two things I am always needing !

  106. OK, for me and new recipes, it is all about a wonderful picture and easy to read directions/ steps. I am not good at improvising so a set of steps that I can easily follow is key! Make the font big too, you know how it is in the kitchen and you are holding the chicken trying to figure out what to do next – that is what I need in an app. I already have and use the Kraft app on my phone. I like that it gives me the grocery list!

  107. I posted your contest on Facebook. It’s under my name (see email). Hooray, what a fun giveaway and thanks for hosting it!

  108. It would be nice if the app was similar to most recipe sites. A photo of the food, simple ingredients/measurements, and the ability to rate the recipe. Possibly even a way to submit your own recipes?

  109. my favorite part of the Big fork Little fork app is the video how-to’s. I didn’t even think of that as being an integral part of a cooking app!

  110. An app that sorted recipes by ingredient, nutritional content, type
    + made a grocery list
    + checked your pantry for ingredients
    + combined coupons
    + delivered them from store to home.

    Is that too much to ask?

  111. The features that I would find most appealing is that I could sort by ingredient because that is what I usually base my dinner off of, what ingredients sounds good and I have on hand. I would also love ones that keep track on current coupons (through smartsouce, proctor and gamble, red plum, sundau inserts, coupons.com, etc.) so you know you could make that meal with coupon. I would also love ones that have great pictures because that is what hooks people in to even look at the recipe initially. Also have recipes that call for “normal” ingredients, ones that most people can find and most people can make.

  112. My most favorite part of the “Big Fork, Little Fork” app is that it remembers your last 50 entries. That is very handy.

  113. Hew Sweets this is CERTAINLY a sweet deal! I would LOVE an ipad. One thing I think that app cookbooks can do that regular ones cant is creating a shopping list for you out of the ingredients. It would also be neato if you could have like a calendar that let you create a weekly menu plan and then did the shopping list for you as well! I would really like to win this lovely creation~! Thanks to Kraft foods and YOU for offering this lovely promotion!

  114. Red grits? I’ve never seen a recipe for grits in any shape, form, or fashion go awry! Thanks to Mishelle Lane for sharing you with me!

  115. OH! And my app would be able to recognize recipes found on the web and save them to my very own virtual cookbook with an element to add what I did/didn’t do to make the dish a little more mine.

  116. I think it would be great to be able to add ingredient items to a shopping list and a measurement conversion table also. Great App!

  117. I dont have an iAnything, so I don’t know much about apps, but I always like recipe sites that allow you to input some ingredients and give you recipes and meal ideas. Very handy when feeding a large family!

  118. I love the fact that this app has kids in mind… hence the educational games ! I have a very picky 7 year old and I find if I get her involved in the kitchen then she will eat whatever she makes. She is also very savvy with the Iphone so she would love this app! Thanks!

  119. my ipad app would have step by step instructions along w/videos to view any step i need extra help on. it would also have suggestions on substitute ingredients just in case i may be out of something. And last but not least would be a COUPONS!! I would like the app to have links to coupons for the items needed for the meal =)

  120. I’d want to be able to list some ingredients that are in my fridge and have it generate a tasty recipe for dinner.

  121. I would have a recipe checklist that you could use to mark the ingredients on your grocery list.

    Mindy 🙂

  122. not sure exactly what I’d have on the app – but definitely lots of pictures and the ability to plug in ingredients on hand to generate recipes 🙂 thanks for the giveaway!

  123. What a fun giveaway! As a person who often pulls recipes from my iPhone – I’d want to deisgn an app that stays lit for quite some time so I don’t have to keep touching my phone with sticky fingers! I’d also group the ingredient clusters together (dry items, wet items, etc.) so that I wouldn’t have to keep scrolling back and forth!

    Thanks for hosting such a fun giveaway!

  124. The best part about Big Fork Little Fork is the way they encourage family cooking with the games and safety rules!

  125. The perfect food app would allow you to scroll through recipes/blogs, click the ones you want, add the ingredients to a grocery list, and allow you to check them off when you get them . . .

    Ooooh . . . it should also have a helpful conversion and temperature guide, AND should suggest other recipes you could make with leftovers of the ingredients on your list.

    Oooohhh please!!! I love it!

  126. I would love to have the ability to sort by ingredients or by the type of meal/dish (slowcooker, grill, side dish, breakfast, vegetarian, etc.). Since I’m vegan, a HUGE plus would be a section of specifically vegan recipes. Excellent, clear pictures are a must, as well as the ability to rate them after you try them, or store your favorites in some way. The ability to easily create a grocery list from the ingredients list would be a bonus. Finally, I’d love to easily be able to share the recipes with friends via Twitter or email.

    Thanks so much for the chance to enter!

  127. Rach! How fantastic is this???

    I’d love to be able to list maybe 5 ingredients that I currently have in the house and the app tell me what I can make with those things.

  128. If I were to design an app for the Ipad it would HAVE to have a grocery list so that I could just add the recipe to my list! Also, maybe step by step instructions would be nice for someone like myself who is new to the whole cooking thing.

  129. I would design an app that would take any food and make it a Southern comfort food! For instance, I would type in “Cheerios” and it would give me an amazing recipe for Cheerio bread pudding! haha Seriously, wouldn’t that be awesome? Okay…maybe it would just default and say, “add butter and fry”. LOL

  130. Checked out the app, and I LOVE that it incorporates games and videos as well as step-by-step instructions for kids! The graphics and photography are amazing! Now I need an iPad so I can get the app! *wink*

    Thanks for the chance to enter!

  131. I would LOVE for an app to use my zip code and search nearby grocery prices so it could tell me where it’d be cheapest for me to shop after I load up my grocery lists…or, if it could tell me which recipes I’d already uploaded into my file would be cheapest, etc.

    THAT would be awesome.

  132. If you could design a cookbook/food/recipe app for the iPad or iPod/iPhone: how would it work? What features would make it the most user friendly for you?

    Something where I could type in the ingredients I wanted to use or had on hand and the type of dih I wanted to make and Presto….recipe! Maybe even with approx cost per serving and calories?

  133. I would want a feature where I search for recipes by ingredient(s). Also the option to change how many servings I want and have it recalculate ingredients and measurements for me. Oh, and have it create a shopping list. What an amazing giveaway!!! Would so love to win. Thanks for being so sweet to host this.

  134. I have been thinking about this even before your giveaway and I think there has to go beyond that allows you to stand your iphone/ipad upright in a holder to protect it while displaying the recipe. I have a “cover” but not really food worthy protective! I am always running back and forth from my laptop to the countertop while following recipes! on the other hand, I would love an app. where you entered 3 ingredients and you received a spit-out of potential recipes!

  135. I would definitely want something with lots of photos, step by step instructions. I think it would be really cool to be able to type in the ingredients that we have on hand and have the app come up with recipes that would work!
    What a fantastic giveaway!!

  136. If you could design a cookbook/food/recipe app for the iPad or iPod/iPhone: how would it work? What features would make it the most user friendly for you?

    I would have it remember my recipes (by link since mine are on a food blog) so that I could easily pull them up by photo/name.
    I would have it link to friends recipe boxes so I could browse their family faves by photo/name with links.
    I would have it search by ingredient keywords.
    I would make sure it had a measurement cheat sheet – for converting to different amounts.
    I would make sure it had a ‘notes’ section per recipe that I saved so I could make personal notes when I cooked something as to how I would change it.

  137. I would like an app where you could enter ingredients that you already have in your kitchen and then it would match you up with some recipes to prepare with what you have.

    And an app to remind me to thaw out meat for dinner the next night.

  138. I agree with Bridget (above) that an app where you could put in what you have on hand and get a recipe would be fantastic!

    I would also like an app that divided recipes up by type of cuisine i.e. Italian, Mexican, French, “American” etc. Sometimes I am just in the mood for a type of meal and so, rather than just looking up the standard divisions of meat, breads, veggies, etc., it would be nice to be able to look up the cuisine I have a fancy for and create a meal that way.

    And I would definitely want the nutrition info. Many of us are watching our carbs. Others need to know sugar or fat content. It helps so much when people don’t have to figure this out for themselves.

  139. If you could design a cookbook/food/recipe app for the iPad or iPod/iPhone: how would it work? What features would make it the most user friendly for you?

    With an app, I would include an ingredient search feature so I could use up all of the extra whatever I had on hand. It would also provide all of the nutrition information so I could figure my Weight Watchers points per serving…very important!

    I really like Anne’s thought of a cuisine-type sort.

  140. I “liked” Kraft foods…. because I do…. and because you told me to! 🙂 I’m working my way through the bonus entries. 🙂

  141. I would create an app that tells you what would work good if you wanted to substitute a recipe. If a recipe calls for mushrooms and your kids refuse to eat them, then it gives you another suggestion to put in it’s place.

  142. Love Love Love this giveaway!!!! – If I could design an app. it would have – Pictures, step by step instructions – a shopping list with links to coupons on line, notes section, nutritional breakdown and a way to change number of servings. I would also like a way to share on facebook and by email. – See, not much at all!!!

  143. An app that cuts recipes for those families that only contain two members. I’m horrible with cutting recipes from serving size 4-6 (or I forget that I’m doing fractions midway through).

  144. In my App I would have a way to cross-reference the ingredients I had a home and tell me what i could make with them. It would also have lots of pictures.

  145. Check out the Big Fork Little Fork iPad app and tell me what you like best about it:

    I love that you can ad a meal to you calender – what a great idea for meal planning!!!

  146. I was hoping to get an iPad for my wonderful wife for Christmas. However a little merry Christmas lay off from my work has ruled out the majority of Christmas spending for this year. Thanks for the chance at te giveaway.

  147. My Ipad cooking app would include a search feature using…title, ingredients, nutritional info, or author such as Paula Deen, Rachel Ray, The Neeley’s etc. Not sure how that would or could work, but it would really be a nice app! :o)

  148. I would like it to have lots of pictures and a grocery list and also a search for using items that you have on hand.

  149. If I could make a cooking app it would allow me to tell it what I had on hand (cube steak, potatoes, pasta) and it would tell me what I could make. Or it would let me make a menu for the week and tell me what I needed to buy…ZOMG CAN THEY GET ON THAT? DOES IT ALREADY DO THAT?
    Because that would be a dream come true.

  150. I would have it talk to me and I could talk back and ask questions! I always have so many questions when following recipes!

  151. I really like Jamie Oliver’s iPhone app. It has gorgeous photography, a simple interface and lots of video and step-by-step instructions.

  152. I would make an app that only had recipes an older child (ten and up) could cook so that I would NEVER have to cook again. Ever. Tis brilliant in it’s madness.

  153. I would love recipe apps to include more nutritional information. Counting calories and carbs is so hard when you are doing all your own cooking. Even if it isn’t super accurate but has enough information that I could extrapolate approximately what I am consuming in that meal.

