That’s right. Today’s the day, we’re off to fly the hopefully friendly skies from lovely Texas to Kentucky.
Since our flight is at the crack of dawn 8:15AM and we’ll be getting to the airport around 7:15AM, I’m not sure when I’ll be back online.
So I thought I would leave y’all with a reminder about the Great Blog Hunt that started Wednesday, April 2nd and runs through May 2nd.
Follow the link or click on the image to get started on a fabulous interactive scavenger hunt around the blogosphere. You are guaranteed fun, new blogs to add to your readers and you might possibly win some fabulous prizes!

Since my attendance on my blog for the next few days will be spotty due to family obligations, children, flying, memorial services and the like.
I am apologizing now to any new readers who pop in and find that nothing seems to be happening.
I am going to put some links to some of my favorite oldies for your approval.
In no certain order:

~ A Southern Fairy Tale
~ Shades of a Memory
~ South Texas Snow Storm
~ The Squat and Wiggle
~ When Geese Attack
~ Before There Was Breath
~ I am Woman, Hear Me Purr

This is just a sampling of my insanity. Please feel free to browse more and tell me what your favorites are. According to her, we should all have our very own Top Post list posted somewhere for people to peruse. I just haven’t gotten there yet.

Well, I hope to be on soon, but it is late.. I must be up at 5 AM and I foresee a looooong day ahead.

Love and Kisses to all.

P.S. Thanks to Casey, Mishi and TXPoppet for your traveling with kids words of wisdom and advice! Change of clothes. Check. Stickers and Toys. Check. Suckers and Snacks. Check.

Y’all behave now.


  1. Be careful! I’ll be praying for your family.

    Oh, and I got a nice package in the mail today. Thank you so much. Maddie loves it and I can’t wait to try out the recipes.

  2. For new readers, I will attest that there is much more insanity, so definitely come back!

    Safe travels! I’m thinking of you!

  3. Have a great safe sound trip!! You will be missed.. I just came back and now your gone.. sniff sniff..

    See you soon!!

  4. I’m one of those New Readers! Thanks for the posts . . . eager to check them out!

    Save travels . . .

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