  154. I’d have an app that could incorporate recipes from home so I could have everything in one place. Something that could compile recipes from many different websites and places and has a spot for me to make notes. It would also be fantastic to have something where I can enter in the ingredients I have on hand and it could suggest recipes using those things.

  155. If I could create an iPad recipe app, it would let people enter 4-5 ingredients they have on-hand and would then pull up a list of recipes using those ingredients. It would also automatically provide substitutions for those with food allergies.

  156. I think the perfect app would allow me to upload recipes from outside sources, assemble shopping lists from said recipes and allow me to modify the shopping list as needed. Then it would send the list to my phone so I could tick things off at the grocery. This app may exist, but that would be perfect in my book!

  157. Yes yes and yes! I use my iPod to look up recipes all the time. I can imagine it big where I can read it easier! I haves few recipe food apps that do different things it would be great to have it all in one. Search based on ingredients on hand finale a meal, dinner spinner, save recipes, and make menu plans with grocery lists that would be awesome!

  158. I’d love a recipe app that has lots of photos, particularly the tougher steps, one with nutritional info, and one with the ability to tweak the serving amounts.

  159. If I had to design a app for recipes, it would definitely have a feature to enter all the odd and ends ingredients I already have on hand and then suggest a quick, easy recipe for me to whip up. I also think photos showing the cooking process is a MUST.

  160. I would want an app that had photographs of the finished recipe item with clear, consise ingredents lists.

  161. I mean, if it came to my house and made the food for me, that would be a pretty good start… 😉

  162. I get the kraft food newletters via email, so having the ability to pull up all those recipes…..a virtual cookbook….awesome. No more having to print the recipes because I would have it right there.

  163. I went to the website for the App, and from what I can tell, it looks pretty cool. It looks like they’ve improved it, and looking at the details, I think it’s neat that you can create your own calendar {with the recipes}, and they’ve got pictures & details to boot.

  164. I would like an app that displays all the ingrediants and steps in a manner that is easy to use on the phone/computer so that I can use while cooking. I would also love an app that makes it easy to search for recipes and one that will create a recipe for you using ingrediants on hand,

  165. I would love an app that works with the idea of putting vegetable purees into foods. One that has recipes with and without incase I’m feeling a little lazy.

  166. I’m probably the only person who still hasn’t used a iphone or ipad to even know what kind of features I would want an app to have. I think I would like it to pick recipes base on what ingredients I have available and also based on what I have had recently.

  167. I would like to be able to add my own recipes. I would also like to be able put in the number of servings you would like and it would recalculate the amounts of ingredients.

  168. If I designed a recipe app, it would definitely have photos of the finished recipe, and for more complex recipes, some tutorial photos, too. The calorie/nutritional content would be important, too. Recipes would be divided by categories (salads, main dishes, etc.) and each recipe would have a photo. Click on the photo or name to get to the recipe.

  169. I’d like an app that would give me a recipe with the list of ingredients I have on hand.

  170. What I like about the Big Fork Little Fork App is that it encourages cooking with my kids. When they cook with me, they tend to eat more and complain less.

  171. i am always searching for recipes with awesome reviews….tried and true….as well as recipes that utilize ingredients I have. I want that to be super easy! and have it remember items i have made and love!

  172. My ideal recipe app would allow me to add recipes that I find in various places and then have them avaible in the recipe data base. When acessing recipes I like to be able to enter ingredients I have avaible.

  173. For my mandatory entry….I’d make an app that would let you know if there were coupons available for the items in the recipe you had to buy…that way I’d know if I could experiment “on the cheap” or not!!

  174. Ipad app would be:

    Name: iEat
    Function: To enter in a search engine random ingredients you have on hand in your home that would generate recipes including your ingredient suggestions. It works from ingredients up to recipe instead of recipe down to ingredients. It will also let you work within “genre” as in Vegan, Organic, Ethnic, etc. It will also guide you to the nearest market, store, etc., to compensate for ingredients you don’t currently have or want to buy.

  175. I would make an app that had step by step pictures with the recipie. exactly what the item i am making should look like. I would also have a feature that would let you print the recipie as a card. OH and you could have it read it to you or turn the sound off. AND search for recipe’s by listing the ingredients you had on hand so you wouldn’t have to run out and pick up one item.

  176. My recipe app would have to include ideas built around ingredients I have on hand. Thanks for the contest!

  177. My app would include step by step instructions with photos as I always end up messing something up when photos are missing.

  178. Videos? Wow, cool!
    Designing my own, it’d have to have a search by ingreds feature. As in, “I have this pound of ground beef and can of tomato paste, what can I make?”

  179. I’d love an app where I could put in ingredients I have on-hand and it would give me recipe suggestions. Or similar dishes to ones I already make, because I usually get in a rut and make the same things 🙂

  180. I like that it has videos with it and dinnertime convo tips. My daughter loves to cook and I should learn from her.

  181. I like most… how interactive it is! i.e. video how-to’s… chat/messaging with Kraft for questions… all great helps that a “paper” cookbook can’t offer!

  182. Not sure I can be much help in the app-suggestions… not because I’m APP-athetic, but because I’m a total APP novice… I don’t have an Ipad either!

    I would certainly hope that any recipe resource would be full of detailed photos, acceptible food substitutions (hey, I’m a working mom and don’t always have a perfectly stocked fridge/pantry), and ways to save favorite recipes in an easy-to-access location.

    Thanks to you and Kraft for the chance!


  183. App – FoodAroundMe

    An app using the map around to show you highly detailed pictures of their food and recipes on how to make it.

  184. Pictures are important. My mother-in-law is wanting an ipad to use while cooking, meaning as a cookbook. Will be interesting to see if that actually works for her. But I’m thinking that photos are the most important thing.

  185. I don’t know didley about apps, but I’d want mine to have a feature where I could type in a few ingredients I have at home, then it could pull up recipes for several dishes I can make with what’s on hand.

  186. I would want it to show me step my step pictures so I know I’m doing it right. I would also would like to type in ingredients and it will pull the recipes. That way I can just create something with what I have at home and don’t have to run to the grocery all the time. Oh, and that it will combine a few recipes together so if I buy a jar of something and only use half I can use the rest of it in the next recipe later that week. No waste.

  187. I would make an app that you key in a couple of ingrediant’s that I have on hand and it gives me a recipe. It wouldbedjust, if I didn’t have an ingrediant that was in the recipe.

  188. If you could design a food app for the ipad/ipod how would it work?
    Mine would be a bigginners cooking app…. An introduction to all things food…. For those like my self who have very little desire to cook and want to be in and out of the kitchen as fast as possible including clean up!

    What features would make it most user friendly for you?
    Pictures and videos are a must have! A dictionary for culinar clueless like myself! And a picture of all the different cooking tools you would need to completely all the different recipes!

  189. most user friendly: telling me how obscure an item is. Sometimes, I’m totally like, oh yeah, I’m gonna make that, but to find out that the ingredients aren’t even sold in my town!

  190. My dream recipe app for the iPad or iPod/iPhone would be a virtual “binder” of recipes from different sources. I’d be able to organize them into different categories to find them more easily (main courses, side dishes, desserts, etc). There would also be a way to create a shopping list of ingredients.

  191. I would design a site that allowed you to give a rundown of what you had in your kitchen fridge and pantry (like a checklist) and come up with recipes you can make on the fly, no last minute dash to the grocery store, or huge prep.

  192. My design for an app would have a recommendation list. I like recipe sights that shove recipes in my face, so I don’t have to do the digging around for them. It would also have LOTS of pictures. I won’t even try a recipe that doesn’t have an accompanying picture.

  193. I’d like an app where I can type in a few ingredients that I have and it pulls up recipes with those ingredients. I’d also like to be able to write in ingredients that I DON’T want it to include.

  194. As a dad, I would like a recipe app to help dads feed their kids when it is the dad’s turn to cook the food. The biggest problem I have in cooking my kid food is determining what to make for my kid–I can’t make puffy pancakes for dinner three times per week. I would like an app that has simple recipes that anybody can make, but that kids will like. I would like for the app to work like the Urban Spoon app. A few categories to narrow the style of food, a shake of the app and viola–dinner selection made.

  195. If I could design a cookbook app (which I would definitely use on the iPod Touch, which I already have; and the iPad, should I be lucky enough to get one!), I would design the app so that it’s easy to add recipes by listing ingredients line-by-line, instructions line-by-line, and a summary. I’d make sure there was an option to add personal rating as well as difficulty rating, and the ability to add photos! Finally, I’d have a share option — what good is an app if you can’t share its contents with Facebook and Twitter?! 🙂

  196. I would like an app that would give me the ability to categorize and sort my recipes. I’d also like to be able to type in the ingredients that I have on hand and have it pull up a recipe with those ingredients.

  197. I’d like to see the app have the steps as a walk through. Such as mix the following items, then prepare x, y, & z, and bake at whatever degrees. But each would be a step and a screen so that you click done when complete to move on in the recipe. It would also have the less well known terms linked to an explanation and picture, since not everyone knows all of the terms (such as my kids!).

  198. The Big Fork Little Fork iPad app is too cute! I like that you can bring kids into the mix with educational games and fun recipes. My daughter loves to cook with me, and I bet she would love this app!

  199. Title search

    Ingredient and ingredient combo search

    One click “add to shopping list” for each ingredient

    Hyperlink for supplies (mixer, springform pan, basters, etc…)

    Modifications – by serving size, by pan size (sometimes people don’t have a 9×13 but want to use an 8×8), ingredient substitutions (use a mashed banana for each egg if you’re out, type of thing)

    Pairings – vegetables, sides, desserts, breads, drinks, etc…

    Recipe reviews

    Storing/saving/sharing recipes

    A “notes” section to take notes for yourself that can be printed with a recipe card and come up automatically next time you look at the recipe

    Recipe/ingredient history if any

  200. I would design a substitute food app for recipes, because most of the time you think you have something and you don’t or you don’t have enough and it would be nice to have an interactive app that if you delete that ingredient or change the amount that it would come up with an alternative
    tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

  201. If I could design a food app, it would allow me to select my favorite ingredients and bring up lists of recipes with those ingredient combos (or have that as one feature)


  202. I would definitely have a food app that’s all baking! It’d have a section on terminology, an index on recipes that can be browsed through by name, ingredient types, time for prep and cooking or by photos. Also I love it when recipes give you different time/temperature options (like if you decide to make cupcakes instead of pouring the batter in a round cake pan). I’d also like to include step-by-step instructions with photos, for those techniques that aren’t so commonly used.

  203. If I were going to create a recipe app, I would tie it in to some online websites so it was easily searchable. I would also have a section to input your own recipes and categories to be able to sort them. Any recipes with serving size I would set up so you could change the serving size and it would scale for you (or tell you it didn’t scale to that particular size, etc). I would also have a built in timer, so if you wanted to use it to know when a cake was done, you could.

    Oh, and a button for measurement equivalents and substitutions.

  204. I would love the app to allow me to find complete menus with recipes for any occasion. For example, if I were having a holiday dinner party I could find foods that would compliment each other. The complete menu would be right there, with recipes for each dish. I would also be able to find the individual dishes listed in categories (pies, pasta, cookies, cakes, etc.) Thanks for this wonderful giveaway.

  205. Checked out the App. I totally love that it’s not just about cooking, but also about learning and playing. What a great way to get kids involved in the cooking process!! OK, now I want the app ALMOST as much as the iPad.

  206. I would love an app that you could punch in a few ingredeints and it gives you recipes using those. I would love an iPad to have in the kitchen!!!!

  207. I would have an app where you could put in what ingredients you have and they would come up with a recipe. I also would like an app that gave you all the nutritional info!

  208. If I created an app for Kraft, it would allow you to put in your grocery list and then reccomend different recipes. It would also link to which kraft items have current coupons and where to get them. The recipe search function would have a feature where it could be very accurate (when you searched for cookies you only get cookie recipes) or would allow suggestions (you search for double chocolate cookies and it also reccommends a similar double chocolate dessert).

  209. If i could design the cook book on the iPad. I would be able to touch the cookbook app. Then it would bring up several icons with a pretty basic picture that would feature salad, soup, appetizer, entre, dessert and the like. And then once you would have “touched” the basic “soup” icon then you would have small icon photos of different soups. Of course, they would have to be very lovely yummy photos and once you touch a certain photo then it would bring up another photo and the list of ingredients and then the recipe.

    Not that I have done that much thinking about it!! 🙂 haha.

    But that is my two cents.


  210. I love that the Big Fork Little Fork includes videos to help show kids what to do and it really gets children involved in the cooking expereince.

  211. If I was designing a cookbook app for the iPad, I’d want to be able to search it by type of recipe as well as ingredient. And I’d want to see pictures of each recipe. Love this giveaway and would love even more to win an iPad for Christmas!!!

  212. I would create an app that would allow you to enter the ingredients you already have on hand and then it will show recipes you can make.

  213. Like Kraft on Facebook; Rebecca Honey Graham. Wrote on their wall that I was refered by A Southern Fairytale.

  214. I’d like an app that shows video step by step instructions of recipes and step by step pictures! Also, love the idea some one above mentioned about inputting on-hand ingredients and getting a recipe. I would use that for sure.

  215. I would make the app so that when you did a search for an ingredient it would find all the recipes that include it

  216. I would like an app that gives choices to:
    view just the recipe
    view the video
    view suggestions for substitutions
    how to get the kids involved with this recipe
    alternative heating methods to make a regular recipe suitable for camping or for a crockpit versus typical oven or stove top.

  217. My idea is to have a recipe app somehow linked/partnered up with a coupon app. The recipe app would have recipes with the list of ingredients and then it would tell you if coupons were available for any of the ingredients.

  218. It would have to have a look up by ingredients–so if I want to use eggs, milk, chocolate, then I type those in and it brings up all recipes with those ingredients in it. Totally necessary!

  219. The application I would create for a cookbook would allow you to search like many other cookbook site. But once you found the recipe of your choice, it would show local sales ad for any of the ingredients in the recipe. Maybe even refer to any coupons out there too.

  220. Easy Cooking For Those Who Don’t Have Time. My app would be an app that lets you put something in the search box like cheesecake and then it pulls up all the premade ingredients you can use to make something that is spectacular and feels like it took forever, without anyone being any wiser!

  221. if i made an app it would have an ingredent search that would pulll up all recipes containing that ingredent plus have pictures showing step by strp directions on how to prepare it

  222. I would like an app that lets me put in the ingredients that I can rangle up from my kitchen and pantry, the time I have to prepare it, and then have it bring up recipes that meet the requirements with user ratings.

  223. I would love for the app to help with substitute ingredients! Sometimes I really want to make a recipe but I don’t have all of the proper ingredients. It would be nice if you could click on the ingredient and see a list of possible substitutions.

  224. if i could design a food/recipe app it would have an easy to use space to put in what you’ve got on hand . then it would give you a list of things you could make and the nutrational information that goes along with each recipe.

  225. my app would have detailed step by step photos, it would have the ability to give healthy substitution, calorie content, along w all the other nutritional information. i don’t like recipes that don’t have the nutritional info.

  226. My app would have the ability to easily enter recipes bookmarked on delicious…better yet, it would feature a “share” button to grab recipes right from pther web sources. It would also allow me to enter my own recipes & scale ingredients.

  227. love the how to videos for the big fork little fork app. sometimes i dont quite “get” what an action in cooking should be and it can often ruin a really good recipe.

  228. I wouls create it so that I could enter a few items I have on hand and have it create a great and simple recipe for me along with tons of pictures !

  229. I like the kid’s play/learn section. My kids enjoy helping in the kitchen. They might be more apt to try new foods after playing with them!

  230. The perfect app, in my opinion, would have a feature that allows you to list ingredients you have on hand to search for a recipe you can throw together. There would also be categories such as one-dish, slow cooker, $5 meals, etc (for us frugal/thrifty cooks). There would have to be a recipe box and a shopping list feature. Where to buy, sales/coupons would be helpful too!

  231. I would love an app that includes a recipe box for me to store my favorites, then have the option to provide a shopping list for the recipes I want to make that day.

  232. My favorite thing about the Big Fork Little Fork app:
    I love the visuals and how it incorporates kids!

  233. I want to be able to search by ingredients I have in the house and find a recipe to use them up! I hate wasting a half tub of sour cream or a batch of green onions but can’t always come up with a recipe to use up the rest.

  234. My ideal recipe app would showcase recipes for favorite dishes at chain restaurants, but it wouldn’t just show you their recipe, but a recipe alternative option that would be a healthier choice. Also, this app may have some short videos explaining some shortcuts and tips shared by the creators of said app; and of course some healthy kid friendly recipes. 🙂

  235. I want an app that has easy to navigate sub-sections…We’re vegetarians, and I HATE having to sort through and look for appropriate recipes. Honestly, it makes me frustrated and I usually give up… I rarely use any cooking app for that reason. We watch lots of food network and other shows, so something where you can type in your favorite tv chef and have some sort of recipe for whatever you’re looking for from them pop up would be way cool(for instance, a drink from Ina Garten, or an appetizer from Rick Bayless)

  236. You’d have to have an app with a memory… Like you used 7 ingredients for dinner on Monday, so here’s a recipe to use those 7 ingredients in a completely different way on Tuesday, and then add a couple ingredients to the leftovers and you’ll get a third meal on Wednesday!

  237. My Ipad app would have a list of foods that I really like and/or have most in my home. I would choose from this list and the program would then search thousand of sites and suggest receipes to me with the items I’ve chosen in my cupboard/pantry/fridge.


  238. I like Kraft Foods on Facebook and I told them you sent me.

    Thank you for sharing , your so kind.

  239. I would love an App that I could list ingriedients that I have and it would list recipes that I could use them in.

  240. OMG, I hope this is my lucky week and I win :)!!!! If I had an application I would want one that you can look up a specific food and get recipes that include this food. I sometimes I have items in my pantry that I cant think of how to use, so this would be great during my meal planning times. I’m sure there is an application out there, but I’m not creative so this is all I came up with. Another great thing would be to have a coupon finder based on your weekly menus. you could enter your weekly menus into the app and it would pull up applicable coupons!

  241. I’d love one that let me enter ingredients I have on hand and would then suggest recipes, especially if it could break down the options by categories like “fast and easy”, “special occasions”, “low-cal but still amazing desserts” (oh wait, maybe that last one is just my personal fantasy…) There may already be something like that but I don’t have an iphone/ipad so I don’t know!

  242. I like how this app appears easy to use. If I were to design one, it would have easy to interact with features!

  243. I love the idea of that Big Fork Little Fork app has how-to videos with step by step instructions and tips on how to involve my kids in the kitchen! I typically want to get my job in the kitchen done with as little help as possible, so this would be great for me! I also like the tricks it has for kids to make out of items in our kitchen!

  244. if I designed an ap it would let me add recipes from the web with the blog site attached
    so I could still go look at my blogs for more ideas an recipes. It would also have a share a
    recipe card section where I could just send the recipe to a smart phone or email or facebook
    so I no longer had to write it out or print it!

  245. My favorite thing about the Big Fork Little Fork app is that it encourages the entire family to get involved with meal prep and planning and encourages a healthy lifestyle.

  246. Sorry-previous post I forgot to include my FB name!

    The app I would LOVE to see would allow you to do one of two things.
    1) I would have the ability to enter 2 or 3 main ingredients that I have in my house. The app would then search for those recipes that include those meals. I would want to see real pictures of those meals instead of some generic post websites have when those meals have no pictures. Pictures often seal the deal for me.
    2) I would love to see an app that supports health recipes with only 5 or 6 ingredients. I have found as a busy mom that if it requires more than this many I tend not to make those recipes. Pictures are important here as well!

    Have a kids section would be perfect too!

  247. I would design an app that allowed you in input ingredients you had on hand to help with coming up with a recipe. This would so help on the days that you really don’t want to go out to the store! It would be user friendly by just checking the boxes for the ingredients you have on hand!

  248. If I could design a cookbook app, I would just want to be able to search the ingredients and find recipes. That way I can look at what I have in the pantry and search for a recipe that uses what I already have. I’d also want the recipes to be quick, easy, and somewhat nutritious.
    Dr. Laura

  249. I like the how-to videos on the Ipad app, and also the live messaging. That could always come in handy!

  250. I like the kid friendly aspect of the Big Fork Little Fork app. I can see myself asking the kids what they want to make. And, with ingredients I already have (mostly), it would be easy to do. Love that it encourages time spent as a family in the kitchen.

    Dr. Laura

  251. I would love an app that keeps running pantry inventory and pops up recipes using what supplies one has on hand.

  252. I would want to be able to search recipes by ingredient so that I could use food I’m given or have sitting around in my pantry (or find on sale at the farmer’s market!). That would have to be a must for me I think.

    Great giveaway!

  253. If I was designing an iPad cooking app I would make it integrate with Google Docs because that’s where I store all my recipes. It would allow me to easily navigate & search through all my recipes, automatically group recipes together based on ingredients found in the recipe, and allow me to easily create a shopping list based on the recipes I choose. I would also need to be able to edit the shopping list to remove items I already have. Finally it would also need to work on the iPhone so I could access it while shopping without having to take my iPad. It should be free too because I rarely buy any apps. I don’t mind if there are some minor ads on it.

  254. I’d make my app include a place to input the ingredients you have and give you suggestions. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  255. I would have to be able to search by ingredient and then be apply to add/edit my own recipes and add some from the internet. Thanks and hope you have a Merry Christmas!

  256. I think a great app for the iPad is one that allows you to choose from different food groups/entrees to create a meal. So let’s say I have a list of 10 meats, 10 veggies and ten starches, So kind of like how the diet apps work I can pick and plan my menus for the week. This app I would want tailored for mom’s cooking for toddlers and planning their meals. I

  257. I would like to have an app that you could compile a menu and then it would generate a grocery list for based on what you were cooking for the week. I would also like to to be able to input ingredients on hand and it give you recipes. Thanks!

  258. The best part of the app is the how to videos. What a great idea to get your children involved in the kitchen!

  259. Thank you so much for doing this. If I were to design an app, I would design one that would have an ongoing shopping list of common ingredients and you can locate recipes that contain those ingredients. I would also want to be able to store recipes found on blogs so we can find them in one place.

  260. Here is my tweet.
    Just Call Me Mrs. Claus – http://tinyurl.com/237e7z8
    (Should have mixed it up a bit but am new to all this. Need to find the Kraft FB page…will be back.

    My app would be rated easy to hard with the time. Would want the step by step too.

    Would love to win…it might even make me a cook.

  261. I would design an app that would allow me to input up to 6 ingredients and then give me something creative and yummy to make in UNDER 20 minutes!!

  262. I love to search by ingredients that you have and what type of meal you are wanting. So if I have cheese and ham, and wanting lunch ideas it would pull up ideas.

  263. Dude. An iPad? Kraft Foods needs to give you one too. It’s only fair. In an ideal world, the app would just make a whole meal for me. Now that would be uhmazing.

  264. I’d like to be able to put in a bunch of ingredients that I already have around the house and have the app suggest recipes that don’t require too many more things. Recipes that I could make or could almost make with what I have.

  265. I want a recipe to include nutritional information, so an app that I designed would have healthy recipes that included all of the relevant nutritional information.

  266. To make it more user friendly I would insert grocery lists for things to have on hand for each section. ie types of flour, sugars, yeasts, etc.

  267. Thanks for a fantastic giveaway!! Wow! As for apps…I would be thrilled to have an app where I could put in all of the ingredients I have to work with and have the app tell me recipes of things I could make with those! That would be awesome! It’d be even better if I could use one of the suggested recipes and the app would reformulate recipes based on the ingredients I have left after that one…say for tomorrow night’s dinner…(take out the ones used on the first recipe…does that make sense?)

    Thanks again!


  268. If I designed a food/cooking app, it would be focused on healthy recipes, and each recipe would have the nutrition info. It would be interactive/customizable, so that you could alter a recipe to fit your family’s tastes or what items you have available (such as using soy milk instead of regular, or adding extra veggies. And you would be able to save and share your alternate version, with a link back to the original recipe. I would make it so that you could adjust the ingredients, the measurements, or the servings and when you customize the recipe, the nutrition data adjusts with you. I would want to search by nutrition information as well – such as categories of ‘high in fiber”, “high protein”, low-carb”, “sugar-free”, “vegetarian” and such, in addition to searching by name and ingredients. I would also include the type of meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, snack, etc) and the health category (starches/grains, dairy, fruits, veggies, etc). Oh, I’m having so much fun imagining all this that I really want an iPad and this app now! Kraft Foods is awesome for sponsoring this giveaway.

  269. Mrs. Claus – I would like an app that starts with “What is the main ingredient you have on hand?” and continues asking questions until it pops up about 5 recipes that fit my needs. And, it must include lots of pretty pictures! Thanks, Mrs. Claus!

    1. @Karen I love that idea! Having the app narrow down the recipe options by asking you questions … really smart. Don’t think I’ve ever heard of an app or website or program or anything that does that!

  270. If I could design an app it would allow you to put the ingredients you have on hand into a database that would tell you which recipes you could make with what you already have. It would also tell you the nutrition facts of each recipe. It would also allow you to save your favorite recipes for easy access later. Great giveaway! Thank you!

  271. I don’t know how to share a twitter link… but, here is my tweet:
    MacKidJcksnvill http://ht.ly/3p1Zw #iPad Giveaway! (Don’t enter, it is just for me!)

    Trying to be clever, don’t hate for that!

  272. I would love to be able to type in a handful of ingredients and search for recipes containing those ingredients. I’m always looking for ways to use up the stuff I already have!

  273. Looking at the “Big Fork Little Fork” app … I definitely like the images best. The idea of how-to videos is fabulous, especially when it comes to kids helping. And the photographs of the food are simply mouth-watering … makes me want to try all the recipes because they must be delicious.

  274. I’d want an app that built a menu plan and shopping list based on recipes that shared/crossed ingredients so that I know the leftover cheese that was needed for Monday will be used on that casserole on Wednesday and that half a bag of whatever that I needed for Tuesday will be used up on Saturday. It would be more cost efficient, I would imagine.

  275. Twitterfied it as well… although I have no idea how to link a specific tweet. Sure I could figure it out if I put a bit of effort into it… but as I’m not likely to twit about any (if at all) between now and then, it’ll be at the top of my twittering queue. (Look, I made twittering sound like a curse word there… awesome).

    Which is @judithshakes.

    In case you didn’t know that. 🙂

  276. I like to search the recipe by ingredients. It should also include recipes rating. I always read the ratings and comments before I decide to go ahead with the recipes or not.

  277. would love an app that I could list what I have in the pantry and t would give me a recipe. Or one that had a seasonal recipe that was for where I live. Like cranberry sauses now because they are in season.

  278. My design of the app would definitely include the search feature like on the kraft website where I can put in ingredients that I have and it would spit back a recipe with pictures that is easy to make with ingredients that are readily available in my house – which seems to never be what I need for what I want to eat. Is there a way that I could get the app to go to the store and shop for me too? lol

  279. My fav thing of the big fork little fork app will be all the healthy living recipes, and the convinience of the search and portability of the ipad. and, of course, the fact that it is free ! 🙂

  280. I would love an app that could also create shopping lists!

    Thanks for this girlie 🙂 xo

  281. I would design something to tell me what a pinch is, or a dab, or a dollop. Because that’s how all of my Momma’s recipes are written!

    This is so generous.

  282. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1628397496 Facebooked it

    http://twitter.com/?status=Just%20Call%20Me%20Mrs.%20Claus%20-%20http://tinyurl.com/237e7z8#!/Qweenie Tweeted it!

    And let’s see design an app. hmmm…… Oh one that you could scan all the pantry and fridge items, you could enter all your veg etc. and diet restrictions/allergies you have so that it would search out a variety of dinners you could make with what you have. That would make it easier to plan a menu for the whole week too….

  283. I would love an app that would help me with meal planning/grocery shopping. Something that knows what I have on hand and what I need to make different recipes. I would also love an app that incorporates nutritional info for recipes.

  284. Isn’t the Kraft app a lot of fun? I want a food app that helps me pair recipes with weekly grocery deals!

  285. I would love an app that mirrors the livestrong website where you can enter in ingredients and get the nutritional information. It would be really nice to be able to convert that information on the go.

  286. Oh, that’s a toughie. But I like the idea of being able to punch in some random ingridents you have in your cabinets and the app can give you a huge list of options. Because who wants to run to the grocery store at the last minute to pick up ingridents… especially when you have a pantry full of stuff just sitting around?

    Well, at least I do. Tell me I’m not alone here. 🙂

  287. I’d love an app that would make your shopping list based on your chosen recipes and then give you an estimate of your grocery bill at your favorite store.

  288. Well, I think the thing that would most help me is an app that would coordinate ingredients I have with with ingredients I need to get from the store -sort a budget saver & a make good use of your food type app. It is nice to be able to work with staples so if they app had a way to work with a certain ingredient I indicated i had and then build a menu plan from there.

  289. I think that the most useful app to me would be one where I could put in a list of a few ingredients either stuff in my pantry and freezer or weekly grocery deals and I could get a list of great recipes. I also love reviews and would want to be able to see how said recipes reviewed.

  290. I love the app. I have 4 young kids and my 2 daughters ages 9 and 8 are always wanting to get in the kitchen and cook. They will sit with my cookbooks for hours picking out the recipes that most appeal to them. I love the photos on the app. My only concern is that they will always want to have the ipad to look up our next meal and I won’t get to play on it!!

  291. I would make a cooking with kids app. It would have great recipes and good tips on letting your children help you make wonderful meals. I would have super easy recipes so older kids could make them almost on there own and then I would have some recipes where kids could help thier parents in the kitchen. Then there would be clean up tips for kids also. Thanks so much for the giveaway.

  292. Mrs. Claus, aka Rachel, I would love to be the creator of a kitchen app that would direct me to wonderful tasty recipes that included ingredients that my little girl loved by typing in the few ingredients of choice, voila – amazing tasty recipes for my family to enjoy with all their favorites in the mix!

    Thanks much. Cass

  293. Quite honestly, I don’t have an iPhone or anything that runs apps. I agree with what is mentioned….being able to scan in your pantry/refrigerator/freezer/spices so the app could spit out recipes for you for what you have on-hand or create a grocery list. Maybe also include substitutions for ingredients. Awesome give-away!! Thanks!

  294. I like the big fork little app because of the Chef Marcus Samuelsson videos and all the yummy recipes it seems to have A great tool that I would love to try out if I win the iPad! Thanks. C

  295. My app would have a function that let you half the recipe. It would also have a place where I could write my own comments and the things that I have served with the dish or ways I have adapted the recipe!


  296. I would create a menu planning app. One that organizes your shopping list according to the departments in the grocery store. I also love the idea someone else shared about scanning or entering what you have in your pantry and recipes with those ingredients popping up! Fabulous! I also shared this on facebook! My FB name is Dana Isakson Jones.

  297. I am not sure…but the one thing I would love is to have recipes that I can easily find. I hate knowing I have a recipe, and can not seem to remember where it is. It would also have the way to search by categories.

  298. I guess I’ll be the 637th person to go for the ipad! The app I would use would be one in which I put all of the ingredients required for my favorite recipes, so that when I go to the store at the last minute before bus pick-up I can decide to make something out of my family recipe book (which includes LOTS of recipes) and check the app to see which ingredients I need to buy. I’d also love for it to hook me up to other recipes online if I see an ingredient in the store that I’d like to use, say in the produce section, but don’t have a recipe for.

  299. A few features I would love to see in the app….would be that it automatically populate a grocery list for me, be adjustable to the number of servings, and recommend sides/drinks/desserts. Having a time limit selection would be fantastic too!

  300. I would love an app that would allow me to see what items I needed to make the recipe. I would also love to see an app with video or step by step photos-you can print some out like this now, but it is such a waste of paper…

    I also “liked” Kraft on my FB page!

  301. Here’s what I want in a recipe app – I can keep track of what I have on hand (a running pantry list if you will) and it will tell me what to make in the time I have. So when I come home afterwork with 2 hungry kids I can select a 30 minute meal and not worry about missing an ingredient. it would be awesome if it learned our preferences along the way via ratings (like Netflix).

  302. I would love a app that you could enter a few ingredients that you have on hand and it would give you some recipes choices. When I try and clean out the pantry and have only a few ingredients, it would be nice to easily get some recipes for them.

  303. I would like an app. that showed beautiful pictures of each step in a recipe. I am very visual and this really helps me when I cook!

  304. I need simple (so I could acutally use it) apps. And I would love (and I’m sure they already have) one that converts my cups into pints and so forth. Also…I need buttermilk….app works it magic…you can substitue this for that. I’m forever having to look up in my cookbooks or stop and go google!


  305. wow I have no idea really but it needs to include everyday ingredients or at least a category for everyday ingredients. and some sort of rating according to time needed to prepare. How about a directory for recipes from all 50 states. Thanks for a chance to win. janita

  306. I would like an app — actually would like something with which I could use an app on — that would sync with current weekly specials at my grocery store, also that would suggest menus AND provide nutritional information. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  307. I would want an app that is nothing but CHICKEN!!! LOL We eat chicken at least 5 nights a week (we both love chicken) I am always looking for something new to do to my chicken… LOL I sound like and advertisement for CHICKEN!!!

    oh any who, I would love to have an IPAD but money is tight since we just bought our first house….

    thanks for the chance to win one!

  308. If I made an app it would show the most popular, highest rated recipes first. I love it when I know “683 other people loved this so it must be good!”

  309. I love that Big Fork Little Fork is all about cooking WITH your children! How awesome! I have 2 year old twin girls and they have really started to enjoy cooking with me. It would be great to see tried and true parent/child recipes!!

  310. I’d like to see an app that includes videos for the processes involved in cooking – how-to’s for some of the basics. Some good reference information and conversion tables, substitutions. The ability to create a recipe box of my favorite recipes so I don’t have to go searching through a cookbook or one of my physical recipe boxes.

  311. I would love an app that I can catalogue things that I have in my kitchen…spices, random ingredients and meats that I buy and freeze. I’ll get an inspiration in the grocery store and I can never remember what I already have at home! It never fails that I forget a few things and have to make yet another trip back to the store. A virtual pantry would save me lots and lots of time!

  312. Your kidding with this right????????? Like the best giveaway ever!! You should MAKE them give you one.

    If you could design a cookbook/food/recipe app for the iPad or iPod/iPhone: Able to search for recipes, see pictures and even make a game out of selecting different foods and seeing how they would taste together.

  313. the best app would allow you to search for recipes and see a photo. photos can be a great help in deciding if you want to make the recipe.

  314. My app would take my recipe by a click of the fingernail, then I would hit a button that would say make shopping list. Then the shopping list would transfer over to a master! Then I would NEVER forget what I want to make at the grocery store. It would also automatically calculate how many calories, points etc for whatever diet I might be on!

  315. My favorite app would have pictures, and recipes that know what i have in the house and what i need to purchase at the store.

  316. Oh I got this. I’ve been designing the perfect app in my head since I got my first iPhone in ’08. First of all, it would have a data base of great recipes, second, I would be able to add my own, third, I could swipe the ingredients into a shopping from as many recipes as I would like while bookmarking the recipes for easy access later. Finally, it would have a social aspect where other people could use each others recipes and comment on them and “spot” them. Take a picture and share it on a social network. It would also fully integrate with Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare and Food Spotting. Can you tell I’ve been thinking about this quite a bit?

  317. I would make an app where you can list three or so ingredients that you have handy and then it would spit out recipes that you could make with them!

  318. i would design an app that you could enter what ingredients you had in your kitchen and it would whip up together a little something. oh, and it would magically make a chef appear at your door. or is that going a bit too far? 😉

  319. I would love to be able to list items in my pantry and have it tell me if I can make anything out of them. Also a wine pairing app…oh the possibilities 🙂

  320. Many of the suggestions mention features already on iPad apps for recipe books. The Betty Crocker app is even more fab on the iPad than the iPhone! But alas, to improve… Give info on storage of fresh fruits and veggies, shelf lives, how to substitute fresh and dried ingredients interchangeably, an automatic increase or decrease of ingredients depending on how many servings you need. It would also be nice to have tips and trick. For example, on a recipe for deviled eggs, I have a cookbook that tells how to make the perfect hardboiled eggs, and I use it so much. Someone mentioned a social aspect, and that would be fantastic. Thanks for doing this giveaway!

  321. My app would be very vintagey 40’s housewive’s cookbook. I am just enamored with vintage fonts and the days when Mom’s didn’t have to work and stayed home and baked awesome-ness all day.

  322. I have seen a LOT of recipe apps, I would make one with a grocery list feature for sure, but it would also be organized better than most I’ve seen, and searching would be super simple, searching by name, ingredients, meal course, occasion, and whatever else I could think of.

    Too many apps have great recipes – if only I could find them.

  323. I would love an app to able to save various sources of recipes. From various cooking websites, to emails. Then it would be nice to easily share (eg via email) that recipe at the click of a button.


  324. I’m really impressed with the availability of how-to videos on Big Fork Little Fork’s app…what a great idea!

  325. Truthfully my favorite part of the ipad app is the awesome photography! I’m so much more interested in a recipe if there’s a good photo with it.

  326. My idea for an Ipad app would have the event as the categories. Like ‘I have finnicky kids, ‘I have Date Night’, ‘ I want to Impress my Boss’, ‘I have $20 to spend’, ‘My Vegan In Laws are in Town’ ect….and then into sub catergories of savory or sweet and big plate or small plate.

  327. I would like an app that would give me recipes based on what I have in my kitchen. This would save a busy mom a trip to the grocery store!!!

  328. I would make an app where you could find your favorite foods and make them at home and take a gourmet recipe and make it in simple terms, Like Beef Wellington and Steak Diane and Creme Brulee and take the fear out of trying something new.

  329. I looked at the BigForkLitle Fork app. I like the pictures, it seems really easy to use and kid friendly.

  330. I love the app because it is something you can do with your kids. My youngest loves to help in the kitchen and that would make it even more fun.

  331. My cookbook app would have tons and tons of pictures. I hate reading a recipe and there not being a picture of it!

  332. If I could create an iPad app, I would want fabulous recipes. That’s the most important requirement but I’d love these options..

    A “Pantry Finder” – I have items x y & z in my pantry. List all the recipes using these pantry ingredients.

    What produce is in season.

    A shopping list for recipes that I can add “non-recipe” items. A lot of apps will create a shopping list but I want to be able to add toilet paper to my list.

    Step by step directions with pictures of techniques. Not for every recipe. Example, I love lattice crust, but the weaving is difficult for me.

  333. I think it would be so cool if you could modify the recipes in the app based on your own needs/preferences/experiences. For instance, when you always substitute one ingredient for another it would be so cool if you could edit the recipe and save the ingredient you want in there. Or, at least it would be neat to have a “Notes” section on each recipe so you can add your own comments or reminders.

    Great giveaway!

  334. I think the ability to make substitutions would be awesome! If I don’t have this, can I use that ; )

  335. My app would have to keep track of all the ingredients I have at home, so when I’m at the store, and want to make a particular dish, I’ll be able to know if I have the stuff to do it. I always swear I have that soup, or that sauce, only got get home and not have it at all. Some special features would have to include adjustable serving sizes, and nutrition info.

    What an awesome giveaway!!

  336. oooh, I would love an app that lets you pick a recipe, then has similar recipes that give vegetarian/vegan/food allergy alternatives.

  337. If you could design a cookbook/food/recipe app for the iPad or iPod/iPhone: how would it work? What features would make it the most user friendly for you? I would want to design a cookbook app that helped you become a healthier eater. It could keep track of your daily food intake and offer suggestions about things you can add to your diet and ensure that you are getting much needed nutrients.

    I looked at the Big Fork Little Fork app on itunes and I really like the vibrant color scheme and terrific photos.

    Also, I “liked” the Kraft Foods page and posted that you sent me on the wall.


  338. If I was to design an app with recipes…I would design it so that you could easily search by category, and ingredient. Or cross search using more than one criteria. It would be most user friendly if the recipes had a picture of the end result availiable, and if you could use the touchscreen to scroll through recipes sideways rather than vertically.

  339. Not sure if it doesn’t already exist, but I’d like an app that would allow me to collect favourite recipes from other apps so that I have them all in one place and don’t have to go searching for it.

  340. “If you could design a cookbook/food/recipe app for the iPad or iPod/iPhone: how would it work? What features would make it the most user friendly for you?”

    It would be searchable by ingredients, and tagged with complimentary dishes. It would include photographs of the dish, and a ratings system for people that have actually tried it, with categories both for the quality or taste of the dish and how easy it was to make or how well the instructions are written.

  341. If I could design a cookbook/food/recipe app for the iPad or iPod/iPhone it would give me recipes that work for ingredients that I type in. Also serving size input features would make it the most user friendly for me.

  342. If I was to design an app it needs very clean, easy to read graphics. Clear icons to represent each feature: main dish, sides, soups, salads, desserts. And an easy way to add your own notes to a recipe if you add something new or change it up a bit.

  343. I think it would be great if the app learned your preferences the more you used it. For instance, ingredients would automatically be added to a database and come up the next time you entered a recipe.

  344. I liked Like’ Kraft Foods on Facebook and told them that A Southern Fairytale sent me… ’cause you did… :))

  345. I checked out the Big Fork Little Fork iPad app and like that it is a 2010 Babble Winner of Best Kitchen Tools for Kids.

  346. My app would have step by step photo instructions you could flip through with a space for notes so you could add in any modifications.

  347. I am going to try his Red Grits recipe with some salsa I put up in freezer from this summer’s garden… yum…!! thanks for the recipe…

  348. I would want to make an app that is something like the pioneer women’s website. Lots of pictures and step by steps. Very colorful and lots of recipes of all different choosings. Easy to use, simple search box, not too many bells and whistles.

  349. My cooking app would have different screens to choose from–a screen telling you what ingredients to grab, which measuring devices you need, then a step by step reveal of how to prepare. I so easily lose my place when I’m following a recipe and sometimes don’t remember if I added an ingredient or not.

  350. I would love an iPhone cookbook app where each recipe fits on one screen (no flipping the page with messy fingers!) and where there would be links to videos when a technique is mentioned. For example, if a recipe calls for dicing carrots, the word ‘dicing’ could be a link to a quick demo on knife techniques for dicing — or when egg whites are supposed to be whipped to ‘stiff peaks’ there’d be a link to a video showing what ‘stiff peaks’ look like.

  351. I would like a way to look at a recipe and then be able to increase or decrease it to the amount of servings I want. And it would be nice to be able to convert ounces and pounds to a cup amount since I don’t have a scale.

  352. If I could create an app, it would…

    I love what another user said about trading out ingredients..it would be cool to be able to show you ingrediends that you could use inplace of others (for instance I hate sour cream and it could show me an alternative) 🙂

  353. I would like to have an ingredient search in my app, so that I could decide what to cook based on what I have or want to eat.

  354. Oh I want one of these SO BAD!

    App—an easy to Table of Contents WITH a photo next to each recipe. Then, clickable so you can go to the recicpe and then either a print option for ingredients or some buttons to email the ingredient list to yourself. And a build a grocery list feature would be awesome so you could pick several recipes and it combine the ingredients into a grocery list and tell you how many you need for all the recipes. THAT would be perfect!

  355. I linked up through facebook… my name there is Caroline Bohannan Landon. Here’s to winning! 🙂

  356. Would LOVE this!!!! I would make my application automatically calculate nutrition/calorie info for any recipe that the user adds. I think it would be a nice addition if you could click on an ingredient and choose “substitute” in case you are out of something.

  357. If I could design an app for the iPhone, iPad, iPod for recipes it would be an ingredient search type app. You could pick any ingredient that you were craving, say….pine nuts…and it would give you all kinds of recipes featuring that ingredient. If I were to put it pine nuts the app had better give me pignolia cookies, because omg they’re so good!

  358. I was actually about to set up my developer license to try and come up with an app for home project organization. Anyway, I would create an app called “Old Favorites” and just have the ability to keep classics in an organized fashion. Oh, and have the ability to bump phones and get my friends recipes as well.

  359. Checked out the Big Fork Little Fork app and loved how it actually had demos. That’s something I need!

  360. Food Cooking app….. 1st cloud storage so everyone could share and submit recipes.
    2nd integrated shopping list so I could choose the recipes i wanted and click list and i have a shopping list ready to go.. (shopping list needs to be integrated with local stores so you can get in and out quickly) A section of recipes for fun and unusual everyday foods/desserts etc That would be my ideal food app. The only other thing, it has to have an easy recipe import system to organize.

  361. The thing I like best about the Big Fork Little Fork app is that it gets kids in the kitchen helping to prepare meals. Kids that have a part in preparing healthy meals are more likely to eat healthy meals, plus they learn math and science while doing it and it’s fun instead of sitting in a boring class all day.

  362. If I could create a recipe app, it’d go something like this:

    Can’t think of anything to make with the food supplies you have on hand, but don’t want to run to the store? Just enter some of the ingredients you actually do have in your cupboards…then a recipe using those ingredients will show up! To make it really easy, there would be a list of ingredients ready for you to choose from, separated by category so you could just click on the things that you do have. I’d love that!

  363. I would let users type in what they already have in their frig/pantry as well as the amount of time that they have to prepare the meal. Then, the app would produce a qualifying recipe (with no more than 5 more ingredients that need to be purchased!)

  364. I would make a cookbook/app that lets you just click on the ingredients you need and add them to your shopping list.

  365. All I ever want with recipe sites and apps is something that will let me search by what ingredients I have and it must always ALWAYS have a photo for each recipe. I’m like this with all my cookbooks. No photo, I won’t make it. 🙂 I love how the Big Fork Little Fork brings kids into the kitchen. I think we need more of that so they learn how to make food the right way and get away from take-out and over-processed foods.

  366. If I could create an app for cooking..I would have it give me fun food pairings that I wouldn’t normally think of that are DELICIOUS. It would also have a safety net – so that I could type in ingredients that I’ve put into something already – so that I can safely play about in my kitchen without wondering if throwing ______ into the pot would ruin it, because it really just doesn’t go with everything else that I’ve already got in the pot!

    I’d also love to be able to search a food, see what goes well with it (cheeses, fruits, veggies, meats, etc.) and then get recipes from there for something new and exciting that would put a spin on dinner! It’d be great if it also had a ‘drink’ pairing option..for the times I actually have time to throw together a fun dinner party but have no idea what kind of wine to buy!

    Man. Please make this app. I’m already salivating thinking about delicious food pairing options that I haven’t yet discovered.

  367. If I could design an app or cookbook, I’d like one feature to be that you could enter the ingredients you have, and it would show you recipes for those ingredients. I also love recipes with reviews – it gives me a better idea of what I’m getting in to.

  368. I checked out the app, and I like that it focuses on including the whole family and involving the kids in cooking.

  369. I would make allow users to search by the ingredients that they have. I would like lots of pictures (step by step is awesome!) and videos,too! I would want to be able to sort through the recipes by degree of difficulty, and if there were a way to make other user’s comments about the recipe available, that would be fantastic!

  370. My app would enable you to plug in what ingredients you have & it would pull up recipes you can make.

  371. I would love an app that allows me to search by ingredients, with comments from others, pictures and the ability to add photos/comments/my own recipes…it would be wonderful if it had a recipe box to save my favorites so I don’t have to search for them every time.

  372. An app that would be AWESOME for a cookbook would allow me to put in ingredients I have and suggest a recipe to me, so I can use up what I have in my pantry and food would not be wasted, and I would save money too.

    Thanks for the chance, and THANKS for this awesome giveaway, and thanks for the chance to actually influence (possibly) the creation of an application to be helpful to cooks.

    penelopesoasis at yahoo dot com

  373. I would like to create something where I could enter what ingredients I have on hand and then some recipe suggestions would pop up. That would be wonderful!

  374. I’d love an app that had a picture with each recipe and that you could search substitutions for. Sometimes I think I have all the ingredients and then when I go to make it I’m one egg short or something!

  375. My app would show step-by-step photos of how the dish should look at each phase of prep. There would also be a start-to-finish how-to video and the recipe would include clickable links to nutrient data on each ingredient as well as history and anecdote about the development of the recipe.

  376. I’d like a recipe app which combines the ingredients in my cupboard to tell me what to cook. I’m lazy that way. 🙂

  377. I would love an app that allows me to save my fav recipes. Search by ingredients, Fast Meals, ect.
    Must have pics of the recipe. Oh & if I could email the recipe that would be awesome!
    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  378. What would make it most useful is for it to call a chef to come and actually prepare the dish. LOL!

    Okay, okay. I’ll go with the step-by-step pictures directions. I love picture directions. I also like when recipes have alternate ingredients and/or variations.

  379. I want an app that pools from the various recipe/food blogs on the internet and can search by ingredients/genre/nutritional info.

  380. I would want the app to show pictures of the recipe. I love my cookbooks that include pictures.

  381. i would break down the recipes from beginner to advanced with how much time it takes to prepare, i would put a section for substitutions,(for ingredients if you dont have and low fat) and include pictures

  382. i love that big fork little fork is for families! i have been teaching both my kids how to cook they are 5 & 9 – i love that the recipes are easy and the ingredients are what should be in the pantry anyway so i dont have to run to the store for items i usually dont buy!!

  383. Latest: sthrnfairytale Have y’all entered to win the iPad that I’m giving away with @kraftfoods? http://bit.ly/eYY8xQ Daily entries available 😉 Retweeted by you less than a minute agoLatest: sthrnfairytale Have y’all entered to win the iPad that I’m giving away with @kraftfoods? http://bit.ly/eYY8xQ Daily entries available 😉 3 minutes ago from TweetDeck. Retweeted by you less than a minute ago.

  384. I love that you can watch videos on the Big Fork Little Fork iPad app! I can’t tell you how many times I have wished for a visual when cooking!

  385. My ideal app would let me input what I had on hand, then suggest recipes so I could save money and waste less food by using what I have on hand. It would offer my options in order of which recipe was the most efficient use of what I had, going down to other recipes where I might have to buy just a few things to cook it.

  386. I’m Kristi A Gilleland on Facebook, and I liked the Kraft page and posted Southern Fairy Sent me.

  387. I would love for the app to make the recipes easily calculate different amounts for serving size. I regularly cook for numbers from 4 to 24. I would love it if I could just type in the amount I’m cooking for and it would calculate the ingredients amounts.

  388. I would love an app that rated the difficulity of the recipes by spoons. Something creative (ie greenbean casserole = 1 spoon). Also pictures along with the step by step directions. If it could let you search recipes by listing a few items you have or are looking to create something by using those. A dictionary would be useful as well. I know I sometimes read recipes and I have no idea what that ingredient is. 🙂

  389. Since I’m a working mom I would develop a recipe app that allows you to search for simple and quick recipes in less than 45 minutes. You’d be able to put in some basic ingredients and it would pull a variety of items that can be made in the short tine frame and are healthy fir the family. This would be mist helpful to someone like Me as u run out of ideas to feed the kids and when we get home around 6ish they’re all ready go eat.

  390. I think I saw this at BlogHer10. Maybe? There was some kitchen thing on an iPad…
    What do I like about the app now? I love video of course. The photos are spectacular. The fast app switching sounds nice – I switch apps on my iPod Touch a lot. I’m curious about the instant messaging – not sure what I would use that for? I do think I would use the “add recipes to calendar.” I’m getting better with menu planning!

  391. It just occurred to me that I’d love to be able to put in ingredients I have in my fridge and get a recipe back that contained them, or at least most of them. 🙂

    I don’t have an iPad either…can’t justify it but could really use it.

  392. I’ve tried the app, and what I like about it is that it lists out what age range can help and what they are able to do for that recipe.

  393. I’d create an app that would easily allow users to find substitutions for lower calorie ingredients, include step-by-step instructions, show pictures of the steps and easily allow the user to change the recipe for smaller or larger families. Thanks for the chance to win!

    1. Crystal … you and I have similar thinking… 🙂 I must type slower… (or rather, I was interrupted three times by family while trying to reply!)

  394. My app would feature the abilility to click on a specific ingredient and see what possible alternates could be used in the place of each ingredient. As an example: recipe calls for vegetable oil and by clicking on it, you could find an equivalent item and measurement. This would help those who experience food allergies or are wanting to make healthy food substitutions. I often find myself having to look up substitutions, and this would automatically allow users to eliminate extra steps.

    ***I like pineapple, so being able to find recipes where I could substitute it within any given recipe would be awesome!

  395. Would love to win, I’d add some shrimp
    to those grits too 🙂 it would be great
    to add orgins of food on a cooking app.
    So when your cooking with your children
    you can both learn where the dish came from!
    Also, explaining how and why ingredients
    work together. I love cooking, and love
    teaching my son these things.
    Tweeting this now!!

  396. I’d love it if an app had easy measurement switch(Between US and Canadian recipes things can get confusing!)function. The Big Fork Little Fork app looks awesome. Love to try one.

  397. I would love to create a cookbook app that I could use to record all of my mom’s and relatives recipes from back in the day, and then have them be able to translate to Greek and back to English easily for any of the relative to be able to read. If there was video incorporated showing them making it – even better!

  398. I think the best part about the Big Fork Little Fork app is that it involves/include kids in the process – LOVE THAT.

  399. Rach – I would like for the Big Fork Little Fork app to have a place to “rate” or provide feedback (brief) on the recipe. 🙂 PS: I think YOU ROCK!

  400. I would create an App that is geared towards families with recipes that only take about 30 minutes to make. There would be multiple ways to search (name, key ingredients, color for those picky kids).

  401. It would be wonderful to have an app that could cut a recipe in half or double it with a single touch – perfect when you’re cooking for two, or for when you’re cooking for a crowd!

  402. I think an app that teaches you step by step how to make different foods would be great. Especially basics – a learn how to cook app!

  403. I would have the app allow you to look up recipes by key word and also time it takes to prepare and cook, in case you don’t have a lot of time to cook.

  404. Woohoo!! ipad contest! great site!

    For me cooking apps are all about UI. you want a good and simple UI that doesn’t hinder access to the content. If you have a recipe open on your ipad and you have it propped up to view, but have to keep going over to it thanks to bad UI, it makes the whole thing a frustrating endeavour frustrating. Clear, clean UI with a scalable font and some tasty treats to make? I’m a happy man.

    *also tweeted this…
    *also liked the Kraft facebook page and posted (Jason Walsh)
    *also shared this on my facebook page. 😀 http://www.facebook.com/jason.d.walsh

  405. If I could design a cookbook app, I would love if I could choose a recipe and then have suggestions for various accompaniments as well as grocery list functions. I would appreciate easy search functions as well as categorization of recipes by type and ingredients.

    Angela L.
    lasitera at yahoo dot com

  406. I like Kraft on Facebook and I left them a message to let them know you sent me.

    Angela Larson
    lasitera at yahoo dot com

  407. My favorite feature are the games and interactive activities for kids to get more involved and interested in cooking. I’m a big advocate of getting kids involved in the kitchen, and an application like this would make it much more enticing for them.

    Angela L.
    lasitera at yahoo dot com

  408. If I could design a food app? It would help me make up delicious meal plans for the week based around the best sales / coupon prices at my favorite grocery stores!

  409. I’d love an app that could easily show what food was gluten and dairy free since we have sensitivities in the family and also easy substitutes. I’d also like to know if their is food dye in any ingredients so those can be avoided.

  410. I would design an app that accurately converts recipes to a reasonable measurement for what servings you need. Also, I would include a feature for a user to list what ingredients they have on hand and the app would come up with a recipe that a user can make.

  411. I like the how-to videos & tips that would keep your kids involved in the cooking process and encourage family time in the kitchen!

  412. If I could create a recipe app, I would make it searchable by ingredient. It would help with those times when you have leftovers of an unusual ingredient and aren’t sure what to make.

  413. this app is amazing!! i love the recipes and as a new cook i cannot wait to try them. I currently do not own any apple products so it would be great to learn from interactively from a ipad.

    Great contest

  414. never having used an ipad, suggesting an app for it seems a bit risky. I’d love it if I could put my recipes in it, slap together a list of groceries based on my meal plan, and then edit on the fly in the grocery store when the ingredients that I need aren’t available. It would be superb if I had a tiny coupon printer to keep on hand… I see an item I know a printable coupon was available for… whip out the ipad, find it, hit print, voila it blue tooth sends it to my catalina style printer… that would rock! 🙂

  415. Hi there. I guess my iPhone/iPad app would allow you to attach recipes that would go well together – such as, suggestions for appetizers, side dishes, and desserts that would complement a main course – facilitate menu planning. Since I don’t have an iPad or yet have an iPhone, ha, I’m just kind of making things up as I go. My husband would have to help me if I were to really develop an app! 🙂

  416. What I like best about the app: I think I like the fact that these recipes are supposed to be the kind that don’t send me shopping for out-of-the-ordinary ingredients, yet they are supposed to be kid-friendly AND interesting / tasty. I also like that there are videos to help you along.

  417. I checked out the app; I love that there are videos to show parents how to teach kids to work in the kitchen. I cook with my kids all the time and that would be very valuable for us.

    kristi AT thedorsons DOT com

  418. In any cooking app I would have the stuff be LARGE print because the girls & I have used other cooking apps for my iPhone but there is nothing than I hate worse than to have to touch the screen anymore than I have to with my messy kitchen hands, so if I could have the stuff be large to start off, that would be a huge bonus. Another neat thing, maybe make a built in timer, so when you are done making the recipe and it needs to cook you can just push a button and the timer comes on and alerts you when it is done. Also maybe a feature to double recipes easy. Not that it’s hard to double, but sometimes (as much as I hate to admit this) fractions get the better of me in the kitchen and I mess up. So if I can type in how many servings I am making and it could just magically do the math for me, well that would be awesome!

  419. One of the things I like best about the app is that it really makes cooking fun and interactive. I also love that it’s free until the end of the year. I am going to get it for my iPhone and see what it’s all about!

  420. I would have a search function which would allow you to find recipes that include ingredients you have on hand and exclude ingredients you don’t have or don’t want to use.

  421. I’m interested in an app that allows me type in ingredients that I already have and then suggests meals for me to make! Thanks!

  422. I’d make an app that I could tell what kind of food I want (chicken, steak, etc) and it would spit out a new recipe for my wife to make. ;o) We enjoy cooking together but she is the one with any kind of skills.

  423. To make a cookbook app work well, it must have a search function based on the main ingredients in the recipe. Also a grocery list of needed items would be helpful! A Southern FairyTale sent me!

  424. Like many others, the most user friendly thing to me would be a way to input ingredients I have on hand, and have it return simple recipe ideas.

  425. i like the fact that the recipes are simple with no hard to find ingredients. I spend enough time at the grocery – I don’t need to spend even more!

  426. I would design an app that would let me enter the foods I wanted to use, and would then show me a variety of recipes, perhaps based on level of difficulty (chosen by me), or maybe ethnicity or style of food (also chosen by me). Often I just want to throw together a meal with stuff I have on hand, but also want something just a little bit different!

  427. My mandatory entry – I’d love a cookbook that was bound to lay flat, with bigger print so that I could see if from across the kitchen.

  428. Well I am so in love with recipe apps so here are my fave things about them:
    1- love to search by ingredient – there are times when the fridge is fairly bare and I need to whip up something from what’s on hand. this makes it easy to do.
    2 – have to have a shopping list created right from the recipe
    3- pictures! with every step. when i’m trying something new I need to know if it’s going the right way

    Those are my big musts!

  429. what I liked best about the big fork little fork app is that my kids think it so much fun! anything that gets my kids excited to try new foods wins in my kitchen. i love the visuals too. really gorgeous.

  430. I love it when you can put in the ingredients you have on hand, and the app spits back out a recipe that you can make from what you have. Also, every recipe has to have a picture. The more pictures the better!

    Thanks for the chance!

  431. Some type of recipe to grocery list app so that I could go through my pantry with the recipe ingredient list and just add what I need to my list.

    A general pantry app to keep track of my spice cabinet and standard ingredients would be nice.

    And I would love, love, love if someone would come up with a price log app to go with your common grocery lists.

  432. I would make it super easy for people like me who aren’t very good at cooking to begin with – with shopping lists generated right for you from the recipes you select, and an easy way to search for recipes that are kid-friendly, easy and quick to prepare. I’d let people rate the recipes they’ve tried to help the app customize personalized selections just for them. Built-in meal planning would be a big help too!

  433. I just went to kraft on facebook and liked the page…..also left a post telling them A Southern Fairytale sent me!

  434. If i could design an app for kraft i would make it as user friendly as possible. Which would start with a search option that you could put in any main ingredient and it would list all possible recipes. Even putting in a sub category for type of cuisine, i.e. chinese, american, italien, etc.

  435. I think the big fork little fork app is great! I especially love how the ingredients are ones that i stock in my pantry. Also the recipes look easy to make, especially since i am soooo not the best cook!!

  436. What I would love in a recipe app would be step by step pics or videos! Kid friendly recipes are always great too. How about an app with a cooking game for kids – my daughter is addicted to that cooking mama game for the Nintendo ds.

  437. I would want an app that I could type in what ingredients I have on hand and then it would give me receipes for it.

  438. I would want an app that was simple to navigate and understand and it would be great if I could tell it what type of meal I was looking for or what things I had to use and it would find a recipe for me.

  439. I have never seen an iPad in person but hear that it can do wonderful things. I would want a food app that lets you search recipes by ingredients and also one that gives you a calorie count of your dish!

  440. I’d design an app where you could tell it how many calories you were willing to consume- and what ingredients you had. And it would would tell you all the meals you could make!!!!!

  441. If I could design a cooking app it would speak the directions to you step by step for amateur cooks like me!!! It would be user-friendly by also showing pics of each step and allow you to pause!

  442. I would like a cooking app that has tons of pictures. One of all the ingredients and pictures of each step like tutorials. That way I can see if what I am making looks normal… some recipes out there have weird steps where I wasn’t sure at all if I was even on the right track. Thanks for the chance to win!!

  443. If I could design a cookbook app it would have the usual recipes but also links to what your friends or others did different with the recipe. Or even substitution hints.

  444. I LOVE how the Big Fork Little Fork iPad app gets everyone involved in cooking instead of me cooking in the kitchen by myself!!

  445. I would want one that would allow me to search by the ingredients I have on hand. Also after I’ve chosen a recipe I would want it to help generate a shopping list fir the ingredients I don’t have.

  446. I would want an app that offers substitutions for various ingredients in the recipe. So many times I find a recipe last minute and have spent way too much time on the internet searching out substitution options. If items were clickable in the recipe so you could tap the item and it would bring up substitution choices along with the changes in amount needed for the recipe. Also, common variations for recipes such as vegetarian, dairy free, gluten free etc.
    Oh, just thinking about the time this app would save me is getting me giddy!

  447. I just realized I did not enter the “Mandatory Entry”!! I would love to have an app that I would allow me to enter the ingredients i had and/or wanted to use and would list all the different recipes applicable! I think it would have lots of pics of the recipes too! I am usually sold on a recipe if it looks really good in pictures!

  448. Saw this from my cousin Denise Hatch on Facebook –
    If I could design an app I would want it to have a way to upload recipes to share with everyone who looks up an ingredient. Also, easy to use is KEY. 😉

  449. I would love to be able to enter the ingredients I have ON HAND and be given a recipe! I would like CATEGORIES for kid friendly foods and recipes that my kids (who are picky, picky, and PICKY) would eat!

    Liking on FB and posting on twitter.

  450. I think an ideal recipe app would let me sort by ingredient, type of dish, etc., would help with eliminations (for example my husband is allergic to mint), create shopping lists and let me export them to something like Cozi. It would also be nice if there were pictures for the weird steps (you know, like roll the cake lengthwise when making a jelly roll sort of thing).

  451. If I could design an app, I would have a function that opened in up in a notepad doc where the copy can be edited in case you don’t want to print the entire recipe or just the ingredients list. Also, it would save recipes from any of the sites and store it into a ‘recipe’ book.

  452. The best app would let me input ingredients on hand, make grocery list I could send to my phone, import MY recipes and include a weekly meal planner. And if it REALLY rocked it would cook & clean up after too! lol

  453. My idea for a recipe app would be a large display for the recipe. So that I could set the iPad on a stand on the counter and use it just like a cook book. I nave done this with my iPhone but it’s so small it’s hard to follow a recipe when having to zoom in to see what the recipe says. Especially when my hands are messy from cooking not really wanting to touch my phone with flour on my hands. So how hand would it be to have an ipad with the recipe right there large and easy to read.

    Another thing that would be great as a mom is a list of recipes that has 5 ingredients or less. I will go online to look for supper ideas and all the recipes have 10 plus ingredients. I might have some on hand but not all. So simple recipes with ingredients I am likely to have on hand would be ideal.

    Also if there was an option of healthy recipes too that would be even better!!!

  454. Ok this is me dreaming…… I would love to go to the grocery store, log the items I buy(and the ones already in my cabinet) into the app. Then when I get home. I’d tell the app that I have 75 minutes(or 15 or 20) that I can spend before dinner and we’d like something light or hearty and then the app would give me a few recipes to choose from that I have ALL the ingredients for already logged in!
    How awesome would that be?

  455. I would like to see an ap that runs quickly – and where you can send the recipe directly to your printer.

  456. I LOVE that this app actually gives detailed instructions so the kids can help- shoot, I cook so little I need the explanations myself! The live chat & shopping list are awesome features & my kids love the games.

  457. I would want the app to allow me to tell it when I have on hand then suggest recipes for me. Sometimes I have pork defrosted but can’t decide what to do with it.

  458. I would create an app that was a checklist of different staple ingredients in basic recipes – then you would check the items you have in your pantry, and it would give you a recipe to make from what you already have on hand. I’m forever more wishing there was a website like that – so maybe I would get out of my cooking rut.

    *crossing my fingers*

  459. would love the ipad! i would just love to put it on a stand in kitchen and have lots of recipes with big pictures throughout the steps.

  460. I would love an app that would allow scanning and saving of food items purchased at the store to help build future grocery lists. It would be great to have the option of it recommending new recipes, based off of purchases and recipes that we’ve made in the past.

  461. This is a very nice app. I liked the pictures that it gve nutrition that I could choose meals, like breakfast Lunch or dinner. Even gives me the option to choose picky eater which I do have one. I plan to use this app in the future…

  462. As a chef, I use recipe applications frequently. I think a great ap would have a feature where you could “check” several recipes and it would consolidate the grocery list. For examply, one recipe requires a lb or chicken and another requires 1/2 lb of chicken, the grocery list would indicate a total of 1 1/2 lbs of chicken. This list should be in a soft format also, so if I already have .25 lbs of chicken, I should be able to change the final grocery list to reflect that I only need to purchase 1.25lbs. Then, I should be able to send that list in an easy format to my phone or just take my ipad with me and be able to easily mark off the items as I shop. I use my current lap top in the kitchn frequently to view recipes, so I love the idea of having a stand for the ipad to use as a cookbook. An ingrediant search is a must! If I want to make something using chicken, red bell peppers, and cream, I should be able to search by those ingrediants, and sort by cuisine type and skill level, time, or cost. It would be great if I could modify recipes, by adding or deleting ingrediants, changing yield amounts etc, enter my own recipes, and save recipes also. I’ve been searching all over for a marriage of the perfect recipe ap, and cant wait to see what you come up with.

  463. I would like to be able to save favorite recipes of my own as well as favorites in the app. I want quick and easy shopping lists where I can check off items as I shop in the store.

    I would love to be able to see locally added recipes as well.

  464. I would love an app that would create meal plans for the family and then itemize those ingredients into a grocery list. Some healthy alternatives that are easy and kid friendly would be great as well. Especially with the nutritional content info, that would be super helpful!

  465. I think I was so busy with the bonus entries – I totally forgot the mandatory entry! 🙂 So here’s my cookbook / cooking app recommendations… First of all – pictures are a MUST! I want to know before I start how long this should take me. I want to know what to mix up first…. then what to add second… and so on and so on. And while I DO know my way (sort OF) around the kitchen…. One could say that I am not COMFORTABLE there! So this app should be full of “you can do it” messages. Which is WHY I love this blog so much…. every recipe I’ve read so far is full of “you CAN make this!” So there’s my mandatory entry 🙂

  466. If i were going to design a recipe app, I would make it searchable by whatever ingredients you had on hand. Also an easy feature for the picky eaters or special diets. Oh, and it would be fun to have it read the directions out loud, like GPS.. because it is hard to keep checking back and scrolling, etc if you have your hands messy from cooking.

  467. An app that included substitutions for common ingredients would be awesome….cause how often am I lacking ONE ingredient for a recipe? More often than I’d like to admit!!

    Is it possible to win at this point in a contest??? CAUSE I AM WISHIN’ I HAD SEEN YOUR POST LONNNNNNG BEFORE NOW!

    (thanks no matter what…cause I lurve me some Southern Fairytale!!)

  468. I’d love an app that lets you punch in ingredients that you have and brings up potential matches with recipes. It’d be awesome if that also integrated your own personal recipes along with a recipe database to pick from. That’d be super helpful! And an iPad wouldn’t hurt things either!

  469. I see a lot of great ideas in these comments, so now I’m thinking that maybe a great cookbook or app would have to come about for the people, by the people. Sounds like we all want easy, organized, grocery lists, meal plans, and interaction. I would like to browse recipes from different parts of the world, but I also know we have some great New Mexican recipes, so local recipes would be great too. So, I think all these ideas rolled into one awesome, world-famous app would be the answer to your question.

  470. I **liked** on FB and told ’em YOU were the reason why :).

    Is there ANY way I’ll be random enough to be chosen? Cause I really, really, REALLY hope so :).

    I can’t believe Kraft offered this…what an AWESOME giveaway!

  471. I would love to use an Ipad as a cook book. I’d love to see the steps for cooking laid out in LARGE print. My mind is mathematical ~ step by step is the key. Ex: preheat the oven, pull out ingredients…. etc.

    Large print, step by step… and being able to minimize it & look up a cooking phrase if I got lost. This all equals perfection! I hope to be picked!!!!

  472. I would want an app. where I can put in the ingredients I have in my kitchen, then it would shoot out what kinds of things I can make with them. Kind of like a cookbook in reverse;)

  473. I would make sure there is a “search by ingredients that you want feature!” When my cupboards are bear I like to search by what I do have and make a new awesome recipe from things just laying around! Thank you for the giveaway! Merry Christmas!

  474. if i designed an app, there would definitely be a section full of kid-only recipes, which they could handle mostly independently

  475. First of all I would have to put my ipad in a baggie b/c I get food EVERYWHERE! I would want it so it doesn’t keep going out to save power so I can keep looking at it for the next ingredient. And pictures would be great too!

  476. Wow…a recipe app…..well, I think an app that would allow you to put in your 5 main ingredients that you have on hand and then it would give you a list of recipes that had those in it. Also, included in the information that it would give would be the calorie count, and other dietary information. I’ve always wanted an app that you could store your favorite online recipes in a “virtual” recipe box as well. Keep the recipe simple with things that you should have in your pantry….don’t get too fancy. Make it Everyday living type meals.

  477. I would say simple, step by step instructions so they are nice and easy to follow. Like a user friendly cookbook. Telling you what to do first, then moves you on to the next step… and so on. Breaking a recipe down into something that seems easy enough to accomplish. I think that would be fantastic!

  478. I actually love using recipe apps, and there are just not enough quality ones out there! I use them on my iphone. So to answer as best i can, without having great techie language descriptions ;):
    1.) I want it to do like the Epicurious app does when i turn the phone sideways – change the narrative view to give me a simplified view of the ingredients, then I can scroll and get the steps, in bigger letters. I really like that.
    2.) Don’t take forever to load when I open it.
    3.) Allow me to enter my own recipes (and possibly notes for the pre-loaded recipes) in my own little virtual scratch pad, the way you can in print cookbooks. (Well some of them anyhow!) Preferably with the ability to attach photos. I’m using a note app to do this now and I’d rather have it all in one handy place.
    4.) let me “favorite” the recipes.
    5.) I really like photos with the recipes.
    6.) possibly let me save pertinent ingredients that I need to shop for, in a shopping list.
    7.) Must be easily searchable of course. I’d love an “advanced search” feature so I can look for a recipe that features my keyword as a main ingredient, for ex.

  479. i would design an app that would keep track of my ingredients and search for recipes based on what i have available!

  480. I checked out the app and I really like how it is so graphical. For instance on the screen shot it tells you how to cut up a red pepper – something my daughter could read and do as well as me!

  481. I would love an app that would suggest recipes based on what ingredients you have on hand. It would also be nice if it had the ability to provide nutritional information per serving when you build your own recipes.

  482. Big Fork, Little Fork – the colorful step by step directions would be a big hit with my daughter as I teach her to cook.

  483. What a great app. I did all the bonus entries, minus the Twitter. What I like most are the visuals of the meals and videos. I think expecially with little ones, the more you engage them in the cooking process, the more likely they are to try new tastes and textures. The visual aids in communicating to little minds the different ingredients in a recipe, so it might not look so yucky if you knew what went into it and how the finished dish will look like. I would recommend a rating for tasks so we parents don’t give a task that the dexterity of a 4 yr old cannot master and videos of ‘how tos” would be helpful as well.

    Thanks and pick me please…

  484. I love the fact that there are “How-To” videos. My son loves to help out in the kitchen, so this would be great for the both of us, as I am a primarily visual learner.
    Thanks for a fantastic giveaway!

  485. I would make it easy to find recipes by ingredient or time to prep. I would alos have the recipes searchable by calorie content

  486. I’d design an app where you could list all the ingredients in your pantry and it would design a menu based on what you already have to work with!

  487. I think that any new app should be easy to use. It should notate what you have at home and what you need, combine the two, and produce a recipe based on your time requirements.

  488. Checked out the big fork little fork app and liked how it has how to videos and that it is great for the whole family

  489. my app would feature individual recipes as well as complete dinners… and would include a convenient shopping list! there would also be great photos of each recipe… so you will know exactly what the recipe should like like when you have completed your masterpiece!

    “what? what is that? you wish someone would help you with dinner? oh sweetheart, there’s an app for that! and you are gonna love it!!” ( ;

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